PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Who Are Counsellors and Helpers? Creating Communication Skills and Feelings Creating Mind Skills The Counselling and Helping Process Counselling and Helping Relationships PART TWO: THE RELATING STAGE Understanding the Internal Frame of Reference Showing Attention and Interest Reflecting Feelings Starting the Counselling and Helping Process Managing Resistance and Making Referrals PART THREE: THE UNDERSTANDING STAGE Assessing Feelings and Physical Reactions Assessing Thinking Assessing Communication and Actions Challenges, Feedback and Self-Disclosure Monitoring, Summarizing and Identifying Skills PART FOUR: THE CHANGING STAGE Helping to Solve Problems Coaching Skills: Speaking, Demonstrating and Rehearsing Improving Communication and Actions Improving Thinking Negotiating Homework Conducting Middle Sessions Terminating Counselling and Helping PART FIVE: FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS Relaxation Interventions Managing Crises Multicultural and Gender-Aware Counselling and Helping Ethical Issues and Dilemmas Training Groups, Supervision and Support Using Technology in Counselling Becoming More Skilled and Human
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'I was taught counselling skills by Richard Nelson-Jones almost forty years ago. Buy this book. He know what he is talking about!' - Windy Dryden is a Professor of Psychotherapeutic Studies and Programme Co-ordinator of the MSc in Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy at Goldsmiths, University of London