Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) older adults have unique and varying physical and mental health needs. Yet their experiences have often been ignored in gerontological and LGBT studies. In this important and timely volume, Orel and Fruhauf bring together crucial research from leading experts in the field to shed light on the unique challenges facing this oft-overlooked but growing population. This book uses a life course perspective to investigate how LGBT older adults have been shaped by social stigma and systematic discrimination. Although many of their experiences are similar to those of younger LGBT individuals, LGBT elders grew up in a particularly oppressive time, which continues to impact their well-being. However, these individuals have also developed coping mechanisms to adapt to stigma, discrimination, and the challenges of aging. Thus, the book explores not only the challenges and needs of this population but also their strengths and resilience. The intersection of cultural factors and personal attributes is highlighted.