Statistical Analysis of Continuous Data


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Edited by Roger Penn, Damon Berridge
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Roger Penn is currently Professor of Sociology in the School of Sociology, Social Policy & Social Work at Queen's University Belfast. Previously, he was Professor of Economic Sociology at Lancaster University. He has been a visiting professor at UCLA, UC Berkeley, and the University of Bologna and has authored 14 books including Skilled Workers in the Class Structure; Class, Power and Technology; Social Change and Economic Life in Britain; and Children of International Migrants in Europe. He has edited a range of books including Skill and Occupational Change, Trade Unions in Recession, and two 4 Volume SAGE Series: Social Statistics and The Statistical Analysis of Continuous Data. He has also authored around 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals since 1975. He is currently on the editorial board of the European Journal for Sport and Society. He has a long-standing interest in the sociology of football. He has taught courses in this field for over a decade both at Lancaster University and more recently at Queen's University. He has published a range of articles over recent years that have examined football sociologically. These have included several SAGE Research Methods Case Studies.

VOLUME ONE: STATISTICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS DATA Methods of Statistics - F. Edgeworth Some New Methods of Measuring Variation in General Prices - F. Edgeworth Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Evolution - Karl Pearson Regression, Heredity and Panmixia Notes on the History of Pauperism in England and Wales from 1850, Treated by the Method of Frequency-Curves, with an Introduction on the Method - G. Udny Yule On the Theory of Correlation - G. Udny Yule Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution - Karl Pearson On the Reconstruction of the Stature of Prehistoric Races Probable Error of a Mean - L. Gossett ('Student') On the Criterion of Goodnes -of-Fit of the Regression Lines and on the Best Methods of Fitting Them to the Data - E. Slutsky Notes on the History of Correlation - Karl Pearson On the 'Probable Error' of a Co-Efficient of Correlation Deduced from a Small Sample - R.A. Fisher The Goodness-of-Fit of Regression Formulae and the Distribution of Regression Co-Efficients - R.A. Fisher Applications of 'Students' Distribution - A. Fisher VOLUME TWO: BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR THE STATISTICAL MODELING OF CONTINUOUS DATA Testing for Normality - R. Geary A General Distribution Theory for a Class of Likelihood Criteria - G. Box A Method for Judging All Contrasts in the Analysis of Variance - Henry Scheffe An Analysis of Transformations - G. Box and D. Cox Issues in Multiple Regression - Robert Gordon Generalized Linear Models - J. Nelder and R. Wedderburn Quasi-Likelihood Functions, Generalized Linear Models and the Gauss-Newton Method - R. Wedderburn Comparison of Stopping Rules in forward 'Stepwise' Regression - Robert Bendall and A. Afifi Additive and Multiplicative Models and Interactions - J. Darroch and T. Speed Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Large-Sample Inference for Generalized Linear and Non-Linear Regression Models - Bent Jorgensen Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares for Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Some Robust and Resistant Alternatives - P. Green Selection of Subsets of Regression Variables - Alan Miller A Fast Model Selection Procedure for Large Families of Models - D. Edwards and T. Havranek Control of Leaf Expansion in Sunflower (Helianthus anuus L.) by Nitrogen Nutrition - S. Palmer et al Saccadic Eye Movements in Families Multiply Affected with Schizophrenia - T Crawford et al The Maudsley Family Study VOLUME THREE: MULTIVARIATE ANALYSES OF CONTINUOUS DATA The Generalization of Student's Ratio - Harold Hotelling On the Generalized Distance in Statistics - P. Mahalanobis Significance Test for Sphericity of a Normal n-Variate Distribution - John Mauchly Tests with Discriminant Functions in Multivariate Analysis - Radhakrishna Rao Sample Criteria for Testing Equality of Means, Equality of Variances and Equality of Co-Variances in a Normal Multivariate Distribution - S. Wilks An Extension of Box's Results on the Use of the F Distribution in Multivariate Analysis - Seymour Geisser and Samuel Greenhouse Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) - H. Smith et al Some Non-Central Distribution Problems in Multivariate Analysis - A. Constantine Asymptotic Theory for a Principal Component Analysis - T. Anderson A Generalized Multivariate Analysis of Variance Model Useful Especially for Growth Curve Problems - Richard Potthoff and S. Roy Some Distance Properties of Latent Root and Vector Methods Used in Multivariate Analysis - J. Gower The Analysis of Association among Many Variates - E. Williams A General Maximum Likelihood Discriminant - N. Day and D. Kerridge On Some Invariant Criteria for Grouping Data - H. Friedman and J. Rubin On the Non-Central Distributions of Two Test Criteria in a Multivariate Analysis of Variance - C. Khatri and K. Pillai Estimating the Components of a Mixture of Normal Distributions - N. Day Conditions under Which Mean -Square Ratios in Repeated Measurements Designs Have Exact F-Distributions - Huyhn Huynh and Leonard Feldt Canonical Analysis of Several Sets of Variables - J. Kettenring VOLUME FOUR: STATISTICAL MODELING OF MULTIVARIATE CONTINUOUS DATA Principles of Path Analysis - Kenneth Land Contingencies in Constructing Causal Models - Otis Dudley Duncan Unmeasured Variables in Linear Models for Panel Analysis - Otis Dudley Duncan Comparative Robustness of Six Tests in Multivariate Analysis of Variance - Chester Olson Multivariate Analysis with Latent Variables - P. Bentler Causal Modeling Significance Tests and Goodness-of- Fit in the Analysis of Covariance Structures - P. Bentler and Douglas Bonett Analysis of Covariance Structures [with Discussion and Reply] - Karl Joreskog et al Recent Developments in Structural Equation Modeling - Karl Joreskog and Dag Soerbom Random-Effects Models for Longitudinal Data - Nan Laird and James Ware Statistics and Causal Inference - Paul Holland Structural Equation Models in the Social and Behavioural Sciences - James Anderson Model-Building Linear Modeling with Clustered Observations - R. Davies et al An Illustrative Example of Earnings in the Engineering Industry Structural Equation Modeling in Practice - James Anderson and David Gerbing A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach Newton-Raphson and EM Algorithms for Linear Mixed-Effects Models for Repeated-Measures Data - Mary Lindstrom and Douglas Bates Evaluation of Goodness-of-Fit Indices for Structural Equation Models - Stanley Mulaik et al Testing for the Equivalence of Factor Covariance and Mean Structures - Barbara Byrne et al The Issue of Partial Measurement Invariance On Substantive Research Hypotheses, Conditional Independence Graphs and Graphical Chain Models - Nanny Wermuth and Steffen Lilholt Lauritzen Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Psychological Research - Robert MacCallum and James Austin Beyond Structural Equation Modeling: - Bengt Muthen General Latent Variable Modeling Multilevel Covariance Structure Analysis by Fitting Multiple Single-Level Models - Ke-Hai Yuan and Peter Bentler Modeling Trajectories through the Educational System in North-West England - Roger Penn and Damon Berridge

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