Inter-organizational Relations


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Edited by Steve Cropper, Mark Ebers, Peter Smith Ring
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VOLUME ONE: CONCEPTS OF IOR AND THE FORMULATION OF THE FIELD Early Foundations Towards a Theory of Inter-organizational Relations - William Evan The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments - F.E. Emery and E.L. Trist Foundational Theory A Theory of Interfirm Organization - Almarin Phillips Resource Dependence and Inter-organizational Relations - Howard Aldrich The Inter-organizational Network as a Political Economy - J. Kenneth Benson Referent Organizations and the Development of Inter-Organizational Domains - Eric Trist Exchange and Power in Networks of Inter-organizational Relations - Karen Cook Non-contractual Relations in Business: A Preliminary Study - Stewart Macaulay On Strategic Networks - J. Carlos Jarillo Early Empirical Work Exchange as a Conceptual Framework for the Study of Inter-organizational Relationships - Sol Levine and Paul White Patterns of Inter-organizational relationships - Richard Hall et al Defining and Measuring Structural Variations in Inter-organizational Arrangements - Elinor Ostrom, Roger Parks and Gordon Whitaker Organization Strategies and Inter-organizational Networks - J.L. Metcalfe Joint Ventures and Inter-organizational Interdependence - Jeffrey Pfeffer and Phillip Nowak Initial Reviews On the Nature, Formation, and Maintenance of Relations Among Organizations - Andrew Van De Ven Inter-organizational relations - A review of the field - David Whetten VOLUME TWO: ORGANIZATIONS AND INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONS Characteristics of Organizations Inter-organizational endorsements and performance of entrepreneurial ventures - Toby Stuart, Ha Hoang and Ralph Hybels Make, Ally, or Buy: A Transaction Cost Theory Meta-analysis - Inge Geyskens, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp and Nirmalya Kumar Relationships between Organisations Strategic Alliances and Interfirm Knowledge Transfer - David Mowery, Joanne Oxley and Brian Silverman Absorptive Capacity, Learning, and Performance in International Joint Ventures - Peter Lane, Jane Salk and Marjorie Lyles Governance Mechanisms A General Theory of Network Governance: Exchange, Conditions and Social Mechanisms - Andrea Larson Network Dyads in Entrepreneurial Settings: A Study of the Governance of Exchange Relations Candace Jones, William Hesterly and Stephen Borgatti Control of Inter-organizational Relationships: Evidence on Appropriation Concerns and Coordination Requirements - Henri Dekker Effects of Trust and Governance on Relational Risk - Bart Nooteboom, Hans Berger and Niels Noorderhaven Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Inter-Organizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance - Akbar Zaheer, Bill McEvily and Vincenzo Perrone Strategies of Engagement: Lessons from the Critical Examination of Collaboration and Conflict in an Inter-organizational Domain - Cynthia Hardy and Nelson Phillips Is a Long-term Business Relationship an Implied Contract? Two Views of Relationship Disengagement - Debbie Harrison The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Inter-organizational Competitive Advantage - Jeffrey Dyer and Harbir Singh Structuring Cooperative Relationships between Organizations - P.S. Ring and A. H. Van de Ven Structure Collaboration Networks, Structural Holes and Innovation: A Longitudinal Study - Gautam Ahuja Don't go it Alone: Alliance Network Composition and Startups' Performance in Canadian Biotechnology - Joel Baum, Tony Calabrese and Brian Silverman VOLUME THREE: IOR - CONTEXTS Regional Networks and the Resurgence of Silicon Valley - AnnaLee Saxenian Cool Projects, Boring Institutions: Temporary Collaboration in Social Context - Gernot Grabher A Preliminary Theory of Inter-organizational Network Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Four Community Mental Health Systems - Keith Provan and H. Brinton Milward The Public Governance of Collaborative Spaces: Discourse, Design and Democracy - Chris Skelcher, Navdeep Mathur and Mike Smith The Context of Inter-organizational Collaboration in the Garment Industry: An Institutional Perspective - Mark Scharfman, Barbara Gray and Aimin Yan Bringing the Context Back In: Settings and the Search for Syndicate Partners in Venture Capital Investment Networks - Olav Sorenson and Toby Stuart Social Structure and Alliance Formation Patterns: A Longitudinal Analysis - Ranjay Gulati Network Positions and Propensities to Collaborate: An Investigation of Strategic Alliance Formation in a High-Technology Industry - Toby Stuart Relational Embeddedness and Learning: The Case of Bank Loan Managers and Their Clients - Brian Uzzi, and Ryon Lancaster Manufacturing Relations: An Empirical Study of the Organization of Production Across Multiple Networks - Alessandro Lomi and Philippa Pattison Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effects of Spillovers in the Boston Biotechnology Community - Jason Owen-Smith and Walter Powell Community Ecology and the Sociology of Organizations - John Freeman and Pino Audia Partner Nationality and the Structure-performance Relationship in Strategic Alliances - Arvind Parkhe The Past in Play: Tradition in the Structures of Collaboration - Paul Hibbert and Chris Huxham VOLUME FOUR: IOR PROCESSES Developmental Processes of Cooperative Inter-organizational Relationships - Peter Smith Ring and Andrew Van de Ven Ambiguity, Complexity and Dynamics in the Membership of Collaboration - Chris Huxham and Siv Vangen Knowledge, Bargaining Power and the Instability of International Joint Venture - Andrew Inkpen and Paul Beamish Alliance Management Teams and Entrainment: Sharing Temporal Mental Models - Rhetta Standifer and Allen Bluedorn Coping with Problems of Understanding in Inter-organizational Relationships: Using Formalization as a Means to Make Sense - Paul Vlaar, Frans van den Bosch, and Henk Volberda Organizing and Evaluating Interfirm Networks: A Structurationist Perspective on Network Processes and Effectiveness - Joerg Sydow and Arnold Windeler On the Dialectics of Strategic Alliances - Mark de Rond and Hamid Bouchikhi The Dynamics of Inter-organizational Relationships - Mark Ebers Macro-level Processes Conditions Facilitating Inter-organizational Collaboration - Barbara Gray Managing Formation Processes in RandD Consortia - Peter Smith Ring, Yves Doz and Paul Olk Building Cooperation in a Competitive Industry: SEMATECH and the Semiconductor Industry - Larry Browning, Janice Beyer and Judy Shelter The Co-evolution of Strategic Alliances - Mitchell Koza and Arie Lewin The Dynamics of Multi-Organizational Partnerships: An Analysis of Changing Modes of Governance - Vivien Lowndes and Chris Skelcher Testing a Life-Cycle Theory of Cooperative Inter-organizational Relationships: Movement Across Stages and Performance - Sandy Jap and Erin Anderson Collaborative Working and the Issue of Sustainability - Steve Cropper The Dynamics of Social Capital and their Performance Implications-Lessons from Biotechnology Start-ups - Indre Maurer and Mark Ebers VOLUME FIVE: IOR MANAGEMENT AND FUTURES Clearing a Path Through the Forest: A Meta-Review of Inter-organizational Relationships - Anne Parmigiani and Miguel Rivera-Santos Networks In Public Administration Scholarship: Understanding Where We Are And Where We Need To Go - Kimberley Isett et al "New" Arenas of Study Organizational Justice and IORs The Role of Fairness in Alliance Formation - Africa Arino and Peter Smith Ring Legitimacy and IORs The Legitimacy of Strategic Alliances: An Institutional Perspective - M. Tina Dacin, Christine Oliver, and Jean-Paul Roy Discourse and IORs Discourse and Collaboration: The Role of Conversations and Collective Identity - Cynthia Hardy, Thomas Lawrence and David Grant Measuring IOR Performance Measures of strategic alliance performance: An analysis of construct validity - Africa Arino Do Networks Really Work? A Framework for Evaluating Public-Sector Organizational Networks - Keith Provan and H. Brinton Milward Management and Leadership of IORs (6) Testing the Waters: Using Collective Real Options to Manage the Social Dilemma of Strategic Alliances - Matthew McCarter, Joseph Mahoney and Gregory Northcraft Managing Joint Ventures - Paul Beamish and Nathaniel Lupton Managing Alliance Networks: Emerging Practices of Multinational Corporations - Anthony Goerzen Managing Strategic Alliances: What Do We Know Now, and Where Do We Go From Here? - Prashant Kale and Harbir Singh Inside Collaborative Networks: Ten Lessons for Public Managers - Robert Agranoff Leadership in Inter-organizational Networks: A Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research - Gordon M ller-Seitz

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