David McGuire is senior lecturer in human resource development at Edinburgh Napier University.
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PART ONE: THE NATURE OF HRD Defining HRD: An Examination of the Underlying Principles of HRD Models for HRD Practice - P. McLagan Economics and Human Resource Development - G.G. Wang and R.A. Swanson Commonly Held Theories of HRD - L. A. Weinberger A Refusal to Define HRD - M. Lee Exploring Human Resource Development - T.N. Garavan, D. McGuire and D. O'Donnell A Level of Analysis Approach Shining a Torch on Metaphor in HRD - D. Short PART TWO: LEARNING Theories of Learning Situated Learning - J. Lave and E. Wenger Legitimate Peripheral Participation Communities of Practice - E.C. Wenger and W.M. Synder The Organizational Frontier Experiential Learning - D.A. Kolb Contextual Factors Influencing Informal Learning in a Workplace Setting - A.D. Ellinger The Case of 'Reinventing Itself Company' How Groups Learn - J. Silberstang and M. London The Role of Communication Patterns, Cue Recognition, Context Facility and Cultural Intelligence Adult Learning The Adult Learners - M. Knowles, E.F. Holton and R.A. Swanson The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development Towards Development of a Generalized Instrument to Measure Andragogy - E.F. Holton III, L.S. Wilson and R.A. Bates Updating Our Knowledge of Adult Learning - S.B. Merriam Towards an Holistic Theory of Knowledge and Adult Learning - B. Yang Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization On Organizational Learning - C. Argyris The Fifth Discipline - P. Senge The Construct of the Learning Organization - B. Yang, K.E. Watkins and V.J. Marsick Dimensions, Measurement and Validation The Relationship between the Learning Organization Concept and Firms' Financial Performance - A.D. Ellinger An Empirical Assessment Disciplines of Organizational Learning - M. Easterby-Smith Contributions and Critiques Towards an Architecture of Organization-Led Learning - N. Heraty Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital A Model of Knowledge-Sharing Motivation - M. Gagne Knowledge Sharing - S. Wang and R.A. Noe A Review and Directions for Future Research The Knowledge-Creating Company - I. Nonaka and H. Takeuchi How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation Knowledge and Organization - J.S. Brown and P. Duguid A Social-Practice Perspective The Tacit Dimension - M. Polanyi Strategic HRD Exploring Strategic Maturity in HRD - M. McCracken and M. Wallace Rhetoric, Aspiration or Reality A Strategic Perspective on Human Resource Development - T.N. Garavan Desperately Seeking Alignment - V. Anderson Reflections on Senior Line Managers and HRD Executives Toward a Political Economy Model for Comparative Analysis of the Role of Strategic Human Resource Development Leadership - L. Yorks Creating and Sustaining a Strategic Partnership - S.L. Peterson A Model for Human Resource Development PART THREE: TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training and Development A Review and Critique of Research on Training and Organizational-Level Outcomes - P. Tharenou, A.M. Saks and C. Moore Development of a Generalized Learning Transfer System Inventory - E.F. Holton III, R.A. Bates and W.E.A. Ruona Influences of Individual and Situational Characteristics on Measures of Training Effectiveness - J.E. Mathieu, S.L. Tannenbaum and E. Salas Investigation of the Factors That Influence Employees' Participation in Development Activities - R.A. Noe and S.L. Wik Transfer of Training - T. Baldwin and J.K. Ford A Review and Directions for Future Research Evaluation Behaviorally Anchored Competencies - K.E. Dooley et al Evaluation Tool for Training via Distance In Search of the Holy Grail - D. Russ-Eft and H.S. Preskill Return on Investment Evaluation in Human Resource Development Great Ideas Revisited - D.L. Kirkpatrick Techniques for Evaluating Training Programmes How to Measure the Return on Your HR Investment - J. Phillips and P. Phillips Training Evaluation - G.G. Wang and D. Wilcox Knowing More Than Is Practised PART FOUR: CAREER DEVELOPMENT Career Development Advances in Career Theory and Research - S.E. Sullivan and Y. Baruch A Critical Review and Agenda for Future Exploration Strategic Talent Management - D.G. Collings and K. Mellahi A Review and Research Agenda Executive