John Goodwin is a Professor of Sociology and Sociological Practice at the University of Leicester. As a sociologist, John has a broad range of research interests including education to work transitions, sociological research methods, and the history of sociology. He is a recognized expert on the life and sociology of Pearl Jephcott, and he also has a significant interest in the works of Norbert Elias, C. Wright Mills, and Stanley Milgram. In terms of his sociological practice, John has expertise in qualitative secondary analysis, restudies, biographical methods, and the use of unconventional data sources in sociological research.
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VOLUME ONE: USING SECONDARY SOURCES AND SECONDARY ANALYSIS What Is Secondary Analysis? - Janet Heaton Introduction to Secondary Analysis of Survey Data - K. Jill Kiecolt and Laura Nathan Secondary Analysis and the Relationship between Official and Academic Social Research - Catherine Hakim The General Household Survey as a Source for Secondary Analysis - Nigel Gilbert, Angela Dale and Sara Arber Combining Registry, Primary and Secondary Data Sources to Identify the Impact of Cancer on Labor Market Outcomes - Cathy Bradley et al Using Secondary Data in Marketing Research - Stephen Castleberry A Project That Melds Web and Off-Web Sources Secondary Research, New Product Screening and the Marketing Research Course - William Lesch and James Hazeltine An Experiment in Structured Decision-Making Secondary Data for Policy Studies - Wendy Young and Hosihn Ryu Benefits and Challenges Conducting Secondary Research - Bonita Kolb Data Collection in the Urban Setting - Gregory Andranovich and Gerry Risposa Introduction to Secondary Research - David Stewart and Michael Kamins Secondary Data Analysis - Ernest Brewer Official Statistics - Piergiorgio Corbetta Using Other People's Data - Theodore Greenstein Secondary Data Analysis - Paula Devine The Importance of Census and Other Secondary Data in Development Studies - Vandana Desai and Robert Potter The Basic Language of Statistics - Rachad Antonius VOLUME TWO: QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO SECONDARY ANALYSIS Secondary Analysis of a Major Societal Experiment - Joseph Locascio The Effects of Standardized Testing in Elementary Schools Complex Sampling Designs and Statistical Issues in Secondary Analysis - Shawn Kneipp and Hossein Yarandi Research Methodology - Rich Clark and Marc Maynard Using Online Technology for Secondary Analysis of Survey Research Data - 'Act Globally, Think Locally' Testing Mediation Using Multiple Regression and Structural Equation Modeling Analyses in Secondary Data - Spencer Li Police Involvement in Child Protective Services Investigations - Theodore Cross, David Finkelhor and Richard Ormrod Literature Review and Secondary Data Analysis A Secondary Survey Analysis Study of African American Ethnic Identity Orientations in Two National Samples - Lauri Hyers Neighborhood Effects in Temporal Perspective - Geoffrey Wodtke, David Harding and Felix Elwert The Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Concentrated Disadvantage on High School Graduation Community College Student Engagement Patterns - Victor Saenz et al A Typology Revealed through Exploratory Cluster Analysis Patterns of Substance Involvement and Criminal Behavior - Eric Sevigny and Phyllis Coontz A Gender-Based Cluster Analysis of Pennsylvania Arrestees Regional Differences in Labour Market Participation of Young People in the European Union - Anne Green, David Owen and Rob Wilson Determining the Relative Importance of Predictors in Logistic Regression - Scott Tonidandel and James LeBreton An Extension of Relative Weight Analysis Women, Lifelong Learning and Transitions into Employment - Andrew Jenkins Strong Families, Tidy Houses and Children's Values in Adult Life - Eirini Flouri Are 'Chaotic', 'Crowded' and 'Unstable' Homes Really so Bad? Race and Ethnicity and the Controversy over the U.S. Census - Margo Anderson and Stephen Fienberg Identifying and Measuring Dimensions of Urban Deprivation in Montreal - Andre Langlois and Peter Kitchen An Analysis of the 1996 Census