The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Research Methods


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Edited by David A. Buchanan, Alan Bryman
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Alan Bryman is Professor of Organizational and Social Research, School of Management, University of Leicester, UK.

The Organizational Research Context: Properties and Implications - David A Buchanan and Alan Bryman PART ONE: DILEMMAS: THE SHIFTING CONTEXT OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH Organizational Research as Alternative Ways of Attending to and Talking about Structures and activities - Stanley Deetz Interpretivism in Organizational Research: On Elephants and Blind Researchers - Dvora Yanow and Sierk Ybema Critical Methodology in Management and Organization Research - Mats Alvesson and Karen Lee Ashcraft Research Ethics: Regulations and Responsibilities - Emma Bell and Edward Wray-Bliss Rhetoric and Evidence: The Case of Evidence-Based Management - Mark Learmonth PART TWO: AGENDAS: THE BROADENING FOCUS OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH Leadership Research: Traditions, Developments and Current Directions - Michael D Mumford et al Endless Crossroads: Debates, Deliberations and Disagreements on Studying Organizational Culture - Pushkala Prasad and Anshuman Prasad Doing Power Work - Stewart Clegg The Deinstitutionalization of Institutional Theory?: Exploring Divergent Agendas in Institutional Research - Robert J David and Alex B Bitektine Methodological Issues in Researching Institutional Change - Roy Suddaby and Royston Greenwood Job Satisfaction in Organizational Research - Alannah E Rafferty and Mark A Griffin Studying organizational populations over time - Glenn R Carroll et al 'Do You Do Beautiful Things?' Aesthetics and Art in Qualitative Methods of Organization Studies - Antonio Strati Feminist Perspectives on Gender in Organizational Research: What Is and Yet to Be - Marta Calas and Linda Smircich Researching Work and Institutions through Ethnographic Documentaries - John S Hassard PART THREE: STRATEGIES: APPROACHES TO ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH Craving for Generality and Small-N Studies: A Wittgensteinian Approach towards the Epistemology of the Particular in Organization and Management Studies - Haridimos Tsoukas Implications of Research Design Options for the Validity of Inferences Derived from Organizational Research - Eugene F Stone-Romero Cross-Cultural Comparative Studies and Issues in International Research Collaboration - Mark F Peterson Common Method Variance or Measurement Bias?: The Problem and Possible Solutions - Paul E Spector and Michael T Brannick Collaborative Research: Renewing Action and Governing Science - Jean-Louis Denis and Pascale Lehoux Grounded Theory Perspectives in Organizational Research - Christina Goulding Archival Research in Organizations in a Digital Age - Michael Moss Studying Processes In and Around Organizations - Ann Langley Critical Realism: Philosophy, Method, or Philosophy in Search of a Method? - Michael I Reed PART FOUR: METHODS: DATA COLLECTION IN ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH Response Rates and Sample Representativeness: Indentifying Contextual Response Drivers - Timothy R Hinkin and Brooks C Holtom Comparative Case Study Designs: Their Utility and Development in Organizational Research - Louise Fitzgerald and Sue Dopson Conversation Analysis in Organizational Research - David Greatbatch Interviews in Organizational Research - Catherine Cassell Mixed Methods in Organizational Research - Alan Bryman Research Designs for Realist Research - Stephen Ackroyd Discourse Analysis in Organizational Research: Methods and Debates - Nelson Phillips and MariaLaura Di Domenico Visual Methods in Organizational Research - Samantha Warren Narrative and Stories in Organizational Research: an Exploration of Gendered Politics in Research Methodology - Carl Rhodes and Alison Pullen Ethnography in Organizational Settings - Gary Alan Fine, Calvin Morrill and Sharmi Surianarain From Modern Times to Syriana: Feature Films as Research Data - John S Hassard and David A Buchanan Measurement in the Organizational Sciences: Conceptual and Technological Advances - Charles A Scherbaum and Adam W Meade Making Visible the Hidden: Researching 'off-the-Books' Work - Colin C Williams and Monder Ram Producing a Systematic Review - David Denyer and David Tranfield Organizational Autoethnography - Ken Parry and Maree Boyle PART FIVE: CONCLUSION: THE FUTURE OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH The Present and Futures of Organizational Research - Alan Bryman and David A Buchanan

'This handbook provides a rich resource for organizational researchers, locating the technical aspects of organizational research in the wider context of personal, epistemological, theoretical, historical, ethical, and political issues. The editors have gathered together many of the world's leading writers on methodological issues in organizational research, and have made this the most comprehensive and cutting edge volume in this growing field' - Public Administration, Development, and Environment

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