Psychology of Close Relationships


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Edited by Harry T. Reis
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Harry T. Reis is Professor of Psychology at the University of Rochester. He studies the factors that influence the quantity and closeness of social interaction, and the consequences of different patterns of socializing for health and psychological well-being. He is also investigating some of the psychological processes that affect the course and conduct of close relationships. He is particularly interested in intimacy, attachment and emotion regulation. He is well-versed in the field, having served as editor of its leading journal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, having recently edited The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Relationships, and having served as president of both the world's largest organization of social psychologists (Society for Personality and Social Psychology) and the world's pre-eminent organization devoted to researching relationships (International Association of Relationship Research).

VOLUME ONE: THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS - WHY RELATIONSHIPS MATTER PART ONE: THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION TO CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS The Greening of Relationship Science - Ellen Berscheid The Need to Belong - Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary Desire for Interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation Evolutionary Approaches to Relationships - Douglas Kenrick and Melanie Trost Personality in Context - Vivian Zayas, Yuichi Shoda and Ozlem Ayduk An Interpersonal Systems Perspective Beyond Positive Psychology? Toward a Contextual View of Psychological Processes and Well-Being - James McNulty and Frank Fincham The Unrecognized Stereotyping and Discrimination against People Who Are Single - Bella DePaulo and Wendy Morris What Do We Know about Gay and Lesbian Couples? - Lawrence Kurdek PART TWO: RELATIONSHIPS, SOCIAL SUPPORT, HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Social Relationships and Mortality Risk - Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Timothy Smith and J. Bradley Layton A Meta-Analytic Review The Relationship between Social Support and Physiological Processes - Bert Uchino, John Cacioppo and Janice Kiecolt-Glaser A Review with Emphasis on Underlying Mechanisms and Implications for Health Social Support, Conflict and the Development of Marital Dysfunction - Lauri Pasch and Thomas Bradbury Invisible Support and Adjustment to Stress - Niall Bolger, Adam Zuckerman and Ronald Kessler Toward an Interactional Description of Depression - James Coyne Interpersonal Predictors of Onset of Depression during the Transition to Adulthood - Nicole Eberhart and Constance Hammen PART THREE: RELATIONSHIPS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN Age and Sex Differences in Perceptions of Networks of Personal Relationships - Wyndol Furman and Duane Buhrmester Taking Time Seriously - Laura Carstensen, Derek Isaacowitz and Susan Charles A Theory of Socio-Emotional Selectivity VOLUME TWO: ATTRACTION AND RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT PART ONE: SIMILARITY AND ATTRACTION The Prediction of Interpersonal Attraction - Theodore Newcomb Attitudes and Attraction - Donn Byrne Inferred Evaluation and the Relation between Attitude Similarity and Interpersonal Attraction - John Condon and William Crano Match Makers and Deal Breakers - David Watson et al Analyses of Assortative Mating in Newlywed Couples Is Actual Similarity Necessary for Attraction? A Meta-Analysis of Actual and Perceived Similarity - R. Matthew Montoya, Robert Horton and Jeffrey Kirchner PART TWO: FAMILIARITY, PROXIMITY AND RECIPROCITY Exposure Effects in the Classroom - Richard Moreland and Scott Beach The Development of Affinity among Students Spatial Ecology - Ebbe Ebbesen, Glenn Kjos and Vladimir Kone?ni Its Effects on the Choice of Friends and Enemies Selective versus Unselective Romantic Desire - Paul Eastwick et al Not All Reciprocity Is Created Equal PART THREE: ATTRACTIVENESS Physical Attractiveness - Ellen Berscheid and Elaine Walster What Is Beautiful Is Culturally Good - Ladd Wheeler and Youngmee Kim The Physical Attractiveness Stereotype Has Different Content in Collectivistic Cultures Social Perception and Interpersonal Behavior - Mark Snyder, Elizabeth Decker Tanke and Ellen Berscheid On the Self-Fulfilling Nature of Social Stereotypes Intimacy and Friendship Development The Rules of Friendship - Michael Argyle and Monika Henderson Communication in Interpersonal Relationships - Dalmas Taylor and Irwin Altman Social Penetration Processes Intimacy as an Interpersonal Process - Harry Reis and Phillip Shaver Interpersonal Attraction in Exchange and Communal Relationships - Margaret Clark and Judson Mills VOLUME THREE: RELATIONSHIP COGNITION AND EMOTION PART ONE: ATTACHMENT THEORY Attachment-Related Psychodynamics - Phillip Shaver and Mario Mikulincer Avoidance of Intimacy - Kim Bartholomew