Criminological Perspectives 3/e


Essential Readings

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Edited by Eugene McLaughlin, John Muncie
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PART ONE: CRIMINOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS (1764) On Crimes and Punishments - Cesare Beccaria (1791) Panopticon or the Inspection House, &C. - Jeremy Bentham (1842) Of the Development of the Propensity to Crime - Adolphe Quetelet (1895) The Criminal Type in Women and Its Atavistic Origin - Cesare Lombroso and William Ferrero (1901) Causes of Criminal Behaviour - Enrico Ferri (1845) The Condition of Working Classes in England - Frederick Engels (1916) Criminality and Economic Conditions - William Bonger (1898) Law and Authority - Peter Kropotkin (1895) The Normal and the Pathological - Emile Durkheim (1938) 'Social Structure and Anomie', - Robert K Merton PART TWO: CAUSES OF CRIME (1987) Genetic Factors in the Etiology of Criminal Behaviour - Sarnoff A Mednick, William F Gabrielli Jr and Barry Hutchings (1987) Personality Theory and the Problem of Criminality - H J Eysenck (1999) A Criminological Research Agenda for the Next Millennium - David P Farrington (1990) The Underclass - Charles Murray (1984) Relative Deprivation - John Lea and Jock Young (1987) Deviant Places: A Theory of the Ecology of Crime - Rodney Stark (1994) The Generality of Deviance - Travis Hirschi and Michael R Gottfredson (2000) The Routine Activity Approach as a General Crime Theory - Marcus Felson (1973) The Etiology of Female Crime - Dorie Klein (1988) Seductions and Repulsions of Crime - Jack Katz PART THREE: CRIMINALISATION (1957) Techniques of Neutralization - Gresham M Sykes and David Matza (1963) Outsiders - Howard Becker (1967) Mods, Rockers and the Rest: Community Reactions to Juvenile Delinquency, - Stanley Cohen (1975) Toward a Political Economy of Crime - William J Chambliss (1983) Crime, Power and Ideological Mystification - Steven Box (1998) Race and Criminalization: Black American and the Punishment Industry - Angela Y Davis (1986) Critical Criminology and the Concept of Crime - Louk H C Hulsman (1986)The Need for a Radical Realism - Jock Young (1999) Cultural Criminology - Jeff Ferrell PART FOUR: CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIME PREVENTION (1975) On Deterrence - James Q Wilson (1976) Giving Criminals Their Just Deserts - Andrew von Hirsch (1982) The Value of Rehabilitation - Francis T Cullen and Karen E Gilbert (1980) 'Situational' Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice - Ronald V G Clarke (1991) Social Crime Prevention Strategies in a Market Society - Elliott Currie (1977) Conflicts as Property - Nils Christie (1989) Reintegrative Shaming - John Braithwaite (1991) Abolitionism and Crime Control - William De Haan (1982) Broken Windows: The Police and Neighbourhood Safety - James Q Wilson and George L Kelling (2005) The Spectacle of Crime, Digitized. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and social anatomy - Martha Gever PART FIVE: CONTROL-OLOGY: GOVERNANCE AND SURVEILLANCE (1977) The Carceral - Michel Foucault (1979) The Punitive City: Notes on the Dispersal of Social Control - Stanley Cohen (1985) From the Panopticon to Disney World: The Development of Discipline - Clifford D Shearing and Philip C Stenning (1992) The New Penology - Malcolm M Feeley and Jonathan Simon (1992) Risk, Power and Crime Prevention - Pat O'Malley (1997) Governing Through Crime - Jonathan Simon (1994) Beyond Bladerunner: Urban Control. The Ecology of Fear - Mike Davis 'Globalising Surveillance: Comparative and Sociological Perspectives - David Lyon (2008) Ordering Insecurity: Social Polarisation and the Punitive Upsurge' - Loic Wacquant PART SIX: GLOBAL RISKS AND HARMS (2000) Globalisation, Reflexivity and the Practice of Criminology - Janet Chan (1998) Poverty Goes Global - Neil Middleton (2011) The Drug Trade: The Politicization of Criminals and the Criminalization of Politicians - Moises Naim (2002) The Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited - Ulrich Beck (1993) Human rights and Crimes of the State - Stanley Cohen (2003) Environmental Issues and the Criminological Imagination. - Rob White (2009) Trade Secrets: Intersections Between Diasporas and Crime Groups in the Constitution of the Human Trafficking Chain - Jackie Turner and Liz Kelly (2006) The Criminology of Hybrids: Rethinking Crime and Law in Techno-social Networks - Sheila Brown

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