Introduction Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) Assessment for Learning Assessment of Learning Assessment Policy Attainment Awarding Bodies Basic Skills Assessment Comparability Continuous Assessment Coursework Criterion Referencing Diagnostic Assessment Differentiation Discrimination E-assessment Examinations External Verification Fairness Feedback Grading, Including Marking Group Assessment Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Internal Verification International Assessment Ipsative Assessment Mark Scheme Measurement Moderation National Curriculum Assessment Norm Referencing Peer and Self Assessment Performance-based Assessment Purposes of Assessment Qualifications Quality Assurance Recording and Tracking Regulation of Assessment Reliability Standardisation Supply and Selection Validity Vocational Assessment Work-based Assessment
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'I congratulate the authors in recognising the need for such a publication and for producing such an accessible and useful glossary' Gordon Stobard, Emeritus Professor of Education, Instittue of Education, University of London