John Goodwin is a Professor of Sociology and Sociological Practice at the University of Leicester. As a sociologist, John has a broad range of research interests including education to work transitions, sociological research methods, and the history of sociology. He is a recognized expert on the life and sociology of Pearl Jephcott, and he also has a significant interest in the works of Norbert Elias, C. Wright Mills, and Stanley Milgram. In terms of his sociological practice, John has expertise in qualitative secondary analysis, restudies, biographical methods, and the use of unconventional data sources in sociological research.
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VOLUME ONE: BIOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH: STARTING POINTS, DEBATES AND APPROACHES Biographical Method - Louis Smith The Auto/Biographical Society - Ken Plummer Assumptions of the Method - Norman Denzin A Biographical Turn in the Social Sciences? A British-European View - Tom Wengraf, Prue Chamberlayne and Joanna Bornat On Auto/Biography in Sociology - Liz Stanley Weaving Stories - Pamela Cotterill and Gayle Letherby Personal Auto/Biographies in Feminist Research Autobiography, Intimacy and Ethnography - Deborah Reed-Danahay Practising Sociological Imagination through Writing Sociological Autobiography - Alem Kebede The Interpretation of Documents and Material Culture - Ian Hodder Observing Culture and Social Life - Gregory Stanczak Documentary Photography, Fieldwork and Social Research Repositioning Documents in Social Research - Lindsay Prior Oral History - Joanna Bornat Oral and Life History - Julie McLeod and Rachel Thomson What Is Narrative Research? - Molly Andrews, Corinne Squire and Maria Tamboukou The Narrative Potential of the British Birth Cohort Studies - Jane Elliott Qualitative Longitudinal Research - Julie McLeod and Rachel Thomson Text, Context and Individual Meaning - Consuelo Corradi Rethinking Life Stories in a Hermeneutic Framework Analytic Auto-Ethnography - Leon Anderson Auto-Ethnography in Vocational Psychology - Peter McIlveen et al Wearing Your Class on Your Sleeve VOLUME TWO: BIOGRAPHICAL INTERVIEWS, ORAL HISTORIES AND LIFE NARRATIVES Securing Biographical Experience - Norman Denzin Collecting Life Histories - Robert Miller Narrative Methodologies - Liz Stanley and Bogusia Temple Subjects, Silences, Re-Readings and Analyses Madness to the Method? Using a Narrative Methodology to Analyze Large-Scale Complex Social Phenomena - Liz Stanley Narrating Life Stories in between the Fictional and the Autobiographical - Maarit Leskelae-Kaerki Among the Chosen - Thomas Barone A Collaborative Educational (Auto)biography Bodies, Narratives, Selves and Autobiography - Andrew Sparkes The Example of Lance Armstrong Growing up with a Lesbian Mother - Carrie Paechter A Theoretically Based Analysis of Personal Experience Researching Groups of Lives - Diana Jones A Collective Biographical Perspective on the Protestant Ethic Debate Developing Narrative Research in Supportive and Palliative Care - Amanda Bingley et al The Focus on Illness Narratives The Life History Interview Method - Roberta Goldman et al Applications to Intervention Development Life Stories and Social Careers - Robin Humphrey Ageing and Social Life in an Ex-Mining Town The Written Life History as a Prime Research Tool in Adult Education - Catharine Warren Looking Back, Looking Forward - Susan Feldman and Linsey Howie Reflections on Using a Life History Review Tool with Older People Emplacing the Research Encounter - Mark Riley Exploring Farm Life Histories 'Hidden Ethnography' - Shane Blackman Crossing Emotional Borders in Qualitative Accounts of Young People's Lives 'We're Not Ethnic, We're Irish!' - Jennifer Clary-Lemon Oral Histories and the Discursive Construction of Immigrant Identity Neighborhood Planning - June