Christian L. Hart, PhD is a professor of psychology at Texas Womans University, where he is the director of the psychological science program and the director of the Human Deception Laboratory. He holds a masters degree and Ph.D. in experimental psychology and has been a professor for almost 20 years. He teaches courses on deception and forensic psychology and conducts research on lie detection, pathological lying, lying within relationships, the morality of lying, and the factors that influence decisions to be honest or deceptive. In addition to Big Liars, he has also authored the reference book, Pathological Lying, with APA and is a contributor to Psychology Today.
Drew A. Curtis, PhD is a Texas licensed psychologist, Rodgers Distinguished Faculty, and the director of the Psy.D. and M.S. counseling psychology programs at Angelo State University (ASU). He proudly serves as the executive officer and past-president for the Southwestern Psychological Association and president for Psychological Association of Greater West Texas. Dr. Curtis established and currently oversees the Clinical Science and Deception lab at ASU. In addition to Big Liars, he has published an abnormal psychology textbook, a book about psychopathology, the reference book, Pathological Lying, and several papers on deception. Dr. Curtis has received grants and awards for his research.