VOLUME ONE: WAYS OF THINKING ABOUT COMPLEXITY PART ONE: SCIENTIFIC IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHICAL TREATMENTS Time, Structure and Fluctuations - Ilya Prigogine From the Concept of a System to the Paradigm of Complexity - Edgar Morin What Is Complexity? - Murray Gell-Mann Evolving Complexity in Social Science - Peter M. Allen Emergence - Jeffrey Goldstein A Construct amid a Thicket of Conceptual Snares Post-Structuralism, Complexity and Poetics - Michael Dillon Phenomenal Complexity Theory as Informed by Bergson - Hugo Letiche Complexity, Cybernetics and Human Knowing - Lesley Kuhn The Challenge of Complexity - Isabelle Stengers Unfolding the Ethics of Science - In Memoriam Ilya Prigogine Complexity, Deconstruction and Relativism - Paul Cilliers Challenges of Complexity in the 21st Century - Klaus Mainzer An Interdisciplinary Introduction PART TWO: SOCIOLOGICAL TREATMENTS AND CRITICISM Giddens' Theory of Structuration - Hans Joas Introductory Remarks on a Sociological Transformation of the Philosophy of Praxis A Poetics of Relational Forms - John Shotter The Sociality of Everyday Social Life The Shifting Concept of the Self - Ian Burkitt Complexity Theory - Michael Agar An Exploration and Overview Based on John Holland's Work Present, Past and Future - Michael G. Flaherty and Gary Alan Fine Conjugating George Herbert Mead's Perspective on Time The Idea of Social Time in Norbert Elias - Simonetta Tabboni Romantic and Baroque Conceptions of Complex Wholes in the Sciences - Chunglin Kwa The Problem of the Attractor - Adrian Mackenzie A Singular Generality between Science and Social Theory Why Utilize Complexity Principles in Social Inquiry? - Lesley Kuhn VOLUME TWO: THEORIZING COMPLEXITY IN ORGANIZATION STUDIES PART ONE: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES From Complexity Science to Complex Thinking - Robert Chia Organizations as Simple Location Complexity, Epistemology and the Challenge of the Future - Alfonso Montuori Why Study the Complexity Sciences in the Social Sciences? - K. Mathews et al Boundaries, Hierarchies and Networks in Complex Systems - Paul Cilliers When Modeling Social Systems, Models ? the Modeled - Michael R. Lissack, Michael Richardson and Kurt A. Richardson Reacting to Wolfram's A New Kind of Science Complex Thinking, Complex Practice - Haridimos Tsoukas and Mary Jo Hatch The Case for a Narrative Approach to Organizational Complexity Postmodernism Revisited? - Jacco Van Ude, Kurt A. Richardson and Paul Cilliers Complexity Science and the Study of Organizations Vortical Postmodern Ethnography - Lesley Kuhn and Robert Woog Introducing a Complexity Approach to Systemic Social Theorizing Complexity Science, Systems Thinking and Pragmatic Sensibility - Zhu Zhichang PART TWO: ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns and Lock-in by Small Historical Events - W. Brian Arthur Chaos and Complexity; Frontiers of Organization Science - James W. Begun Complexity Theory and Organization Science - Philip Anderson Complexity Theory in Organization Science - Bill McKelvey Seizing the Promise or Becoming a Fad The 'Rational' Organization Reconsidered - James R. Taylor An Exploration of Some of the Organizational Implications of Self-Organizing Organizations as Complex Responsive Processes of Relating - Ralph D. Stacey Real Presences - John Shotter Meaning as Living Moment in a Participatory World Technology as Social Object - Stig O. Johannessen and Ralph D. Stacey A Complex Responsive Processes Perspective VOLUME THREE: IMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATION OF COMPLEXITY Thinking in Organization Studies: Strategy, Organizational Dynamics and Innovation PART ONE: STRATEGY AND ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS The Science of Complexity - Ralph D. Stacey An Alternative Perspective for Strategic Change Processes Strategy, Dynamic Capabilities and Complex Science - Tony McGuinness and Robert E. Morgan Management Rhetoric versus Reality Phenomenal Complexity Theory and Change at Disney - David M. Boje Response to Letiche Conditioned Emergence - Robert MacIntosh