In Culturally Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Dr. Pratyusha Tummala-Narra demonstrates her approach to psychotherapy that involves an integration of contemporary psychoanalytic theory, multicultural psychology, and feminist psychology.Her theoretical understanding of clients' presenting issues is based on the idea that individual development is shaped by interpersonal, sociocultural, and systemic factors and circumstances. She presents a model for a psychoanalytic, culturally informed psychotherapy which extends existing conceptualizations within psychoanalysis and psychology to a deeper understanding of the interplay between the individual and his/her sociocultural world, and its influence on identity, relationships, and psychological well-being. In this video, Dr. Tummala-Narra demonstrates this approach to therapy with a Caucasian woman who is coming into therapy to deal with deep-rooted feelings regarding race and racial tension. This video features a client portrayed by an actor on the basis of actual case material.