Critical Discourse Analysis


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Edited by Ruth Wodak
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Ruth Wodak is Distinguished Professor of Discourse Studies at Lancaster University. Her research interests focus on discourse studies; identity politics; racism, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination; and on ethnographic methods of linguistic field work. She was awarded the Lebenswerk-Preis in 2018, which honors outstanding life work of personalities who are promoting and achieving gender equality. She was awarded the Wittgenstein Prize for Elite Researchers in 1996 and an Honorary Doctorate from University of OErebro in Sweden in 2010. She has held visiting professorships in University of Uppsala, Stanford University, University Minnesota, University of East Anglia, and Georgetown University (Washington, DC). She is a member of the British Academy of Social Sciences and a member of the Academia Europaea. In 2008, she was awarded the Kerstin Hesselgren Chair of the Swedish Parliament (at University OErebroe). Ruth is co-editor of the SAGE journal Discourse & Society, and of the journals Critical Discourse Studies and Journal of Language and Politics. Recent book publications include: The discourse of politics in action: 'Politics as Usual' (2011), Critical Discourse Analysis (4 volumes, 2013), Migration, Identity and Belonging (with G. Delanty and P. Jones, 2011), The Discursive Construction of History: Remembering the German Wehrmacht's War of Annihilation (with H. Heer, W. Manoschek, and A. Pollak, 2008), The Politics of Exclusion: Debating Migration in Austria (with M. Krzyzanowski, 2009), The SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics (with B. Johnstone and P. Kerswill, 2010), Analyzing Fascist Discourse: Fascism in Talk and Text (with J. E. Richardson, 2013), and Rightwing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse (with M. KhosraviNik and B. Mral, 2013).

