Lani Florian is a Professor and Bell Chair of Education at the University of Edinburgh and Visiting Professor of Special Education at the University of Vienna. She is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK). Her research interests include models of provision for meeting the needs of all learners, and inclusive pedagogy. She is co-author of Achievement and Inclusion in Schools, winner of the 2008 NASEN/Times Education Supplement academic book award. She has consulted on special needs education and inclusion for a number of international organisations including Open Society Foundations, UNICEF, and the OECD.

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List of Figures List of Tables Acknowledgements About the Editor About the Contributors Editorial Advisors Preface Introduction Part I: How Special Educational Needs Are Understood Reimagining Special Education - Why New Approaches are Needed - Lani Florian Confronting Difference: A Brief History of Special Education - Margaret A. Winzer Models of Service Delivery and Forms of Provision - Tony Cline & Norah Frederickson Categories of Special Educational Needs - Brahm Norwich The Disproportionate Placement of Ethnic Minorities in Special Education - Beth Harry A Sociological Perspective on Special Education - Sheila Riddell Social Justice in Education for Students with Disabilities - David J. Connor Part II: The Challenge of Inclusion Disability Rights in Education - Marcia Rioux Inclusive Education: From Targeting Groups and Schools to Achieving Quality Education as the Core of EFA - Renato Opertti, Zachary Walker & Yi Zhang From Special Education to Effective Schools for All: Widening the Agenda - Mel Ainscow Sui Ban Jiu Du: An Approach Toward Inclusive Education in China - Chunling Liu & Xueyun Su Entry, Engagement and Empowerment: Dilemmas for Inclusive Education in an Indian Context - Nidhi Singal Inclusive Schooling as a Means and End of Education? - Roger Slee Equity in Inclusive Education: A Cultural Historical Comparative Perspective - Elizabeth Kozleski, Alfredo Artiles & Federico Waitoller How Special Needs Funding Can Support Inclusive Education - Sip Jan Pijl Part III: Knowledge Production Epistemology and Special Education - Gary Thomas Persistent Issues in Behavioral Theory and Practice - John W. Maag Sociocultural Views of Learning - J. S. de Valenzuela Educational Neuroscience: Bridging the Gulf Between Basic Research and Implications for Practice - Usha Goswami Comparative and International Perspectives on Special Education - Justin J.W. Powell A Disability Studies Frame for Research Approaches in Special Education - Douglas Biklen, Fernanda Orsati & Jessica Bacon The Applied Science of Special Education: Quantitative Approaches, the Questions They Address, and How They Inform Practice - Samuel L. Odom & Kathleen Lynne Lane Researching Inclusive Classroom Practices: The Framework For - Kristine Black-Hawkins Research and Pupil Voice - Jill Porter Using the Capability Approach to Evaluate the Well-being of Adult learners with Dis/abilities Participation - Barbara Ridley & Michael F. Watts Part IV: Issues of Teaching Learning Without Limits: Constructing a Pedagogy Free from Determinist Beliefs about Ability - Susan Hart and Mary Jane Drummond Nothing Special - The Everyday Pedagogy of Teaching - Jonathan Rix and Kieron Sheehy Universal Design for Learning - David H. Rose, Jenna W. Gravel, and David T. Gordon Curriculum Considerations in Meeting the Educational Needs of Learners with Severe Intellectual Disabilities - Jean Ware Beyond Categories and Labels: Knowledge to Support Assessment for Learning. Disability' - A Problem Well Put? - Judith Hollenweger Assessment for Learning and the Journey Towards Inclusion - Louise Hayward Self-Assessment as an 'Insider' Lens for Learning and Assessment - Roseanna Bourke and Mandia Mentis Dynamic Assessment and Cognitive Intervention - Alex Kozulin Expanding Approaches to Summative Assessment for Students with Impairment - J. Joy Cumming & Graham S. Maxwell Instructional and Assessment Accommodations in the 21st Century - Martha L. Thurlow Teaching and Learning in the Early Years - Susan A. Fowler, Michaelene M. Ostrosky and Tweety J. Yates Teaching Elementary Students with Learning Difficulties - Sharon Vaughn, Jeanne Wanzek & Carolyn A. Denton Secondary Special Education and Inclusive Practice: Pitfalls and Potential for the Success of All - Lisa A. Dieker and Selma Powell Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education - Robert Stodden and Kelly Roberts Teacher Assistants in Inclusive Classrooms - Michael F. Giangreco and Mary Beth Doyle Assistive Technology