The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Psychology


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Edited by Michelle K. Ryan, Nyla R Branscombe
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Michelle K. Ryan is the inaugural Director of the Global Institute of Women's Leadership at The Australian National University where she is a Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology. She also holds a (part-time) position at the University of Groningen where she is a Professor of Diversity. She recently led a European Research Council Consolidator Grant examining the way in which context and identity shape and constrain women's career choices. With Alex Haslam, she uncovered the phenomenon of the glass cliff, whereby women are more likely than men to occupy leadership positions in times of crisis. The New York Times named the glass cliff as one of the Top 100 ideas that shaped 2008. Nyla R. Branscombe is Professor of Psychology at University of Kansas. She received her B.A. from York University in Toronto, M.A. from the University of Western Ontario, and Ph.D. in 1986 from Purdue University. She has served as Associate Editor for Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, British Journal of Social Psychology, and Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. Professor Branscombe has published more than 140 articles and chapters, has been co-recipient of the Otto Kleinberg prize for research on Intercultural and International Relations in 1999 and 2012, and the 1996 and 2001 Society of Personality and Social Psychology Publication Award. She co-edited the 2004 volume "Collective Guilt: International Perspectives," published by Cambridge University Press, the 2007 volume "Commemorating Brown: The Social Psychology of Racism and Discrimination," published by the American Psychological Association, the 2010 volume "Rediscovering Social Identity," published by Psychology Press, the 2013 "Handbook of Gender and Psychology," published by Sage, and the 2015 volume "Psychology of Change: Life Contexts, Experiences, and Identities," published by Psychology Press. She is also co-author of the textbook, Social Psychology (14th ed., Branscombe & Baron, 2016), published by Pearson International. Professor Branscombe's current research focuses on two main issues: the psychology of historically privileged groups-when and why they may feel collective guilt, and the psychology of disadvantaged groups-particularly how they cope with discrimination. She gratefully acknowledges ongoing research support from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research: Social Interactions, Identity and Well-Being Program.

SECTION 1: How gender is studied Understanding Gender: Methods, Content and Controversies - Michelle K. Ryan & Nyla R. Branscombe The Science and Politics of Comparing Women and Men: A Reconsideration - Alice H. Eagly Androcentrism: Changing the Landscape without Levelling the Playing Field? - Peter Hegarty, Orla Parslow, Y. Gavriel Ansara, & Freyja Quick Neurosexism: From Scanner to Pseudo-Science to Psyche - Cordelia Fine Gender and Discourse - Tim Kurz & Ngaire Donaghue SECTION 2: DEVELOPMENT Gender Development - Kay Bussey An Evolutionary Understanding of Sex Differences - Jennifer Byrd-Craven & David C. Geary Precarious Manhood - Jennifer K. Bosson, Joseph A. Vandello, & T. Andrew Caswell Gender-Based Standards of Competence in Parenting and Work Roles - Kathleen Fuegen & Monica Biernat Gendering the Psychology of Aging - Susan Kemper SECTION 3: GENDER DIFFERENCES and SIMILARITIES Gender and Personality: Beyond Gender Stereotypes to Social Identity and the Dynamics of Social Change - Luisa Batalha & Katherine J. Reynolds The Social Basis of Emotion in Men and Women - Agneta Fischer & Catharine Evers Gendered Communication and Social Influence - Linda L. Carli The Social Psychology of Gender across Cultures - Serge Guimond, Armand Chatard, Fabio Lorenzi-Cioldi Crossing Borders: Intersectional Excursions into Gender and Immigration - Kay Deaux and Ronni Michelle Greenwood A Cultural Psychology of Relationship: Toward a Transnational Feminist Psychology - Tugce Kurtis and Glenn Adams Gender Differences in Motivation Shape Social Interaction Patterns, Sexual Relationships, Social Inequality, and Cultural History - Roy F. Baumeister SECTION 4: CONFLICT and COPING Sexism in Contemporary Societies: How it is Expressed, Perceived, Confirmed and Resisted - Manuela Barreto & Naomi Ellemers Appraising Gender Discrimination as Legitimate or Illegitimate: Antecedents and Consequences - Jolanda Jetten, Nyla R. Branscombe, Aarti Iyer, & Nobuko Asai Coping with the Stress of Gender Discrimination - Kimberly Matheson & Mindi D. Foster Sexual Harassment: Motivations and Consequences - Anne Maass, Mara Cadinu & Silvia Galdi Reducing Gender-Based Violence - Laurie Ball Cooper, Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Erin K. Fletcher An Essential Debate: Science, Politics, Difference and the Gendered Self - Thomas Morton SECTION 5: GENDER & SOCIAL ISSUES Monstrously Mortal: Women's Bodies, Existential Threat, and Women's Health Risks - Jamie L. Goldenberg, Tomi-Ann Roberts, Kasey Lynn Morris, & Douglas P. Cooper Psychological Cliterodectomy: Body Objectification as a Human Rights Violation - Shelly Grabe Gender Stereotype Threat Among Women and Girls - Diana E. Betz, Laura R. Ramsey, and Denise Sekaquaptewa Ceilings, Cliffs, and Labyrinths: Exploring Metaphors for Workplace Gender Discrimination - Susanne Bruckm ller, Michelle K. Ryan, S. Alexander Haslam & Kim Peters Psychological Perspectives on Gender in Negotiation - Hannah Riley Bowles Affirmative Action and Gender Equality - Faye J. Crosby, Laura Sabattini, Michiko Aizawa

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