SAGE Visual Methods


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Edited by Jason Hughes
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Jason Hughes is Professor and Head of the School of Media, Communication and Sociology at the University of Leicester. His first book, Learning to Smoke (2003, Chicago Press), which synthesised aspects of the work of Howard Becker with that of Foucault and Elias, won the 2006 Norbert Elias prize. He has also coauthored with Ruth Simpson and Natasha Slutskaya Gender, Class and Occupation: Working Class Men Doing Dirty Work (Palgrave, 2016), and, together with Eric Dunning, Norbert Elias and Modern Sociology: Knowledge, Interdependence, Power, Process (Bloomsbury, 2013). Other works include the edited volumes Visual Methods (SAGE, 2012) and Internet Research Methods (SAGE, 2012), and coedited volumes Contemporary Approaches to Ethnographic Research (SAGE, 2018), Documentary and Archival Research (SAGE, 2016), Moral Panics in the Contemporary World (Bloomsbury, 2013), and Communities of Practice: Critical Perspectives (Routledge, 2007). His current research, funded by Cancer Research UK, is investigating the "careers" of adolescent e-cigarette users.

VOLUME ONE: PRINCIPLES, ISSUES, DEBATES AND CONTROVERSIES IN VISUAL RESEARCH Theory and Practice of Visual Sociology - Leonard Henny The Use of Photographs in a Discipline of Words - Michael Ball and Gregory Smith The Place of Visual Data in Social Research - Marcus Banks A Brief History Technologies of Realism? Ethnographic Uses of Photography and Film - Michael Ball and Gregory Smith The Visual in Ethnography - Sarah Pink Photography, Video, Cultures and Individuals Putting Visual Data into Focus - Michael Emmison and Philip Smith Visual Approaches - Paula Reavey and Katharine Johnson Using and Interpreting Images Visual Sociology Reframed - Luc Pauwels An Analytical Synthesis and Discussion of Visual Methods in Social and Cultural Research 'Creative' Visual Methods in Media Research - David Buckingham Possibilities, Problems and Proposals The Truthful Messenger - Sally Galman Visual Methods and Representation in Qualitative Research in Education Looking at and Looking back - Lesley Murray Visualization in Mobile Research Participatory Research and the Philosophy of Social Science - Mary van der Riet Beyond the Moral Imperative On a Pedagogy of Ethics in Visual Research - Claudia Mitchell Who's in the Picture? Visual Research Ethics at the Crossroads - Rose Wiles, Andrew Clark and Jon Prosser Legal Issues of Using Images in Research - Jeremy Rowe VOLUME TWO: DOCUMENTATION AND REPRESENTATION Constructing Credible Images - Jon Wagner Documentary Studies, Social Research and Visual Studies Seeing Is Believing - Sandra Mathison The Credibility of Image-Based Research and Evaluation Working with Images in Daily Life and Police Practice - Michael Ball An Assessment of the Documentary Tradition Picture This - Angela Bolton, Christopher Pole and Phillip Mizen Researching Child Workers Using Photography in Studies of Immigrant Communities - Steven Gold Framing Photographic Ethnography - Douglas Harper A Case Study Picturing Experience - Joy Sather-Wagstaff A Tourist-Centred Perspective on Commemorative Historical Sites Picturing Validity - Cate Watson Auto-Ethnography and the Representation of Self? Images of Torture - Eammon Carrabine Culture, Politics and Power Images without Words - Margaret Conkey The Construction of Pre-Historic Imaginaries for Definitions of 'Us' Comments on Elias's 'Scenes from the Life of a Knight' - Eric Dunning Behind the Scenes - Radhamany Sooryamoorthy Making Research Films in Sociology Work and the Moving Image - Jon Hindmarsh Past, Present and Future Using Video to Investigate Pre-School Classroom Interaction - Rosie Flewitt Education Research Assumptions