and Donald MacLean Researching Change and Changing Research Complexity Theory and Planning Theory - David Byrne A Necessary Encounter Complexity Theory and Strategic Change - Kate Houchin and Donald Maclean An Empirically Informed Critique Towards a Complexity Theory of Strategy - Miguel Pina e Cunha and Joao Viera da Cunha Metaphors in Complexity Theory and Planning - Angelique Chettiparamb Understanding Change in Organizations in a Far-from-Equilibrium World - Bob Hodge and Gabriela Coronado Complexity in Practice - Colin Campbell-Hunt Complexity and Collapse - Niall Ferguson Empires on the Edge of Chaos PART TWO: INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND LEARNING From Fitness Landscapes to Knowledge Landscapes - Johan Roos and David Oliver Complex Acts of Knowing - David Snowden Paradox and Descriptive Self-Awareness The Complexity of Innovation and the Improvization of Complexity - Alfonso Montuori Social Science, Art and Creativity Learning as an Activity of Interdependent People - Ralph D. Stacey The Emergence of Global Stability in Local Interaction in a Consulting Practice - Michael Nolan Innovation in Organizations from a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective - Ysanne Carlisle and Elizabeth McMillan Generative Leadership - Gita Surie and James K. Hazy Nurturing Innovation in Complex Systems Facilitating Learning and Innovation in Organizations Using Complexity Science Principles - Carol Webb, Fiona Lettice and Mark Lemon Exploring Innovation Processes from a Complexity Perspective - Stig O. Johannessen and Tone Merethe Berg Aasen Part I: Theoretical and Methodological Approach Exploring Innovation Processes from a Complexity Perspective - Tone Merethe Berg Aasen and Stig O. Johannessen Part II: Experiences from the SIOR Case Situated Dialogic Action Research Disclosing 'Beginnings' for Innovative Change in Organizations - John Shotter VOLUME FOUR: IMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS OF COMPLEXITY Thinking in Organization Studies: Leadership and Organizational Development PART ONE: LEADERSHIP Speaking of Complexity Theory in Management Theory and Practice - Douglas Griffin, Patricia Shaw and Ralph D. Stacey Complexity and Management - Steve Maguire and Bill McKelvey Moving from Fad to Firm Foundations Leadership and Cult Values - James Taylor Moving from the Idealized to the Experienced Fractality, Organizational Management and Creative Change - David Levick and Lesley Kuhn Complexity Leadership Theory - Mary Uhl-Bien, Russ Marion and Bill McKelvey Shifting Leadership from the Industrial Age to the Knowledge Era Controlled Collaboration in Disaster and Crisis Management in The Netherlands - Astrid Scholtens History and Practice of an Overestimated and Underestimated Concept The Complexity Turn in Studies of Organizations and Leadership - Stig O. Johannessen Relevance and Implications Complexity Leadership in Bureaucratic Forms of Organizing - Mary Uhl-Bien and Russ Marion A Meso Model Complexity Theory, School Leadership and Management - Keith Morrison Questions for Theory and Practice PART TWO: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Intervening in the Shadow Systems of Organizations - Patricia Shaw Consulting from a Complexity Perspective The Complex Resource-Based View - Barry A. Colbert Implications for Theory and Practice in Strategic Human Resource Management Emerging Participative Exploration - Bjorner Christensen Consultation as Research Governance, Complexity, and Democratic Participation - Hendrik Wagenaar How Citizens and Public Officials Harness the Complexities of Neighborhood Decline Skirts, Sarees and Sarongs - Farhad Dalal The Rhetoric and Reality behind the Celebration of Diversity in Organizational Life Executive Coaching and Leading - Andrew Lee Senior Executives and the Emergence of Local Responsibilities - Nol Groot A Complexity Approach to Identity Development and Performance Improvement The Myth of Rational Objectivity and Leadership - John H. Tobin The Realities of a Hospital Merger from a CEO's Perspective

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