Gabrielle Durepos, MA, lectures in Organizational Behaviour in the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary's University.

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VOLUME ONE: INTRODUCTION TO CENTRAL THEMES IN CASE STUDY RESEARCH IN BISINESS CLASSIC ARTICLES IN THE FOUNDING OF THE CASE STUDY TRADITION 'Case Study' in American Methodological Thought - Jennifer Platt Bibliographies - Stephane Dufour and Dominic Fortin Does Prediction Conflict with Individualization? - Lewis Lawes Memorandum Concerning a Proposed Research Technique - Robert Angell On Generalization from Limited Social Data - Frank Alexander Ross Culture Case Study and Ideal-Typical Method - Howard Becker With Special Reference to Max Weber The Quantification of Case Studies - Paul Lazarsfeld and W.S. Robinson A Clinical Case Study - Mervin Durea The Los Angeles Bureau of Power and Light - Martin Glaeser A Case Study of Public Ownership EARLY FORAYS IN BUSINESS Rubber - William Orton A Case Study The Influence of Interest Rates upon Entrepreneurial Decisions in Business - J. Franklin Ererbsole A Case Study Financial Control - Richard van Wagenen A Case Study Profit-Sharing under Collective Bargaining - Joseph Scanlon Three Case Studies The WP Club - Alvin Zander An Objective Case Study of a Group Studies in the Social Development of an Industrial Community (The Glacier Project) - Elliott Jaques I. Collaborative Group Methods in a Wage Negotiation Situation - Part One: Case Study The Case Study Method and the Establishment of Standards of Efficiency - Preston Lebreton Some Problems in Conceptualizing Organizational Climate - Chris Argyris A Case Study of a Bank DEBATES IN CASE STUDY RESEARCH Qualitative Data as an Attractive Nuisance - Matthew Miles The Problem of Analysis Some Limitations of the Case Method - Chris Argyris Experiences in a Management Development Program The Case Study Crisis - Robert Yin Some Answers The Harvard Business School Story - Ianna Contardo and Robin Wensley Avoiding Knowledge by Being Relevant The Possibility of the Testimony - Paolo Quattrone A Case for Case Study Research The Case Study as Disciplinary Convention - Rebecca Piekkari, Catherine Welch and Eriikka Paavilainen Evidence from International Business Journals Digging Archeology - Albert Mills and Jean Helms Mills Post-Positivist Theory and Archival Research in Case Study Development VOLUME TWO: POSITIVIST CASE STUDY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS A Process Model of Internal Corporate Venturing in a Major Diversified Firm - Robert Burgelman Governance, Entrepreneurship and Effectiveness - Monica Diochon Exploring the Link Keeping an Eye on the Mirror - Jane Dutton and Janet Dukerich The Role of Image and Identity in Organizational Adaptation Politics of Strategic Decision-Making in High-Velocity Environments - Kathleen Eisenhardt and L.J. Bourgeois III Toward a Mid-Range Theory Toward a Model of Venture Capital Investment Decision-Making - Vance Fried and Robert Hisrich Time and Transition in Work Teams - Connie Gersick Toward a New Model of Group Development Measuring Organizational Cultures - Geert Hofstede et al A Qualitative and Quantitative Study across 20 Cases How Consumers Consume - Douglas Holt A Typology of Consumption Practices International Sourcing and Supply Chain Stability - David Levy Explaining the Formation of International New Ventures - Patricia Phillips McDougall, Scott Shane and Benjamin Oviatt The Limits of Theories from International Business Research SMEs and CSR - David Murillo and Josep Lozano An Approach to CSR in Their Own Words Toward an Understanding of Consumer Ambivalence - Cele Otnes, Tina Lowrey and L.J. Shrum Untangling the Relationship between Displayed Emotions and Organizational Sales - Robert Sutton and Anat Raphaeli The Case of Convenience Stores Corporate Codes of Ethics and Sales Force Behavior - William Weeks and Jacques Nantel A Case Study From Evangelism to General Service - Mayer Zald and Patricia Denton The Transformation of the YMCA The Value of the Voting Right - Luigi Zingales A Study of the Milan Stock-Exchange Experience VOLUME THREE: INTERPRETIVE AND CRITICAL APPROACHES TO CASE STUDIES IN BUSINESS On Studying Organizational Cultures - Andrew Pettigrew The Collapse of Sense-Making in Organizations - Karl Weick The Mann Gulch Disaster The Good, the Bad and the Ambivalent - Michael Pratt Managing Identification among Amway Distributors The Dark Side of Organizations - Diane Vaughan Mistake, Misconduct and Disaster Supermarkets and Culture Clash - Dvora Yanow The Epistemological Role of Metaphors in Administrative Practice The Bitter and the Sweet Evolving Constellations of Product Mix Management in a Confectionery Company - Paeivi Eriksson and Keijo Raesaenen The Accomplishment of School Administration - Peter Gronn Narrative, Life Story and Manager Identity - Tony Watson A Case Study in Autobiographical Identity Work The Role of Annual Reports in Gender and Class Contradictions at General Motors, 1917-1976 - Tony Tinker and Marilynn Neimark Managing Cultural Diversity - Lucy Taska and Dimitria Groutsis A Critical Realist Approach to Institutional Entrepreneurship - Bernard Leca and Philippe Naccache Engineering Humor - David Collinson Masculinity, Joking and Conflict in Shop-Floor Relations Change, Talk and Sense-Making - Amy Thurlow and Jean Helms Mills Towards a Critical Spirituality of Organization - Emma Bell Nick Leeson and the Collapse of Barings Bank - Ian Greener Sociotechnical Networks and the 'Rogue Trader' Labor and Social Legislation in the United States - David Jacobs Business Obstructionism and Accommodation Critical Realism in Case Study Research - Geoff Easton VOLUME FOUR: CASE STUDY RESEARCH FROM THE TRADITIONS OF THE POST AND BEYOND Gender Relations and Identity at Work - Mats Alvesson A Case Study of Masculinities and Femininities in the Advertising Industry Stories of the Storytelling Organization - David Boje A Postmodern Analysis of Disney as 'Tamara-Land' Accounting for the Dark Side of Corporate History - Charles Booth et al Organizational Culture Perspectives and the Bertelsmann Case Refusing to Be 'Me' - Joanna Brewis Entrepreneurial Identities - Laurie Cohen and Gill Musson Reflections from Two Case Studies The Managing of the (Third) World - Bill Cooke On Being a Professional in a 'Big Six' Firm - Christopher Grey Reflexivity in Organization and Management Theory - Cynthia Hardy, Nelson Phillips and Stewart Clegg A Study of the Production of the Research 'Subject' Networking as Knowledge Work - David Knights, Fergus Murray and Hugh Willmott A Study of Strategic Inter-Organizational Development in the Financial Services Industry Globalization, Post-Colonial Theory and Organizational Analysis - Brad Long and Albert Mills Lessons from the Rwanda Genocide The Emergence of New Global Institutions - Steve Maguire and Cynthia Hardy A Discursive Perspective Gendering Teamwork - Beverly Metcalfe and Alison Linstead Re-Writing the Feminine Representing Markets - Diego Rinallo and Francesca Golfetto The Shaping of Fashion Trends by French and Italian Fabric Companies Managing Managerial Identities - Stefan Sveningsson and Mats Alvesson Organizational Fragmentation, Discourse and Identity Struggle The Labour of Aesthetics and the Aesthetics of Organization - Anne Witz, Chris Warhurst and Dennis Nickson Diversity in the Lean Automobile Factory - Patrizia Zanoni Doing Class through Gender, Disability and Age