to Provide Access to the Curriculum and Increase Independence - Amy G. Dell and Deborah A. Newton Mobile Learning and Games in Special Education - Penny Standen and David Brown The Evolving Use of Technology in Special Education: Is "Effectiveness" the Right question? - John Woodward & Ralph Ferretti Friendships and Peer Relations Among and Between Children and Young People With and Without Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities - Dawn B. Male Finding a Voice: Families Roles in Schools - Dianne L. Ferguson, Amy N. Hanreddy and Philip M. Ferguson Interagency Working and Special Education: Beyond 'Virtuous' Ideas of Partnership towards Alternative Frameworks for Collaborative Work with Children - Liz Todd Part V: Future Directions For Research and Practice Education Without Condescension: Philosophy, Personhood and Cognitive Disability - Ruth Cigman Challenging Orthodoxy in Special Education: On Longstanding Debates and Philosophical Divides Revisited - Deborah J. Gallagher What do Classroom Teachers Need to Know about Meeting Special Educational Needs? - Ruth Kershner The Professional Knowledge of Special Educators - Kari Nes Inquiry and Community: Uncommon Opportunities to Enrich Professional Development for Inclusion - Marleen C. Pugach & Linda P. Blanton Changing Perspectives of Special Education in the Evolving Context of Standards-Based Reforms in the US and England - Margaret J. McLaughlin and Alan Dyson Medicalization in Schools - Valerie Harwood and Samantha McMahon Special Education and its Contribution to the Broader Discourse of Education - Seamus Hegarty Glossary - Cristina Devecchi
'This comprehensive handbook extends and challenges existing thinking and practice about special education and its place in the larger education system. It provides a rich and valuable resource for advanced professional learning and is highly recommended.' -- Sharon P. Robinson This book is a landmark publication. It marks a transformation in thinking about special educational needs, away from a focus on limitation and some, and towards inclusive, equitable provision for all. The new understanding brings exciting possibilities and opportunities, and is to be warmly welcomed. -- Professor Andrew Pollard 'This new edition of a well-established handbook provides a wide-ranging and stimulating overview of the special educational needs field. It is a mine of information and challenging ideas. It is particularly timely as the UK legislation is being substantially revised - but the ideas are relevant beyond national boundaries.' -- Professor Geoff Lindsay 'Since the 1994 Salamanca Declaration the world of special education has undergone a revolution, with commitments to the integration of children with special needs into mainstream schools and, later, a critical reflection on the extent to which those institutions themselves were inclusive. This book marks the possibility of another significant moment of change, perhaps best represented as a challenge to the 'normal curve' assumptions of schooling. The new paradigm seeks to include everyone in the learning community of the classroom, even while recognising that all have individual differences that need to be accommodated: the key change lies in the starting assumption that all belong, not that some have to be 'fitted in'. If this is to be realised it will require new practices, new pedagogy, but most of all, entirely new conceptualisations about the nature of schools and schooling. The chapters in this book provide the roadmap for this revolution in our thinking and practice.' -- Tony Gallagher 'We live in difficult times. The economic crisis severely affects people's lives, attitudes and educational opportunities. In this context, educational and social inclusion is a real challenge. This stunning book appears at the right time: we need a new perspective to open our minds and develop our competences in order to achieve a new education for all. We need to promote knowledge and pedagogy, and ensure trust and hope. If you are looking for something like that, this is your book.' -- Alvaro Marchesi ...This handbook has been designed to address the complex and nuanced nature of special and inclusive education. By delineating how researchers have explored this complexity, this edition gives an insight into how future research might play a part in extending our understanding of the field. In my view, although this edition of The SAGE Handbook of Special Education is more expensive than other texts, it is well worth the investment; I cannot think of a more comprehensive critique of the field. -- Fiona Hallett, Faculty of Education, Edge Hill University, UK