and Methodological Practices The Body and the Senses - Stephanie Merchant Visual Methods, Videography and the Submarine Sensorium Making Sense of Place - Kimberly Powell Mapping as a Multisensory Research Method Mediational Techniques and Conceptual Frameworks in Archaeology - Timothy Webmoor A Model in 'Mapwork' at Teotihuacan, Mexico Multimodal Ethnography - Bella Dicks, Bambo Soyinka and Amanda Coffey When Words Fail Us - Frank Sligo and Elspeth Tilley Using Visual Composites in Research Reporting VOLUME THREE: INTERPRETATION AND CLASSIFICATION Reading Pictures - Marcus Banks Symbolist and Structuralist Analysis of Visual Representations - Michael Ball and Gregory Smith Content Analysis of Visual Images - Philip Bell The Abu Ghraib Torture Photographs - Kari Anden-Papadopoulos News Frames, Visual Culture and the Power of Images Semiotics and Iconography - Theo van Leeuwen All Photos Lie - Barry Goldstein Images as Data The Failure of 'The President's Choice' - Erina Duganne Visual Meaning - Carey Jewitt and Rumiko Oyama A Social Semiotic Approach Psychoanalysis - Gillian Rose Visual Culture, Visual Pleasure, Visual Disruption A Therapeutic Perspective - Gertraud Diem-Wille The Use of Drawings in Child Psychoanalysis and Social Science Mapping Visual Discourses - Adele Clarke Practices of Seeing Visual Analysis - Charles Goodwin An Ethnomethodological Approach Quantitative Content Analysis of the Visual - Annekatrin Bock, Holger Isermann and Thomas Knieper Methodological Approaches to Disclosing Historic Photographs - Eric Margolis and Jeremy Rowe Analyzing Video - Christian Heath, Jon Hindmarsh and Paul Luff Developing Preliminary Observations VOLUME FOUR: ELICITATION AND COLLABORATION Framing the Social World with Photo-Elicitation Interviews - Marisol Clark-Ibanez Participatory Photography as a Qualitative Approach to Obtain Insights into Farmer Groups - Elisabeth Gotschi, Robert Delve and Bernhard Freyer Breaking the Ethnographer's Frames - Jeffrey Samuels Reflections on the Use of Photo-Elicitation in Understanding Sri Lankan Monastic Culture The Framing Safety Project - Lisa Frohmann Photographs and Narratives by Battered Women A Way into Emphathy - Laura Lorenz A 'Case' of Photo-Elicitation in Illness Research Photovoice - Caricia Catalani and Meredith Minkler A Review of the Literature in Health and Public Health Photovoice as a Social Process of Critical Consciousness - Elizabeth Carlson, Joan Engebretson and Robert Chamberlain Hidden Heroines - Lynne Duffy Lone Mothers Assessing Community Health Using Photovoice Promoting Policy and Environmental Change Using Photovoice in the Kaiser Permanente Community Health Initiative - Leila Kramer et al Visual Storytelling - Sarah Drew, Rony Duncan and Susan Sawyer A Beneficial but Challenging Method for Health Research with Young People Using Visual Methodologies to Explore Contemporary Irish Childhoods - Allen White et al Participatory Photography - Esther Prins A Tool for Empowerment or Surveillance? Drawing out Emotions - Kerri Kearney and Adrienne Hyle The Use of Participant-Produced Drawings in Qualitative Inquiry Understanding Illness - Marilys Guillemin Using Drawings as a Research Method Graphic Elicitation - Nathan Crilly, Alan Blackwell and P. John Clarkson Using Research Diagrams as Interview Stimuli Mapping Embodiment - Jen Tarr and Helen Thomas Methodologies for Representing Pain and Injury Filming 'The Closet' - Ruth Holliday The Role of Video Diaries in Researching Sexualities Collaborative Film-Making as Process, Method and Text in Mental-Health Research - Hester Parr Videographic Geographies - Bradley Garrett Using Digital Video for Geographic Research Geographic Information Technologies, Local Knowledge and Change - Jon Corbett and Giacomo Rambaldi

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