PART ONE: CRIMINOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS (1764) On Crimes and Punishments - Cesare Beccaria (1791) Panopticon or the Inspection House, &C. - Jeremy Bentham (1842) Of the Development of the Propensity to Crime - Adolphe Quetelet (1895) The Criminal Type in Women and Its Atavistic Origin - Cesare Lombroso and William Ferrero (1901) Causes of Criminal Behaviour - Enrico Ferri (1845) The Condition of Working Classes in England - Frederick Engels (1916) Criminality and Economic Conditions - William Bonger (1898) Law and Authority - Peter Kropotkin (1895) The Normal and the Pathological - Emile Durkheim (1938) 'Social Structure and Anomie', - Robert K Merton PART TWO: CAUSES OF CRIME (1987) Genetic Factors in the Etiology of Criminal Behaviour - Sarnoff A Mednick, William F Gabrielli Jr and Barry Hutchings (1987) Personality Theory and the Problem of Criminality - H J Eysenck (1999) A Criminological Research Agenda for the Next Millennium - David P Farrington (1990) The Underclass - Charles Murray (1984) Relative Deprivation - John Lea and Jock Young (1987) Deviant Places: A Theory of the Ecology of Crime - Rodney Stark (1994) The Generality of Deviance - Travis Hirschi and Michael R Gottfredson (2000) The Routine Activity Approach as a General Crime Theory - Marcus Felson (1973) The Etiology of Female Crime - Dorie Klein (1988) Seductions and Repulsions of Crime - Jack Katz PART THREE: CRIMINALISATION (1957) Techniques of Neutralization - Gresham M Sykes and David Matza (1963) Outsiders - Howard Becker (1967) Mods, Rockers and the Rest: Community Reactions to Juvenile Delinquency, - Stanley Cohen (1975) Toward a Political Economy of Crime - William J Chambliss (1983) Crime, Power and Ideological Mystification - Steven Box (1998) Race and Criminalization: Black American and the Punishment Industry - Angela Y Davis (1986) Critical Criminology and the Concept of Crime - Louk H C Hulsman (1986)The Need for a Radical Realism - Jock Young (1999) Cultural Criminology - Jeff Ferrell PART FOUR: CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIME PREVENTION (1975) On Deterrence - James Q Wilson (1976) Giving Criminals Their Just Deserts - Andrew von Hirsch (1982) The Value of Rehabilitation - Francis T Cullen and Karen E Gilbert (1980) 'Situational' Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice - Ronald V G Clarke (1991) Social Crime Prevention Strategies in a Market Society - Elliott Currie (1977) Conflicts as Property - Nils Christie (1989) Reintegrative Shaming - John Braithwaite (1991) Abolitionism and Crime Control - William De Haan (1982) Broken Windows: The Police and Neighbourhood Safety - James Q Wilson and George L Kelling (2005) The Spectacle of Crime, Digitized. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and social anatomy - Martha Gever PART FIVE: CONTROL-OLOGY: GOVERNANCE AND SURVEILLANCE (1977) The Carceral - Michel Foucault (1979) The Punitive City: Notes on the Dispersal of Social Control - Stanley Cohen (1985) From the Panopticon to Disney World: The Development of Discipline - Clifford D Shearing and Philip C Stenning (1992) The New Penology - Malcolm M Feeley and Jonathan Simon (1992) Risk, Power and Crime Prevention - Pat O'Malley (1997) Governing Through Crime - Jonathan Simon (1994) Beyond Bladerunner: Urban Control. The Ecology of Fear - Mike Davis 'Globalising Surveillance: Comparative and Sociological Perspectives - David Lyon (2008) Ordering Insecurity: Social Polarisation and the Punitive Upsurge' - Loic Wacquant PART SIX: GLOBAL RISKS AND HARMS (2000) Globalisation, Reflexivity and the Practice of Criminology - Janet Chan (1998) Poverty Goes Global - Neil Middleton (2011) The Drug Trade: The Politicization of Criminals and the Criminalization of Politicians - Moises Naim (2002) The Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited - Ulrich Beck (1993) Human rights and Crimes of the State - Stanley Cohen (2003) Environmental Issues and the Criminological Imagination. - Rob White (2009) Trade Secrets: Intersections Between Diasporas and Crime Groups in the Constitution of the Human Trafficking Chain - Jackie Turner and Liz Kelly (2006) The Criminology of Hybrids: Rethinking Crime and Law in Techno-social Networks - Sheila Brown
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Criminological Perspectives remains the most authoritative collection of criminological classics. Now in its third edition, it has been updated to reflect many of the global risks and harms that contemporary criminology is concerned with. Eugene McLaughlin and John Muncie have successfully navigated a complex theoretical and conceptual landscape and made it intelligible for students and established scholars alike. Criminological Perspectives remains indispensible. Professor Yvonne Jewkes Professor of Criminology, University of Leicester Criminological Perspectives offers an exceptional array of key readings in criminology, carefully selected to represent the richness and diversity of the discipline. This 3rd Edition builds on the strengths of previous volumes, combining classic statements with the latest key contributions - an invaluable resource for all students of criminology. Professor Majid Yar University of Hull The only indispensible general criminology reader on the market. Comprehensive in its coverage, judicious in its selectivity and organisation, and sophisticated in its contextualising commentaries, McLaughlin and Muncie's substantially revised collection of key and classic readings is becoming something of a classic itself. A truly must have book. Dr Chris Greer Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology, City University London Containing over fifty edited readings on the study of crime and its control, Criminological Perspectives is an essential book for students seeking to develop their knowledge of criminology and its relevance and impact today. Professor Peter Francis Northumbria University