VOLUME ONE: CONCEPTS, HISTORY, THEORY Critical Discourse Analysis and the Rhetoric of Critique - Michael Billig Missing Links in Mainstream Critical Discourse Analysis - Paul Chilton Modules, Blends and the Critical Instinct Critical Discourse Analysis and the Marketization of Public Discourse - Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis - Norman Fairclough, Jane Mulderrig and Ruth Wodak Critique and Argumentation - Bernhard Forchtner and Ana Tominc On the Relation between the Discourse-Historical Approach and Pragma-Dialectics On combining pragma-dialectics with critical discourse analysis - Constanza Ihnen and John Richardson On Critical Linguistics - Roger Fowler Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Foucauldian Critical Discourse Analysis and Dispositive Analysis - Siegfried Jaeger and Florentine Maier Critical Discourse Analysis - Gunther Kress Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis - Michelle Lazar Articulating a Feminist Discourse Praxis Discourse, Context and Cognition - Teun van Dijk Discourse and the Denial of Racism - Teun Van Dijk Representing Social Actors - Theo Van Leeuwen Legitimation in Discourse and Communication - Theo Van Leeuwen Critical Discourse Analysis, Description, Explanation, Causes - Gary Wickham and Gavin Kendall Foucault's Inspiration versus Weber's Perspiration Pragmatics and Critical Discourse Analysis - Ruth Wodak A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry Language, Power, Identity - Ruth Wodak VOLUME TWO: METHODOLOGIES A Useful Methodological Synergy? Combining Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics to Examine Discourses of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the U.K. Press - Paul Baker et al Teddy Bear Stories - Carmen Caldas-Coulthard and Theo van Leeuwen A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies - Courtney Cazden et al Designing Social Futures Political Discourse in the News - Lilie Chouliaraki Democratizing Responsibility or Aestheticizing Politics A Context-Sensitive Approach to Analyzing Talk in Strategy Meetings - Ian Clarke, Winston Kwon and Ruth Wodak Peer Talk as a 'Double Opportunity Space' - Sara Zadunaisky Ehrlich and Shoshana Blum-Kulka The Case of Argumentative Discourse If Both Opponents 'Extend Hands in Peace', Why Don't They Meet? Mythic Metaphors and Cultural Codes in the Israeli Peace Discourse - Dalia Gavriely-Nuri Actor Descriptions, Action Attributions and Argumentation - Majid KhosraviNik Towards a Systematization of Critical Discourse Analysis Analytical Categories in the Representation of Social Groups Political Communication, Institutional Cultures and Linearities of Organizational Practice - Micha? Krzy?anowski A Discourse-Ethnographic Approach to Institutional Change in the European Union Arab and American Computer War Games - David Machin and Usama Suleiman The Influence of a Global Technology on Discourse Time to Get Wired - Gerlinde Mautner Using Web-Based Corpora in Critical Discourse Analysis The Grammar of Governance - Jane Mulderrig Metaphor Scenarios in Public Discourse - Andreas Musolff Inferencing and Cultural Reproduction - Kieran O'Halloran A Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis Rhetoric of Political Speeches - Martin Reisigl Scollon Nexus Analysis - Ron Scollon and Suzie Wong Refocusing Ethnography on Action VOLUME THREE: DOING CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS/CASE STUDIES Between Remembering and Forgetting - Mariana Achugar Uruguayan Military Discourse about Human Rights (1976-2004) Critical Discourse Analysis as an Analytic Tool in Considering Selected, Prominent Feature of TRC Testimonies - Christine Anthonissen Investigating Narrative Inequality - Jan Blommaert African Asylum Seekers' Stories in Belgium The Use of Exclusionary Language to Manipulate Opinion - Michael Clyne John Howard, Asylum Seekers and the Re-Emergence of Political Incorrectness in Australia The Discursive Construction of National Identities - Rudolf De Cillia, Martin Reisigl and Ruth Wodak Media Representation of the Discrimination against the Roma in Eastern Europe - Karmen Erjavec The Case of Slovenia Blair's Contribution to Elaborating a New 'Doctrine of International Community' - Norman Fairclough 'Global' Discourses of Democracy and an English City - Michael Farrelly Rhetorical Strategies and Identity Politics in the Discourse of Colonial Withdrawal - J Flowerdew Hypercapitalism - Phil Graham Language, New Media and Social Perceptions of Value Visually Branding the Environment - Anders Hansen and David Machin Climate Change as a Marketing Opportunity 'A Shotgun Wedding' - Veronika Koller Co-Occurrence of War and Marriage Metaphors in Mergers and Acquisitions Discourse Discourse at Work - Luisa Martin-Rojo and Concepsion Gomez Esteban When Women Take on the Role of Manager Who Am I Gonna Do This with - Florian Menz Self-Organization, Ambiguity and Decision-Making in a Business-Enterprise 'Get Shot of the Lot of Them' - John Richardson Election Reporting of Muslims in British Newspapers 'We Are Dealing with People Whose Origins One Can Clearly Tell Just by Looking' - Ruth Wodak and Bernd Matouschek Critical Discourse Analysis and the Study of Neo-Racism in Contemporary Austria VOLUME FOUR: APPLICATIONS, INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES AND NEW TRENDS Genetically Modified Food in the News - Martha Augoustinos, Shona Crabb and Richard Shepherd Media Representations of the Genetic Modification Debate in the U.K. The Language of Critical Discourse Analysis - Michael Billig The Case of Nominalization Reflections on Discourse and Critique in China and the West - Paul Chilton, Hailong Tian and Ruth Wodak Critique, the Discourse-Historical Approach and the Frankfurt School - Bernhard Forchtner Critical Discourse Analysis and Political Economy of Communication - Philip Graham and Allan Luke Understanding the New Corporate Order Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis - Martyn Hammersley Methods or Paradigms? Force-Interactive Patterns in Immigration Discourse - Christopher Hart A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach to Critical Discourse Analysis Critical Semiotic Analysis and Cultural Political Economy - Bob Jessop On the Problem of Bias in Political Argumentation - Manfred Kienpointner and Walther Kindt An Investigation into Discussions about Political Asylum in Germany and Austria Discourses and Concepts - Michae? Krzy?anowski Interfaces and Synergies between Begriffsgeschichte and the Discourse-Historical Approach in Critical Discourse Analysis Discursive Technologies and the Social Organization of Meaning - Jay Lemke Power and Discourse in Organization Studies - Dennis Mumby and Cynthia Stohl Absence and the Dialectic of Control The impact of Visual Racism - John Richardson and Ruth Wodak Visual Arguments in Political Leaflets of Austrian and British Far-Right Parties Language and Significance - or the Importance of Import - Andrew Sayer Implications for Critical Discourse Analysis Future of Europe - Bo Strath Discourse and Manipulation - Teun Van Dijk Performing Success - Ina Wagner and Ruth Wodak Identifying Strategies of Self-Presentation in Women's Autobiographical Narratives

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