Dedication Epigraph Foreword by Peter Almond Introduction. Armageddon in Retrospect: "Carrying the Fire" of the Cuban Missile Crisis Into the 21st Century Cast of Characters. Three Leaders/Three Crises Prelude. Sleepwalk: April 1961-October 1962 Act I. Collision: October 22, 23 1962 Act II. Spiral: October 23-28 1962 Act III. Escape: October 27-31 1962 Act IV. Squeeze: October 30 1962-November 20 1962 Postscript. Hope: December 10 1962-October 15 2010 Appendix A. The Armageddon Time Machine/Text: Acquiring the Letters Appendix B. The Armageddon Time Machine/Context: Bringing the Letters Back to Life Credits Endnotes Acknowledgments The Authors Index