Contemporary Studies in Conversation Analysis


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Edited by Paul Drew, John Heritage
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VOLUME ONE: SOCIAL ACTION AND EPISTEMICS Introduction - Paul Drew and John Heritage Interaction - Emanuel Schegloff The Infrastructure for Social Institutions, the Natural Ecological Niche for Language and the Arena in Which Culture Is Enacted The Relating Power of Adjacency - Harvey Sacks Next Position Mobilizing Response - Tanya Stivers and Federico Rossano Doing Introductions - Danielle Pillet-Shore The Work Involved in Meeting Someone New Contingency and Action - T.S. Curl and P. Drew A Comparison of Two Forms of Requesting Extended Requesting - Seung-Hee Lee Interaction and Collaboration in the Production and Specification of Requests Offers of Assistance - Traci Curl Constraints on Syntactic Design A Technique for Inviting Laughter and Its Subsequent Acceptance Declination - Gail Jefferson Going too Far - Paul Drew and Traci Walker Complaining, Escalating and Disaffiliation Wh-Interrogative Formats Used for Questioning and beyond - Maria Egbert and Monika Voege German warum (why) and wieso (why) and English why Word Repeats as Unit Ends - Emanuel Schegloff Offering a Candidate Answer - Anita Pomerantz An Information-Seeking Strategy The Interactive Construction of a Sentence in Natural Conversation - Charles Goodwin Asymmetries of Knowledge in Conversational Interactions - Paul Drew The Terms of Agreement - John Heritage and Geoffrey Raymond Indexing Epistemic Authority and Subordination in Talk-in-Interaction Epistemics in Action - John Heritage Action Formation and Territories of Knowledge Claiming Epistemic Primacy - Kaoru Hayano Yo-Marked Assessments in Japanese VOLUME TWO: RESPONSES Universals and Cultural Variation in Turn-Taking in Conversation - Tanya Stivers et al Simple Answers to Polar Questions - Marja-Leena Sorjonen The Case of Finnish Caveat Speaker - Gail Jefferson Preliminary Notes on Recipient Topic-Shift Implicature Indexing Stance - Rebecca Clift Reported Speech as an Interactional Evidential Beginning to Respond - Emanuel Schegloff and Gene Lerner Well-Prefaced Responses to Wh-Questions Little Words That Matter - Galina Bolden Discourse Markers 'So' and 'Oh' and the Doing of Other-Attentiveness in Social Interaction The Conversation Object Mm - Rod Gardner A Weak and Variable Acknowledging Token Oh-Prefaced Responses to Assessments - John Heritage A Method of Modifying Agreement/Disagreement 'Articulating the Unsaid' via and-Prefaced Formulations of Others' Talk - Galina Bolden 'Look'-Prefaced Turns in First and Second Position - Jack Sidnell Launching, Interceding and Redirecting Action Surprise as an Interactional Achievement - Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger Reaction Tokens in Conversation Marking a 'Noticing of Departure' in Talk - Makoto Hayashi Eh-prefaced Turns in Japanese Conversation Managing Trouble Responsibility and Relationships during Conversational Repair - Jeffrey Robinson Confirming Understanding and Acknowledging Assistance - Shuya Kushida Managing Trouble Responsibility in response to Understanding Check in Japanese Talk-in-Interaction Stance, Alignment and Affiliation during Story-Telling - Tanya Stivers When Nodding Is a Token of Affiliation Two Uses of Third-Person References in Family Gatherings Displaying Family Ties - Piera Margutti Teasing and Clarifications The Last Laugh - Elizabeth Holt Shared Laughter and Topic Termination VOLUME THREE: IDENTITIES IN INTERACTION On the Analyzability of Stories by Children - Harvey Sacks A Tutorial on Membership Categorization - Emanuel Schegloff Hotrodder - Harvey Sacks A Revolutionary Category Categories in Action - Emanuel Schegloff Person Reference and Membership Categorization Invoking Categories through Co-Present Person Reference - Sun-Young Oh The Case of Korean Conversation Two Preferences in the Organization of Reference to Persons and Their Interaction - Harvey Sacks and Emanuel Schegloff Alternative Recognitionals in Person Reference - Tanya Stivers Intersubjectivity and Progressivity in Person (and Place) Reference - John Heritage The Epistemics of Social Relations - Geoffrey Raymond and John Heritage Owning Grandchildren Accusations - Paul Drew The Use of Members' Knowledge of 'Religious Geography' in Describing Events Questioning Children - Tanya Stivers and Asifa Majid Interactional Evidence of Implicit Bias in Medical Interviews 'Categorizing the Categorizer' - Kevin Whitehead The Management of Racial Common Sense in Interaction Communicative Behavior and Conflict between African-American Customers and Korean Immigrant Retailers in Los Angeles - Benjamin Bailey Accounts at Convenience Stores - Liisa Raevaara Doing Dispreference and Small Talk Heteronormativity in Action - Celia Kitzinger Reproducing the Heterosexual Nuclear Family in 'After-Hours' Medical Calls How Gender Creeps into Talk - Robert Hopper and Curtis LeBaron A Note on Laughter in 'Male-Female' Interaction - Gail Jefferson Building Power Asymmetries in Girls' Interactions - Marjorie Harness Goodwin Conversation Analysis Volume Four: Institutions and Applications VOLUME FOUR: INSTITUTIONS AND APPLICATIONS Rights and Responsibilities in Calls for Help - G. Raymond and D.H. Zimmerman The Case of the Mountain Glade Fire Citizens' Emergency Calls - Paul Drew and Traci Walker Requesting Assistance in Calls to the Police 'Did You Have Permission to Smash Your Neighbour's Door?" Silly Questions and Their Answers in Police-Suspect Interrogations - Elizabeth Stokoe and Derek Edwards Another Look at the Service Encounter - Satomi Kuroshima Progressivity, Intersubjectivity and Trust in a Japanese Sushi Restaurant Would You Like to Do It Yourself? Service Requests and Their Non-Granting Responses - Erik Vinkhuyzen and Margaret Szymanski Streetwise Sales and the Social Order of City Streets - Nick Llewellyn and Robin Burrow Good Enough - Anna Lindstroem and Trine Heinemann Low-Grade Assessments in Care-Giving Situations Making Sequentiality Salient - Maurice Nevile And-Prefacing in the Talk of Airline Pilots 'Calm down!' - Mardi Kidwell The Role of Gaze in the Interactional Management of Hysteria by the Police The Embodied Organization of a Real-Time Fetus - Aug Nishizaka The Visible and the Invisible in Pre-Natal Ultrasound Examinations An Interactional Structure of Medical Activities during Acute Visits and Its Implications for Patients' Participation - Jeffrey Robinson Reducing Patients' Unmet Concerns in Primary Care - John Heritage et al The Difference One Word Can Make Ruling out the Need for Antibiotics - Rita Mangione-Smith et al Are We Sending the Right Message? Questioning Candidates - Steven Clayman and Tanya Romaniuk When Does the Watchdog Bark? Conditions of Aggressive Questioning in Presidential News Conferences - Steven Clayman et al Making Links in Psychoanalytic Interpretations - Anssi Peraekylae A Conversation Analytical Perspective Managing Affect - Johanna Ruusuvuori Integration of Empathy and Problem-Solving in Health-Care Encounters

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