Contributors Introduction I. Feedback-Informed Treatment Theories and General Practice 1. Feedback-Informed Treatment: Historical and Empirical Foundations 2. Feedback-Informed Treatment: An Overview of the Basics and Core Competencies 3. Using Client Feedback to Inform Treatment 4. Achieving Excellence Through Feedback-Informed Supervision 5. Implementing Feedback-Informed Treatment: Challenges and Solutions II. Feedback-Informed Treatment in Specific Settings 6. Feedback-Informed Treatment in a Private Practice Setting: Personal Advice and Professional Experience 7. Feedback-Informed Group Treatment: Application of the OQ-45 and Group Questionnaire 8. Feedback-Informed Treatment in Agency and Clinic Settings 9. Feedback-Informed Treatment in an Agency Serving Children, Youth, and Families 10. Feedback-Informed Treatment With Couples 11. Feedback-Informed Treatment in an Addiction Treatment Agency 12. Feedback-Informed Treatment With LGBTQ Clients: Social Justice and Evidence-Based Practice 13. Feedback-Informed Treatment With Clients in the Criminal Justice System: The Time Is Now 14. Feedback-Informed Treatment for Adolescents and Young Adults With Early-Onset Psychotic Disorders: Developmentally Appropriate Mental Health Services and the Need for Relevant Outcome Measures 15. Facilitating the Therapeutic Alliance Between Pharmacists and Patients to Improve Medication Adherence III. Professional Development in the Pursuit of Excellence 16. The Practice and the Practical: Pushing Your Clinical Performance to the Next Level Index About the Editors