Data Disparities in Access to Care among Asthmatic Children in Relation to Race and Socioeconomic Status - Crystal Piper et al Gender Differences in Predictors of Assaultive Behavior in Late Adolescence - Suyeon Park, Merry Morash and Tia Stevens Measuring Interest Group Influence Using Quantitative Text Analysis - Heike Kl ver Facilitating Content Analysis in Tourism Research - Svetlana Stepchenkova, Andrei Kirilenko and Alastair Morrison When Less Is More - Bernhard Ebbinghaus Selection Problems in Large-N and Small-N Cross-National Comparisons Family Policies, Wage Structures and Gender Gaps - Hadas Mandel and Moshe Semyonov Sources of Earnings Inequality in 20 Countries VOLUME THREE: THE SECONDARY ANALYSIS OF QUALITATIVE DATA Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data - Tracy Long-Sutehall, Magi Sque and Julia Addington-Hall A Valuable Method for Exploring Sensitive Issues with an Elusive Population? Mobility Adaptations of Older Adults - Kathy L. Rush, Wilda E. Watts and Janice Stanbury A Secondary Analysis Women's Empowerment in Pakistan - Maria Irma Bustamante-Gavino, Salma Rattani and Kausar Khan Definitions and Enabling and Disenabling Factors: A Secondary Data Analysis Exploring Complex Transitions - John Goodwin and Henrietta O'Connor Looking back at the 'Golden Age' of from School to Work Through the Interviewer's Lens - John Goodwin and Henrietta O'Connor Representations of 1960s Households and Families in a Lost Sociological Study Resistance and Adaptation to Criminal Identity - Nigel Fielding and Jane Fielding Using Secondary Analysis to Evaluate Classic Studies of Crime and Deviance Can We Re-Use Qualitative Data via Secondary Analysis? Notes on Some Terminological and Substantive Issues - Martyn Hammersley (Re)-Using Qualitative Data? - Niamh Moore A Reflexive Account of Re-Using Qualitative Data - Libby Bishop Beyond Primary/Secondary Dualism Linking Stress and Injury in the Farming Environment - Pamela Kidd, Ted Scharf and Mark Veazie A Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Doing a Secondary Analysis of a Qualitative Data Set - Pamela Hinds, Ralph Vogel and Laura Clarke-Steffen Online Petitions - Helen Briassoulis New Tools of Secondary Analysis? Using Documents in Research - William Gibson and Andrew Brown Using Documents - Ruth Finnegan Secondary Analysis of Archived Data - Clive Seale et al Types of Qualitative Secondary Analysis - Janet Heaton Revisiting - Julie McLeod and Rachel Thomson A Theoretical Understanding of Sickness Absence among Women Who Have Experienced Workplace Bullying - Sue O'Donnell, Judith MacIntosh and Judith Wuest Distinguishing the Trees from the Forest - Greg Guest and Eleanor McLellan Applying Cluster Analysis to Thematic Qualitative Data VOLUME FOUR: ETHICAL, METHODOLOGICAL AND PRACTICAL ISSUES IN SECONDARY ANALYSIS Ethical and Representational Issues in Qualitative Secondary Analysis - Sally Thome Utilizing Data from a Lost Sociological Project - Henrietta O'Connor and John Goodwin Experiences, Insights, Promises Obtaining and Evaluating Data Sets for Secondary Analysis in Nursing Research - Ann Jacobson, Patti Hamilton and James Galloway The Impact of Working with Disturbing Secondary Data - Ben Fincham, Jonathan Scourfield and Susanne Langer Reading Suicide Files in a Coroner's Office Secondary Consumer Data - Mario Mazzocchi Identifying What Data Must Be Collected - Roger Kaufman, Ingrid Guerra and William Platt Evaluating Secondary Sources - David Stewart and Michael Kamins Alternative Data Sources - Rosalind Dworkin Locating Appropriate Data - K. Jill Kiecolt and Laura Nathan Secondary Analysis - Leigh Burstein An Important Resource for Educational Research and Evaluation Qualitative Researchers' Understandings of Their Practice and the Implications for Data Archiving and Sharing - Alex Broom, Lynda Cheshire and Michael Emmison Using Large-Scale Databases in Evaluation - William Penuel and Barbara Means Advances, Opportunities and Challenges Large-Scale Survey Data in Career Development Research - Matthew Diemer The Provision of Access to Quantitative Data for Secondary Analysis - Keith Cole, Jo Wathan and Louise Corti