Visions of Culture: An Introduction to Anthropological Theories and Theorists, Fifth Edition Jerry D. Moore Introduction: What's the Point? Part I: Founders 1. Edward Tylor: The Evolution of Culture 2. Lewis Henry Morgan: The Evolution of Society 3. Franz Boas: Culture in Context 4. Emile Durkheim: The Organic Society Part II: The Nature of Culture 5. Alfred Kroeber: Configurations of Culture 6. Ruth Benedict: Patterns of Culture 7. Edward Sapir: Culture, Language, and the Individual 8. Margaret Mead: The Individual and Culture Part III: The Nature of Society 9. Marcel Mauss: Elemental Categories, Total Facts 10. Bronislaw Malinowski: The Functions of Culture 11. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown: The Structures of Society 12. Edward Evans-Pritchard: Social Anthropology, Social History Part IV: Evolutionary, Adaptationist, and Materialist Theories 13. Leslie White: Evolution Emergent 14. Julian Steward: Cultural Ecology and Multilinear Evolution 15. Marvin Harris: Cultural Materialism 16. Eleanor Burke Leacock: Feminism, Marxism, and History Part V: Structures, Symbols, and Meaning 17. Claude Levi-Strauss: Structuralism 18. Victor Turner: Symbols, Pilgrims, and Drama 19. Clifford Geertz: An Interpretive Anthropology 20. Mary Douglas: Symbols and Structures, Pollution and Purity PART VI: Structures, Practice, Agency, Power 21. Sherry Ortner: Symbols, Gender, Practice 22. Pierre Bourdieu: An Anthropology of Practice 23. Eric Wolf: Culture, History, Power 24. Marshall Sahlins: Culture Matters *Part VII: Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Theories *25: Eric Alden Smith: Human Behavioral Ecology *26: John Tooby and Leda Cosmides: The Evolved Mind *27: Robert Boyd and Peter Richerson: Culture and Evolution-Dual-Inheritance Theory *Part VIII-The Ontological Turn *28: Tim Ingold: An Intersubjective World *29: Philippe Descola: Nature and Culture *30: Bruno Latour: The Creation of Knowledge Postscript: Current Controversies Index *Denotes new parts and theorists