Trust and Social Capital in Organizations


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Edited by Ana Cristina Costa, Neil Anderson
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234.00h x 156.00w

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Neil Anderson is Professor of Human Resource Management and Director of Research of the HRM-OB research centre (WORC) at Brunel University. Having obtained his PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Aston University in 1989, Professor Anderson has previously held chairs at the University of London (Goldsmiths College) and the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). He has published in several areas spanning HRM and organizational psychology over a number of years, and is now one of the top-five most cited Industrial-Organizational psychologists in Europe. Professor Anderson is Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, and Fellow of both the American Psychological Association and Division 14 of the APA (the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology)

VOLUME ONE: TRUST BETWEEN PEOPLE: INTERPERSONAL AND TEAM-LEVEL TRUST PART ONE: PERSPECTIVES AND APPROACHES TO TRUST IN ORGANIZATIONS An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust - Roger Mayer, James Davis and F. David Schoorman Not so Different after All - Denise Rousseau et al A Cross-Discipline View of Trust Initial Trust Formation in New Organizational Relationships - D. Harrison McKnight, Larry Cummings and Norman Chervany Trust and Distrust in Organizations - Roderick Kramer Emerging Perspectives, Enduring Questions PART TWO: INTPERSONAL TRUST A New Scale for the Measurement of Interpersonal Trust - Julian Rotter Toward Understanding and Measuring Conditions of Trust - John Buttler Evolution of the Conditions of Trust Inventory Affect- and Cognition-Based Trust as Foundations for Interpersonal Co-Operation in Organizations - Daniel McAllister Removing the Shadow of Suspicion - Peter Kim et al The Effects of Apology versus Denial for Repairing Ability- versus Integrity-Based Trust Violations Trust, Trustworthiness and Trust Propensity - Jason Colquitt, Brent Scott and Jeffery LePine A Meta-Analytic Test of Their Unique Relationships with Risk-Taking and Job Performance PART THREEE: TEAM-LEVEL TRUST Trust and Managerial Problem-Solving - Dale Zand Swift Trust and Temporary Groups - D. Meyerson, K.W. Weick and Roderick M. Kramer Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams - Sirkka Jarvenpaa and Dorothy Leidner In whom We Trust - M. Williams Group Membership as an Affective Context for Trust Development Too Much of a Good Thing? Negative Effects of High Trust and Individual Autonomy in Self-Managing Teams - Claus Langfred Measuring Trust in Teams - Ana Cristina Costa and Neil Anderson Development and Validation of a Multifaceted Measure of Formative and Reflective Indicators of Team Trust VOLUME TWO: TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS: ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL-LEVEL TRUST PART ONE: IMPERSONAL SOURCES OF TRUST Production of Trust - L.G. Zucker Institutional Sources of Economic Structure, 1840-1920 Explaining the Limited Effectiveness of Legalistic Remedies for Trust/Distrust - S.B. Sitkin and N.R. Roth Does Familiarity Breed Trust? The Implications of Repeated Ties for Contractual Choice in Alliances - Ranjay Gulati Foundations of Organizational Trust - Michael Pirson and Deepak Malhotra What Matters to Different Stakeholders? PART TWO: ORGANIZATIONAL TRUST The Social Control of Impersonal Trust - Susan Shapiro The Organizational Trust Inventory (OTI) - L.L. Cummings and P. Bromiley Development and Validation Trust and Breach of the Psychological Contract - Sandra Robinson Levels of Organizational Trust in Individualist versus Collectivist Societies - Lenard Huff and Lane Kelley A Seven-Nation Study Trust in Leadership - Kurt Dirks and Donald Ferrin Meta-Analytical Findings and Implications for Research and Practice PART THREE: INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL TRUST Measuring Trust between Organizational Boundary Role Persons - Steven Currall and Timothy Judge Effects of Trust and Governance on