Danny Dorling joined the School of Geography and the Environment at Oxford in September 2013 to take up the Halford Mackinder Professorship in Geography. He was previously a professor of Geography at the University of Sheffield. He has also worked in Newcastle, Bristol, Leeds and New Zealand, went to university in Newcastle upon Tyne, and to school in Oxford. Much of Danny's work is available open access (see www.dannydorling.org). With a group of colleagues he helped create the website www.worldmapper.org which shows who has most and least in the world. His work concerns issues of housing, health, employment, education, wealth and poverty. His recent books include, co-authored texts The Atlas of the Real World: Mapping the way we live and Bankrupt Britain: An atlas of social change. Recent sole authored books include, So you think you know about Britain and Fair Play, both in 2011; in 2012 The No-nonsense Guide to Equality, The Visualization of Social Spatial Structure and The Population of the UK; Unequal Health, The 32 Stops and Population Ten Billion in 2013; All That is Solid in 2014; and Injustice: Why social inequalities persist revised in 2015.Before a career in academia Danny was employed as a play-worker in children's play-schemes and in pre-school education where the underlying rationale was that playing is learning for living. He tries not to forget this. He is an Academician of the Academy of the Learned Societies in the Social Sciences, Honorary President of the Society of Cartographers and a patron of Roadpeace, the national charity for road crash victims.

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Maps Birth Education Identity Politics Inequality Health Work Home Abroad Future Fold-Out Map
You will be encouraged to build your own alternative theories of social policy and human geography. For that is what Daniel Dorling has done: build a documented story that questions many standard interpretations and identifies new ways of seeing the world Ludi Simpson President of the British Society of Population Studies and Professor of Population Studies, The University of Manchester Danny Dorling has already established himself as our leading human geographer - and a doughty fighter for a more just society. This book will provide readers with a powerful and new way of understanding the shape of their country, and how their country shapes them Matthew Taylor Chief Executive, RSA Dorling has written an excellent book using statistics and maps to cast light on what it means to live in the UK today. This is engaging and thought provoking material for any reader, and especially for students Hetan Shah Executive Director, The Royal Statistical Society This is a book demanding action in a number of ways. It is commendably rich in quantitative evidence, but the author claims that it is not purely objective: he sets out his interpretation of the data in the context of his own railing against inequalities. The evidence is a call to arms against inequality's human origins. We can do better, he says: just look at the abstentions in voting patterns. We can do better: which social policies would you pursue as an MP (or next time you vote for one)? We can do better: how will you use geographical data to help change people's minds? The 2011 census results were being released as the book was being published. They provide plenty of scope for students to check out and update Dorling's social patterns of the UK. This is a book that encourages by example a do-it-yourself approach to data analysis in human geography, emphasising the analyst's own responsibility to display evidence clearly, to openly construct interpretations of data, and to focus on human responsibility for maintaining or changing those patterns. Ludi Simpson LSE Review of Books