Researching Gender


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Edited by Christina Hughes
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I am a Professor of Women and Gender and, currently, Chair of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Warwick. Previously I have taught and undertaken research at the University of Warwick in the Centre for Education, Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR), the Department of Applied Social Studies and the Department of Continuing Education. I have also worked for the Open University. My research interests have always been strongly feminist. This has led to work on stepfamily life, lifelong learning and higher education and more recently with artisan entrepreneurs. I try to bring a strong conceptual frame to my work and I have a number of publications that have been concerned with social capital, equality, envy and pleasure. My work with artisan entrepreneurs is leading to several streams of analysis. Through the notion of Salivary Identities this includes an exploration of the intra-actions between neuroscientific understandings of pleasure and the culture of jewellery designer making. Issues of distinction, disidentification and economic value are also of concern in further work I am developing. My research interests have also always been focussed on methodological concerns. My most recent work here has been on feminist quantitative methodologies (see Feminism Counts: Quantitative Methods and Researching Gender (2011) Oxford, Routledge (Edited with Rachel Cohen). I have also published on dissemination of qualitative research. I have been particularly interested in what, and who, gets heard and why. Again, I bring a feminist and political lens to this work as I seek to promote an 'informed practice' in the field of dissemination. Such informed practice takes account of the emotional realm of dissemination, the ethics of representation; and the challenge of 'post' (postmodernism, postcolonialism, poststructuralism) epistemological thought. I also continue to work with my colleagues Loraine Blaxter and Malcolm Tight. We have just completed the fourth edition of the highly successful text How to Research (2010) Buckingham, Open University Press.