Relational Risk - Bart Nooteboom, Hans Berger and Niels Noorderhaven Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Inter-Organizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance - Akbar Zaheer, Bill McEvily and Vincenzo Perrone Trust, Control and Risk in Strategic Alliances - T.K. Das and Bing-Sheng Teng An Integrated Framework Understanding Institutional-Based Trust-Building Processes in Inter-Organizational Relationships - Reinhard Bachmann and Andrew Inkpen VOLUME THREE: SOCIAL CAPITAL: CONCEPTUAL ISSUES AND LEVELS OF ANALYSIS PART ONE: CONCEPTUALIZATION AND MEASUREMENT Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital - James Coleman Measuring Social Capital in Five Communities - Jenny Onyx and Paul Bullen Social Capital - Paul Adler and Seok-Woo Kwon Prospects for a New Concept Multilevel Challenges and Opportunities in Social Capital Research - G. Tyge Payne et al PART TWO: SOURCES OF SOCIAL CAPITAL Individual-Level Evidence for the Causes and Consequences of Social Capital - John Brehm and Wendy Rahn Citizenship Behavior and the Creation of Social Capital in Organizations - Mark Bolino, William Turnley and James Bloodgood Beyond Social Capital - Robert Baron and Gideon Markman The Role of Entrepreneurs' Social Competence in Their Financial Success Social Networks and the Cognitive Motivation to Realize Network Opportunities - Mark Anderson A Study of Managers' Information-Gathering Behaviors PART THREE: DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL CAPITAL AT DIFFERENT LEVELS Social Capital at the Top - Maura Belliveau, Charles O'Reilly III and James Wade Effects of Social Similarity and Status on CEO Compensation Social Structure and Competition in Inter-Firm Networks - Brian Uzzi The Paradox of Embeddedness Organizational Social Capital and Employment Practices - Carrie Leana and Harry van Buren III Networks, Diversity and Productivity - Ray Reagans and Ezra Zuckerman The Social Capital of Corporate RandD Teams Social Capital in Multinational Corporations and a Micro-Macro Model of Its Formation - Tatiana Kostova and Kendall Roth A Multilevel Model of Group Social Capital - Hongseok Oh, Giuseppe Labianca and Myung-Ho Chung The Development of Organizational Social Capital - Jean-Luc Arregle et al Attributes of Family Firms VOLUME FOUR: SOCIAL CAPITAL: ORGANIZATIONAL ADVANTAGE AND INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL NETWORKS PART ONE: ORGANIZATIONAL ADVANTAGE The Contingent Value of Social Capital - Ronald Burt Social Capital, Intellectual Capital and the Organizational Advantage - Janine Nahapiet and Sumantra Ghoshal Structural versus Relational Embeddedness - Peter Moran Social Capital and Managerial Performance Dynamics of Social Capital and Their Performance Implications - Indre Maurer and Mark Ebers Lessons from Biotechnology Start-ups Managerial Social Capital, Strategic Orientation and Organizational Performance in an Emerging Economy - Moses Acquaah PART TWO: SOCIAL CAPITAL AND NETWORK FORMATION Social Capital, Structural Holes and the Formation of an Industry Network - Gordon Walker, Bruce Kogut and Weijian Shan Trapped in Your Own Net? Network Cohesion, Structural Holes and the Adaptation of Social Capital - Martin Gargiulo and Mario Benassi Social Capital, Networks and Knowledge Transfer - Andrew Inkpen and Eric Tsang Why Should I Share? Examining Social Capital and Knowledge Contribution in Electronic Networks of Practice - Molly McLure Wasko and Samer Faraj PART THREE: THE ROLE OF SOCIAL CAPITAL IN INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Social Capital and Value Creation - Wenpin Tsai and Sumantra Ghoshal The Role of Intra-Firm Networks Complementarity, Status Similarity and Social Capital as Drivers of Alliance Formation - Sengwha Chung, Harbir Singh and Kyungmook Lee Social Capital, Strategic Relatedness and the Formation of Intra-Organizational Linkages - Wenpin Tsai Strategic Alliances and Social Capital - Balaji Koka and John Prescott A Multidimensional View Knowledge Transfer between and within Alliance Partners - Jorge Walter, Christoph Lechner and Franz Kellermanns Private versus Collective Benefits of Social Capital

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