Neil Anderson is Professor of Human Resource Management and Director of Research of the HRM-OB research centre (WORC) at Brunel University. Having obtained his PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Aston University in 1989, Professor Anderson has previously held chairs at the University of London (Goldsmiths College) and the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). He has published in several areas spanning HRM and organizational psychology over a number of years, and is now one of the top-five most cited Industrial-Organizational psychologists in Europe. Professor Anderson is Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, and Fellow of both the American Psychological Association and Division 14 of the APA (the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology) Dr. Viswesvaran conducts research on personnel selection, performance appraisal, and personality assessments in the workplace. He employs meta-analytic methods and also investigates related methodological issues in research. Dr. Viswesvaran teaches personnel psychology, personnel selection, training, psychological assessment, as well as proseminars in industrial-organizational psychology. Dr. Viswesvaran serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Applied Psychology, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Personnel Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology and is the Editor of the International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Dr. Viswesvaran is a fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) as well as a Fellow of Division 5 (measurement) and Division 14 (Industrial- organizational psychology) of the American Psychological Association.
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PART 01: Work Attitudes and Values 1. Attitudes: Satisfaction, Commitment and Involvement - Marcus Crede 2. Employee Self Concept and Identity - Russell E. Johnson, Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang, You Jin Kim and Szu-Han (Joanna) Lin 3. Organizational Justice - Stephen Gilliland PART 02: Motivational Perspectives 4. The Building Blocks of Motivation: Goal Phase System - Piers Steel and Justin Weinhardt 5. Self-Determination Theory Applied to Work Motivation and Organizational Behavior - Marylene Gagne, Edward L. Deci & Richard M. Ryan 6. Action Regulation Theory: Foundations, Current Knowledge, and Future Directions - Hannes Zacher & Michael Frese 7. Goal Setting Theory: Controversies and Resolutions - Gary P. Latham & Edwin A. Locke PART 03: Performance Management 8. Pay Levels and Pay Changes - Jason D. Shaw 9. Revisiting the Social Context of Performance Management: Performance Appraisal Effectiveness - Paul E. Levy, Caitlin M. Cavanaugh, Noelle B. Frantz, Lauren A. Borden & Ariel Roberts PART 04: Talent Management and Development 10. Learning, Training, and Development in Organizations: Emerging Trends, Recent Advances, and Future Directions - Bradford Bell and Ozias Moore 11. Employee Development: The Process and Practice of Work-Related Learning - Sarah A. Hezlett & Cynthia D. McCauley PART 05: Leadership, Groups and Teams 12. Leadership in Organizations - Robert Hogan, Gordon Curphy, Robert B. Kaiser and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic 13. Team Design Characteristics - Greg L. Stewart and Kameron M. Carter 14. From Teams in Organizations to Organizing in Teams - Leslie A. DeChurch, Dorothy R. Carter, Raquel Asencio, Amy Wax, Peter W. Seely, Kathryn Dalrymple, Sidni A. Vaughn, Benjamin R. Jones, Gabe Plummer & Jessica R. Mesmer Magnus 15. Multiteam Systems: The Next Chapter - John E. Mathieu, Margaret M. Luciano & Leslie A. DeChurch PART 06: Work Design and Interventions 16. Work Design for Performance: Expanding the Criterion Domain - Daniela Andrei & Sharon Parker 17. Management Interventions - Robert (Bob) Cardy & T. T. Selvarajan 18. Employee Participation - Melissa Chamberlin, Jeffery A. LePine, Daniel W. Newton & Linn Van Dyne PART 07: Psychology of Work Relationships 19. Trust at Work - Ana Cristina Costa, Donald L. Ferrin & C. Ashley Fulmer 20. Politics in Organizations - Gerald R. Ferris, John N. Harris, Zachary A. Russell, and Liam P. Maher 21. Toxic Emotions at Work - Michelle K. Duffy and Lingtao Yu 22. Exchange in the Employee-Organization Relationship - Lynn M. Shore, Jacqueline A-M. Coyle-Shapiro & Chiachi Chang