An Attachment Perspective Attachment Working Models and the Sense of Trust - Mario Mikulincer An Exploration of Interaction Goals and Affect Regulation A Safe Haven - Nancy Collins and Brooke Feeney An Attachment Theory Perspective on Support-Seeking and Care-Giving Processes in Intimate Relationships PART TWO: EMOTION IN RELATIONSHIPS The Relation between Inequity and Emotions in Close Relationships - Susan Sprecher Taking on Board Liability-Focused Information - Madoka Kumashiro and Constantine Sedikides Close Positive Relationships as a Self-Bolstering Resource PART THREE: LOVE AND SEX Love - Harry Reis and Arthur Aron What Is It, Why Does It Matter and How Does It Operate? Romantic Love Conceptualized as an Attachment Process - Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver Love and Marriage in 11 Cultures - Robert Levine et al Sex Differences in Human Mate Preferences - David Buss Evolutionary Hypotheses Tested in 37 Cultures Human Sexuality - Letitia Anne Peplau How Do Men and Women Differ? PART FOUR: RELATIONSHIP COGNITION Relational Schemas and the Processing of Social Information - Mark Baldwin Close Relationships as Including Other in Self - Arthur Aron et al Bias and Accuracy in Close Relationships - Faby Gagne and John Lydon An Integrative Review The Relation between Current Impressions and Memories of Self and Dating Partners - Cathy McFarland and Michael Ross Implicit Theories of Relationships - C. Raymond Knee, Heather Patrick and Cynthia Lonsbary Orientations toward Evaluation and Cultivation Eliciting Facial Affect, Motivation and Expectancies in Transference - Susan Andersen, Inga Reznik and Lenora Manzella Significant-Other Representations in Social Relations VOLUME FOUR: RELATIONSHIP MAINTENANCE PROCESSES PART ONE: INTERDEPENDENCE PROCESSES Trust in Close Relationships - J.G. Holmes and J.K. Rempel Optimizing Assurance - Sandra Murray, John Holmes and Nancy Collins The Risk Regulation System in Relationships The Benefits of Positive Illusions - Sandra Murray, John Holmes and Dale Griffin Idealization and the Construction of Satisfaction in Close Relationships Accommodation Processes in Close Relationships - Caryl Rusbult et al Theory and Preliminary Empirical Evidence The Michelangelo Phenomenon - Caryl Rusbult, Eli Finkel and Madoka Kumashiro PART TWO: SELF-REGULATION AND MOTIVATION Toward a Self-Evaluation Maintenance Model of Social Behavior - Abraham Tesser Authenticity and Positivity Strivings in Marriage and Courtship - William Swann Jr., Chris De La Ronde and J. Gregory Hixon To Know You Is to Love You - Lisa Neff and Benjamin Karney The Implications of Global Adoration and Specific Accuracy for Marital Relationships Thinking of You - Grainne Fitzsimons and John Bargh Non-Conscious Pursuit of Interpersonal Goals Associated with Relationship Partners Good News! Capitalizing on Positive Events in an Interpersonal Context - Shelly Gable and Harry Reis Creating Good Relationships - Amy Canevello and Jennifer Crocker Responsiveness, Relationship Quality and Interpersonal Goals VOLUME FIVE: RELATIONSHIP DETERIORATION PART ONE: MARRIAGE AND MARITAL CONFLICT Conflict in Marriage - Frank Fincham and Steven Beach Implications for Working with Couples The Longitudinal Course of Marital Quality and Stability - Benjamin Karney and Thomas Bradbury A Review of Theory, Method and Research What's Love Got to Do with It? Why Some Marriages Succeed and Others Fail - Ted Huston Predicting Marital Happiness and Stability from Newlywed Interactions - John Gottman et al Gender and Conflict Structure in Marital Interaction - Christopher Heavey, Christopher Layne and Andrew Christensen A Replication and Extension Disclosure and Secrecy in Marriage - Catrin Finkenauer and Hana Hazam Do Both Contribute to Marital Satisfaction Conflict in Close Relationships - Jeffry Simpson, W. Steven Rholes and Dede Phillips An Attachment Perspective The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Close Relationships - Geraldine Downey et al Rejection Sensitivity and Rejection by Romantic Partners PART TWO: INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE Patriarchal Terrorism and Common Couple Violence - Michael Johnson Two Forms of Violence against Women Remaining in Abusive Relationships - Caryl Rusbult and John Martz An Investment Model Analysis of Non-Voluntary Dependence Self-Regulatory Failure and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration - Eli Finkel et al PART THREE: DIVORCE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES A Social Psychological Perspective on Marital Dissolution - George Levinger The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children - Paul Amato

Psychology of Close Relationships is five volumes of tightly written articles about what brings people together, keeps them together or propels them apart. This is a wonderfully concise, and well presented set of papers quoting recent and longitudinal research, which deserves to be available to clinicians as well as researchers. -- Irem Bray * Nurturing Potential *

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