VOLUME ONE: SITUATED KNOWERS AND FEMINIST STANDPOINT Outsider within - Maria Jaschok and Shui Jingjuin Speaking to Excursions across Cultures Standpoint Theory, Situated Knowledge and the Situated Imagination - Marcel Stoetzler and Nira Yuval-Davis The Feminist Standpoint - Nancy Harstock Developing the Ground for a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism Learning from the Outsider within - Patricia Hill Collins The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought Situated Knowledges - Donna Haraway The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective Knowers, Knowing, Known - Mary Hawkesworth Feminist Theory and Claims of Truth Truth and Method - Susan Hekman Feminist Standpoint Theory Revisited Where Standpoint Stands Now - Catherine Hundleby Standing at the Crossroads of Modernist Thought - Susan Mann and Lori Kelley Collins, Smith and the New Feminist Epistemologies Remaking the Link - Karen Henwood and Nick Pidgeon Qualitative Research and Feminist Standpoint Theory From the Margins - Dorothy Smith Women's Standpoint as a Method of Inquiry in the Social Sciences Gender - Joan Scott A Useful Category of Historical Analysis Feminist Standpoint Theory and the Questions of Social Work Research - Mary Swigonski Feminist Epistemology and Value - Alison Assiter A Feminist in the Forest - Andrea Nightingale Situated Knowledges and Mixing Methods in Natural Resource Management VOLUME TWO: REPRESENTATION, VOICE AND INTERSECTIONALITY Have We Got a Theory for You! Feminist Theory, Cultural Imperialism and the Demand for 'the Woman's Voice'? - Maria Lugones and Elizabeth Spelman Under Western Eyes - Chandra Talpade Mohanty Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses Contradictions of Feminist Methodology - Sherry Gorelick The Complexity of Intersectionality - Leslie McCall Intersectionality as Buzzword - Kathy Davis A Sociology of Science Perspective on What Makes a Feminist Theory Successful Shifting Positionalities - Jin Haritaworn Empirical Reflections on a Queer/Trans of Colour Methodology Uncertainty and Method - Martina Tissberger Whiteness, Gender and Psychoanalysis in Germany Responding to the Imperatives of an Indigenous Agenda - Linda Tuhiwai Smith A Case Study of Mauri Beyond the Politics of Location - Sylvia Walby The Power of Argument in a Global Era Envisioning Participatory Action Research Entremundos - Maria Torre and Jennifer Ayala Feeling Gender Speak - Lorraine Nencel Intersubjectivity and Fieldwork Practice with Women Who Prostitute in Lima, Peru Recovering Women's Histories - Veena Poonacha An Enquiry into Methodological Questions and Challenges Ideologies of Access and the Politics of Knowledge Production - Corinne Kratz The Mother of Invention - Liz Stanley Necessity, Writing and Representation Finding the Subject Queering the Archive - Danielle Clarke Taking up Post-Colonial Feminism in the Field - Koushambhi Basu Khan et al Working through a Method Intersections of Race, Class, Gender and Crime - Amanda Burgess-Proctor Future Directions for Feminist Criminology Re-Thinking Intersectionality - Jennifer Nash Discourse, Discourse Everywhere - Carol Bacchi Subject 'Agency' in Feminist Discourse Methodology The (Im)Possibilities of Writing the Self-Writing - Susanne Gannon French Post-Structural Theory and Auto-Ethnography Emancipatory Research Methodology and Disability - Ardha Danieli and Carol Woodhams A Critique Insiders and Outsiders - Louise Ryan, Eleonore Kofman and Pauline Aaron Working with Peer Researchers in Researching Muslim Communities Reciting the Self - Bridget Byrne Narrative Representations of the Self in Qualitative Interviews Queer(y)ing the Straight Researcher - Louisa Allen The Relationship(?) between Researcher Identity and Anti-Normative Knowledge VOLUME THREE: STRONG OBJECTIVITY AND FEMINIST EMPIRICISM Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology - Sandra Harding 'What Is Strong Objectivity?' Tracing the Contours - Kum-Kum Bhavanani Feminist Research and Feminist Objectivity Social Provisioning as a Starting Point for Feminist Economics - Marilyn Power Multiplying Subjects and the Diffusion of Power - Helen Longino Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics and Violence against Women of Color - Kimberle Crenshaw The Value of Quantitative Methodology for Feminist Research - T.E. Jayaratne Gender, Methodology and People's Ways of Knowing - Ann Oakley Some Problems with Feminism and the Paradigm Debate in Social Science Feminist Industrial Relations Theory and Quantitative Methodology - Mary Caprioli A Critical Analysis Feminist Methodology - Mary Margaret Fonow and Judith Cook New Applications in the Academy and Public Policy The Methodological Impact of Feminism - Rachel Cohen, Christina Hughes and Richard Lampard A Troubling Issue for Sociology? The Importance of Boundary Objects in Transcultural Interviewing - Vivian Lagesen Doing Feminist Conversation Analysis - Celia Kitzinger 'Dear Researcher' - Gayle Letherby and Dawn Zdrodowski The Use of Correspondence as a Method within Feminist Qualitative Research Transforming Research Methodologies in EU Life Sciences and Biomedicine - Ineke Klinge and Mineke Bosch Gender-Sensitive Ways of Doing Research Feminist Empiricism as a Method of Inquiry in Nursing - Patsy Perry Developing a Sociological Model for Researching Women's Self and Social Identities - Anne Byrne Feminist Methodology and Gender Planning Tools - Ineke van Halsema Divergences and Meeting Points Snowball Sampling - Kath Browne Using Social Networks to Research Non-Heterosexual Women Hindsight, Foresight and Insight - Rachel Thomson and Janet Holland The Challenges of Longitudinal Qualitative Research Feminist Visualization - Mei-Po Kwan Re-Envisioning GIS as a Method in Feminist Geographic Research VOLUME FOUR: RESEARCHING BODIES, EMOTIONS AND NEW MATERIALISMS Hand, Brain and Heart - Hilary Rose A Feminist Epistemology for the Natural Sciences Open Forum Imaginary Prohibitions - Sara Ahmed Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the 'New Materialism' Open Secrets - Rosemary Hennessy The Affective Cultures of Organizing on Mexico's Northern Border Bullying as Intra-Active Process in Neo-Liberal Universities - Katerina Zabrodska et al Re-Imagining the Narratable Subject - Maria Tamboukou Coming to Our Senses? A Critical Approach to Sensory Methodology - Jennifer Mason and Katherine Davies Moving Worlds - Turid Markussen The Performativity of Affective Engagement Cyborg Geographies - Matthew Wilson Towards Hybrid Epistemologies Diffractions - Karen Barad Differences, Contingencies and Entanglements That Matter Picturizing the Scattered Ontologies Of Alzheimer's Disease - Cecilia Asberg and Jennifer Lum Towards a Materialist Feminist Approach to Visual Technoscience Studies Fragments and Interruptions - Radah Hegde Sensory Regimes of Violence and the Limits of Feminist Ethnography The Body, TV Talk and Emotion - Youna Kim Methodological Reflections Reflections on the Role of Emotion in Feminist Research - Kristin Blakely Intimacy in Research - Carolyn Steedman Accounting for It If No Means No, Does Yes Mean Yes? Consenting to Research Intimacies - Julia O'Connell Davidson Love and Knowledge - Alison Jaggar Emotion in Feminist Epistemology Commentary and Criticism - Imogen Tyler, Rebecca Coleman and Debra Ferreday New Materialisms, Old Humanisms or, Following the Submersible - Stacey Alaimo Imagining the Other? Ethical Challenges of Researching and Writing Women's Embodied Lives - Carla Rice The Researching Body - Monica Rudberg The Epistemophilic Project Post-Millennial Feminist Theory - Maureen McNeil Encounters with Humanism, Materialism, Critique, Nature, Biology and Darwin

In "Researching Gender", Christina Hughes brings together 79 learned papers on feminist thought about such diverse matters as the experiences of women of colour, sex workers, Internet game players and Social Science researchers, quoting such diverse authorities as Freud, Derrida, Butler and Karl Marx in addition to dozens of contemporary feminist researchers. This daunting tome of 4 volumes, 79 chapters and over 1500 pages discusses feminist positions on various aspects of gender in a deliriously eclectic manner, ranging through several decades and across many cultures and geographical locations as well as hyperspace and quantum theory. Hughes has deliberately avoided ordering the articles by date or topic in order to encourage readers to dip into the four volumes at random and make their own connections. Sylvia Farley, Nurturing Potential

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