Gordon L. Flett, PhD is professor in the department of psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada. He is the global academic leader in the field of mattering, having published some 40 publications on the topic, including a special issue on mattering that appeared in the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment (2022) and was the first to appear in any journal. He is an associate editor of Canadian Psychology journal and the former director of the LaMarsh Centre for Child and Youth Research. Dr. Flett is also internationally recognized for his seminal contributions to research and theory on the role of perfectionism in pathology. He is the author, with Paul L. Hewitt, of Perfectionism in Childhood and Adolescence: A Developmental Approach (2022), published by APA Books. His other research interests include the nature and correlates of suicidality in the elderly. Dr. Flett is a fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, which has cited him as one of the top 25 most productive authors in psychology. His work on mattering has been featured in the New York Times and has been the topic of interviews in Scientific American and the Wall Street Journal.