The Parent Pivot

What to Do When Your Young Adult Is in Psychological Distress

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By Lynne Carroll, Paula Jean Gilroy, Mikal Crawford
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Lynne Carroll, PhD, ABPP, is a retired professor of psychology and former director of the master's program in counseling psychology at the University of North Florida. Throughout her 35-year academic career, she has taught multiple undergraduate and graduate courses at universities in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Dr. Carroll's research has been widely published in professional journals and presented at national and international conferences. Her graduate textbook on psychotherapy with LGBTQ adults was originally published in 2010 by Pearson. Dr. Carroll is also a licensed, board-certified counseling psychologist whose focus has been evidence-based treatment of depression and anxiety with emerging adults in university and agency settings. Paula J. Gilroy, EdD, is a licensed psychologist in Iowa retired from 30+ years of clinical practice at a university counseling center. She worked primarily with young adults who sought treatment for mood and anxiety disorders, trauma, family issues, grief, and loss, etc. As the Assistant Director for Training, Paula provided both individual and group supervision for master's-level students who were studying to become counselors. She also offered consultation services to help parents who were concerned about their young adult children. Paula co-authored a wide range of scholarly articles and presented her research at national conferences. Mikal Crawford, EdD, is a licensed psychologist in Maine who has taught and presented workshops on self-care issues, crisis intervention, and grief work as well as working with young adults in a clinical setting and graduate programs in Maine and Maryland. In addition, she has provided consultation and support to parents whose young adults are in psychological distress. She initiated a program about parent adjustment issues for parents of young adults heading into their freshman year. Mikal has also worked with parents individually and in groups around learning to pivot from the caretaker role as their young adults head to college.

Introduction: The Pivoting Wheel Part I. OMG! I Thought I Was Done Chapter 1. A World in Chaos Chapter 2. The Pivots Begin Part II. Upside Down and Inside Out Chapter 3. Riding the Dragons: Unhealthy Coping in Young Adults Chapter 4. Things Fall Apart: Serious Mental Health Issues in Young Adults Chapter 5. Advanced Skills for Serious Mental Health Issues Chapter 6. Help! I Need Somebody, Not Just Anybody Chapter 7. Becoming Wise Counsel Part III. Right Side Up Again Chapter 8. Mourning Your Losses Chapter 9. Tending Your Own Garden Chapter 10. The Compeer State of Mind References

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