Coaching - D.C. Feldman and M.J. Lankau A Review and Agenda for Future Research What Influences Continuous Employee Development Decisions? - C.M. Garofano and E. Salas Career Development - T.M. Egan, M.G. Upton and S.A. Lynham Load-Bearing Wall or Window Dressing? Exploring Definitions, Theories and Prospects for HRD-Related Theory Building Models, Definitions and Outcome Variables of Action Learning - E.C. Chenhall and T.J. Chermack A Synthesis with Implications for HRD Management and Leadership Development Behavioural Indicators of Ineffective Managerial Coaching - A.D. Ellinger, R.G. Hamlin and R.S. Beattie A Cross-National Study It's All Action, It's All Learning - J. Clarke et al Action Learning in SMEs Emotional Intelligence - D. Goleman Issues in Paradigm Building in the Emotionally Intelligent Workplace Emotional Labour in Corporate Change Programmes - S. Turnbull Towards Universalistic Models of Managerial Leadership Effectiveness - R.G. Hamlin A Comparative Study of Recent British and American Derived Models PART FIVE: ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT Organizational Commitment and Organizational Culture The Measurement and Antecedents of Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization - N.J. Allen and J.P. Meyer Culture's Consequences - G.H. Hofstede Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations across Nations Organization Culture - E.H. Schein Organizational Performance The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity and Corporate Performance - M.A. Huselid The Foundations of Performance Improvement and Implications for Practice - R.A. Swanson Key Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Developmental Interactions - E.R. Eddy et al Human and Social Capital The Age of Human Capital - G.S. Becker Education in the 21st Century The Evolution of Social Capital Theory - J. Storberg-Walker A Critique of a Theory of Social Capital and Implications for HRD Social Network Analysis in Human Resource Development - J.P. Hatala A New Methodology Linking Mentoring and Social Capital - S.A. Hezlett and S.K. Gibson Implications for Career and Organization Development PART SIX: IDENTITY AND DIVERSITY Diversity and HRD Resisting HRD's Resistance to Diversity - L.L. Bierema How Lesbians Learn to Negotiate the Heterosexism of Corporate America - J. Gedro, R.M. Cervero and J. Johnson-Bailey Evaluating AHRD Research Using a Feminist Research Framework - L.L. Bierema and M. Cseh Where to Now? Race and Ethnicity in Workplace Learning and Development Research: 1980-2005 - A.K. Brooks and T. Clunis Diversity in Human Resource Development and Continuing Professional Education - J.M. Ross-Gordon and A.K. Brooks What Does It Mean for the Workforce, Clients and Professionals PART SEVEN: HRD IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT National and International HRD If We Can't Define HRD in One Country, How Can We Define It in an International Context? - G.N. McLean and L.D. McLean The Concept of Culture in International Comparative HRD Research - A. Ardichvili and K.P. Kuchinke Methodological Problems and Possible Solutions Theorizing Advances in International Human Resource Development - B.D. Metcalfe and C.J. Rees Does It Matter Where to Conduct Training? Accounting for Cultural Factors - B. Yang, Y. Wang and A.W. Drewry PART EIGHT: RESEARCHING HRD Theory-Building and HRD The General Method of Theory-Building Research in Applied Disciplines - S.A. Lynham Challenges and Choices for Theoretical Research in Human Resource Development - R.J. Torraco An Impressionistic Framework for Theorizing about Human Resource Development - J.L. Callahan and T.D. DeDavila Writing Integrative Literature Reviews - R.J. Toracco Guidelines and Examples Case Study Research and Theory-Building - L.M. Dooley Critical Theory and HRD Critically Challenging Some Assumptions in HRD - D. O'Donnell, D. McGuire and C. Cross Towards a Critical HRD in Theory and Practice - T. Fenwick A Critical Time for HRD? - S. Sambrook PART NINE: CONCLUSION Reflections on the Field and the Future of HRD Who Is Not Sleeping with Whom? What's Not Being Talked about in HRD? - K. Trehan The Making of 21st Century HR - W.E.A. Ruona and S. Gibson An Analysis of the Convergence of HRM, HRD and OD Human Development as a Central Goal of Human Resource Development - K.P. Kuchinke