VOLUME ONE PART ONE: LITERACY PRACTICES From Utterance to Text - David Olson The Bias of Language in Speech and Writing Consequences of Literacy - Jack Goody and Ian Watt Adult Literacy Processes as Cultural Action for Freedom - Paolo Freire Literacy without Schooling - Sylvia Scribner and Michael Cole Testing for Intellectual Effects Consequences of Literacy in Pragmatic and Theoretical Perspectives - F. Niyi Akinasso Legacies of Literacy - Harvey Graff What No Bedtime Story Means - Shirley Brice Heath Narrative Skills at Home and School The Social Construction of Literacy - Jenny Cook-Gumperz Meanings of Culture in Development - Brian Street A Case Study from Literacy Literacy, Discourse and Linguistics - J. Gee Introduction The Modern Consciousness and Literacy - Ron Scollon and Suzanne Scollon Christianity, Cargo and Ideas of Self - Don Kulick and Christopher Stroud Patterns of Literacy in a Papua New Guinean Village Literacy and Feelings - Niko Besnier The Encoding of Affect in Nukulaelae Letters On the Colonization of Amerindian Languages and Memories - Walter Mignolo Renaissance Theories of Writing and the Discontinuity of the Classical Tradition Missionaries, Marxists and Magic - Patrick Harries Power and the Politics of Literacy in South-East Africa VOLUME TWO The Texts of Everyday Life - Mary Hamilton and David Barton Public and Private Identities in Vernacular Literacy Practices Literacy Events and Literacy Practices - Brian Street The Limits of the Local - Deborah Brandt and Katie Clinton Expanding Perspectives of Literacy as a Social Practice 'Multiliteracies' - Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis New Literacies, New Learning How Things (Actor-Net) Work - Geoffrey Bowker and Susan Leigh Star Classification, Magic and the Ubiquity of Standards Bernstein, Bourdieu and the New Literacy Studies - James Collins Literacy and Bourdieu's Sociological Theory - Vicki Carrington and Allan Luke A Reframing Sponsors of Literacy - Deborah Brandt The Complexities of Reading Capital in Two Puerto Rican Families - Catherine Compton-Lilly Theorizing the Space of Literacy Practices - Lesley Bartlett and Dorothy Holland A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies - New London Group Designing Social Futures Reading Shop Windows in Globalized Neighborhoods - James Collins and Stef Slembrouck Multilingual Literacy Practices and Indexicality Points of Vulnerability and Presence - Lesley Farrell and Bernard Holkner Knowing and Learning in Globally Networked Communities Context and Literacy Practices - Stephen Reder and Erica Davila Literacy Inequalities, Mediation and the Public Good - Bryan Maddox and Lucio Esposito A Case Study of Physical Proximity and Social Distance in Nepal VOLUME THREE PART ONE: DIGITAL LITERACY PRACTICES Instant Messaging, Literacies and Social Identities - Cynthia Lewis and Bettina Fabos Are Video Games Good for Learning? - James Paul Gee Popular Culture in the Literacy Curriculum - Jackie Marsh A Bourdieuan Analysis Sedimented Identities in Texts - Jennifer Rowsell and Kate Pahl Instance of Practice The Complex World of Adolescent Literacy - Elizabeth Moje et al Myths, Motivations and Mysteries Youth, Risk and Equity in a Global World - Glynda Hull, Jessica Zacher and Liesel Hibbert Literacy in Virtual Worlds - Guy Merchant A Review of the 'Digital Turn' in the New Literacy Studies - Kathy Ann Mills New Technology and Digital Worlds - Mark Warschauer and Tina Matuchniak Analyzing Evidence of Equity in Access, Use and Outcomes Affordances and Text-Making Practices in Online Instant Messaging - Carmen Lee Research into Literacy and Technology in Primary Classroom - Cathy Burnett An Exploration of Understandings Generated by Recent Studies Adolescence Lost/Childhood Regained - Allan Luke and Carmen Luke On Early Intervention and the Emergence of the Techno-Subject Reviewing Approaches and Perspectives on 'Digital Literacy' - Julian Sefton-Green, Helen Nixon and Ola Erstad Travels in Hypermodality - Jay Lemke Building Equitable Literate Futures - Ilana Snyder, Lawrence Angus and Wendy Sutherland-Smith Home and School Computer-Mediated Literacy Practices and Disadvantage VOLUME FOUR PART ONE: LITERACY IN EDUCATION Literacies' Programmes - Peter Freebody and Allan Luke Debates and Demands in Cultural Context Discourse in the Production of Classroom Knowledge - James Heap Reading Lessons Teaching with the Flow - Alastair Pennycook Fixity and Fluidity in Education Literacy and Learning out of School - Glynda Hull and Katherine Schultz A Review of Theory and Research Staying in the (Curricular) Lines - Anne Haas Dyson Practice Constraints and Possibilities in Childhood Writing Cruzando el Puente - Norma Gonzalez and Luis Moll Building Bridges to Funds of Knowledge The Silenced Dialogue - Lisa Delpit Power and Pedagogy in Educating Other People's Children Literacy and Pedagogy in Flux - Gemma Moss Constructing the Object of Study from a Bernsteinian Perspective Boundary Crossing - Roz Ivani? and Candice Satchwell Networking and Transforming Literacies in Research Process and College Courses Voices Discourses and Transition - Lucia Thesen In Search of New Categories Student Writing in Higher Education - Mary Lea and Brian Street An Academic Literacies Perspective Student Writing as 'Academic Literacies' - Theresa Lillis Drawing on Bakhtin to Move from Critique to Design Language, Literacy and Performance - Judy Hunter Working Identities in the Back of the House ISO 9002 - Jo Anne Kleifgen Coping with Quality Control Documents in a Hi-Tech Company The Place of World Englishes in Composition: - A. Suresh Canagarajah Pluralization Continued VOLUME FIVE PART ONE: LITERACY, MULTILINGUALISM AND MOBILITY Arts of the Contact Zone - Mary Louise Pratt Literacy and the Other - Allan Luke A Sociological Approach to Literacy Research and Policy in Multilingual Societies Writing as a Problem - Jan Blommaert African Grassroots Writing, Economies of Literacy and Globalization Magic Marketing - Cecile B. Vigouroux Performing Grassroots Literacy Spaces of Multilingualism - Jan Blommaert, James Collins and Stef Slembrouck Transnational Literacies - Doris Warriner Immigration, Language Learning and Identity Bruna Travelling Tags - Katherine Richardson The Informal Literacies of Mexican Newcomers in and out of the Classroom 'She was Workin' Like Foreal' - Elaine Richardson Critical Literacy and Discourse Practices of African American Females in the Age of Hip Hop Migrant Conscious - Jose Salinas, Ruben Aguiano and Awad Ibrahim Education, Metissage and the Politics of Farm-Working in Latino Communities 'Making Things Happen' - Catherine Kell Literacy and Agency in Housing Struggles in South Africa Re-Mediating Literacy - Kris Gutierrez, P. Zitali Morales and Danny Martinez Culture, Difference and Learning for Students from Non-Dominant Communities Multilingual Literacies in Transnationally Digitally Mediated Contexts - Wan Shun Eva Lam and Enid Rosario-Ramos An Exploratory Study of Immigrant Teens in the United States Adolescent Literacies in Latin America and the Caribbean - Lesley Bartlett et al Translanguaging in the Bilingual Classroom - Angela Creese and Adrian Blackledge A Pedagogy for Learning and Teaching? Language and Literacy for a New Mainstream - Kerry Anne Enright

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