Jennifer Smith Maguire is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Management, University of Leicester. Her work on cultural intermediaries has a specific focus on the cultural fields of fitness and wine. Her work has been published in such journals as Consumption, Markets & Culture, International Journal of Cultural Studies, and the European Journal of Cultural Studies, and she is the author of Fit for Consumption: Sociology and the Business of Fitness (2008). Julian Matthews lectures in the Department of Media and Communication, University of Leicester. His research interests include the cultural work of journalists, news production and the professional mediation of social problems. He is the author of Producing Serious News for Citizen Children: A Study of the BBC's Children's Programme , Newsround (2010). He convenes the British Sociological Association Media Study Group and is Communication and Media Section Editor of Sociology Compass.

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PART ONE: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations Bourdieu on Cultural Intermediaries - Jennifer Smith Maguire Cultural Work and Creative Industries - Toby Miller T3. Cultural Intermediaries or Market Device?: The Case of Advertising - Sean Nixon The Problem Of Cultural Intermediaries in the Economy Of Qualities - Liz McFall Ethnographic Research and Cultural Intermediaries - Giselinde Kuipers PART TWO: Cultural Intermediary Case Studies Advertising - Aidan Kelly Branding - Liz Moor Public Relations Practitioners - Caroline E.M. Hodges and Lee Edwards Arts Promotion - Victoria Durrer and Dave O'Brien Fashion - Lise Skov Popular Music - Charles Fairchild Lifestyle Media - Tania Lewis Journalism - Julian Matthews Fitness - Jennifer Smith Maguire Clothing - Lynne Pettinger Book Retail - David Wright Food and Drink - Richard E. Ocejo
In this collection, an array of talented contributors, skilfully brought together by the editors, show how the concept of cultural intermediaries can cast light on cultural production, and on media, culture and society. -- David Hesmondhalgh Smith Maguire and Matthews offer a rich selection of readings that expose the shadowy underworld of critics, bloggers, tweeters and stylists who have become essential guides to the good life of cultural consumption. Our belief in their sincerity - as well as their expertise - confirms our belief in our own authenticity while creating financial value for their masters. This book is a long overdue examination of how cultural intermediaries work, and how their work supports the new capitalist economy. -- Sharon Zukin Editors Maguire and Matthews define cultural intermediaries as "the taste makers defining what counts as good taste and cool in today's marketplace." Their diverse collection of 17 articles, organized into two parts, explores the different mechanisms and empirical accounts of the roles of cultural intermediaries in defining taste and producing meaning as well as identity. The first part is more theoretical, exploring the conceptual and methodological foundations of studying cultural intermediaries. The second part consists of individual case studies that bring together a wide range of intermediaries defining taste, such as advertising, branding, fashion, and popular music. These case studies include some classic works, such as Lynn Pettinger's essay on clothing and David Wright's work on bookstores, as well as some new contributions, such as Richard Ocejo's work on food and drink. Overall, this is a very valuable collection on a timely topic... Of interest to many scholars and students of sociology, work, and culture. -- Y. Besen-Cassino, Montclair State University