Manning Thomas Uses of Oral History Reminiscing Television - Jukka Kortti and Tuuli Anna Maehoenen Media Ethnography, Oral History and Finnish Third Generation Media History Consent in Oral History Interviews - Geertje Boschma, Olive Yonge and Lorraine Mychajlunow Unique Challenges Who Do We Think We Are? Self and Reflexivity in Social Work Practice - Avril Butler, Deirdre Ford and Claire Tregaskis Statistical Stories? The Use of Narrative in Quantitative Analysis - Jane Elliot VOLUME THREE: OTHER FORMS OF LIFE WRITING: LETTERS, DIARIES AND AUTO/BIOGRAPHY Shadows Lying across Her Pages - Liz Stanley Epistolary Aspects of Reading 'The Eventful I' in Olive Schreiner's Letters Sociological Imaginings and Imagining Sociology - David Morgan Bodies, Auto/Biographies and Other Mysteries Letters to a Young Baller - Megan Chawansky Exploring Epistolary Criticism Introduction 2. 'Anxiously Yours': The Epistolary Self and the Culture of Concern - Nicky Hallett The Epistolary Self and the Culture of Concern Do Their Words Really Matter? Thematic Analysis of U.S. and Latin American CEO Letters - Roger Conaway and William Wardrope Constructing Personal Identities in Holiday Letters - Stephen Banks, Esther Louie and Martha Einerson Five Holiday Letters - Stephen Banks A Fiction Dear Shit-Shovellers - Sharon Lockyer and Michael Pickering Humour, Censure and the Discourse of Complaint Guidelines for Quality in Autobiographical Forms of Self-Study Research - Robert Bullough Jr. and Stefinee Pinnegar Wole Soyinka and Autobiography as Political Unconscious - Ato Quayson Researching Diaries - Andy Alaszweski Getting Started - Andy Alaszweski Finding Diarists and Diaries Public and Private Meanings in Diaries - Linda Bell Researching Family and Child Care The Personal Is Political - Lauri Hyers, Janet Swim and Robyn Mallett Using Daily Diaries to Examine Everyday Prejudice-Related Experiences Recalling the Letter - John Duffy The Uses of Oral Testimony in Historical Studies of Literacy Meaning of Work in Dalit Autobiographies - Shashi Bhushan Upadhyay Two Hours or More away from Most Things - James Haywood Rolling, Jr. and Lace Marie Brogden Re-Writing Identities from No Fixed Address VOLUME FOUR: OTHER DOCUMENTS OF LIFE: PHOTOGRAPHS, CYBER DOCUMENTS AND EPHEMERA Families, Secrets and Memories - Carol Smart Accessories to a Life Story - Ken Plummer From Written Diaries to Video Diaries The Virtual Objects of Ethnography - Christine Hine Kin-to-Be - Christine Hegel-Cantarella Betrothal, Legal Documents and Reconfiguring Relational Obligations in Egypt 'Freshly Generated for You, and Barack Obama' - Jill Walker Rettberg How Social Media Represent Your Life History, Living Biography and Self-Narrative - Shay Sayre Moving Stories - Nicola Ross et al Using Mobile Methods to Explore the Everyday Lives of Young People in Public Care 'Entering the Blogosphere' - Nicholas Hookway Some Strategies for Using Blogs in Social Research Fieldnotes in Public - Nina Wakeford and Kris Cohen Using Blogs for Research Visual Storytelling - Sarah Drew, Rony Duncan and Susan Sawyer A Beneficial but Challenging Method for Health Research with Young People Beyond the Standard Interview - Anna Bagnoli The Use of Graphic Elicitation and Arts-Based Methods Prison Tattoos as a Reflection of the Criminal Lifestyle - Alicia Rozycki et al Something to Show for It - Christine Wall The Place of Mementoes in Women's Oral Histories of Work 'Goods, Chattels and Sundry Items' - Swati Chattopadhyay Constructing 19th-Century Anglo-Indian Domestic Life Self-Enhancement or Self-Coherence? Why People Shift Visual Perspective in Mental Images of the Personal Past and Future - Lisa Libby and Richard Eibach Inner-City Children in Sharper Focus - Gregory Stanczak Sociology of Childhood and Photo Elicitation Interviews Video in Ethnographic Research - Sarah Pink