Susan T. Fiske is Eugene Higgins Professor, Psychology and Public Affairs, Princeton University (Ph.D., Harvard University; honorary doctorates, Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands; Universitaet Basel, Switzerland; Universidad de Granada, Spain). She attended Harvard/Radcliffe College, majoring in Social Relations, where she met her graduate advisor and lifelong collaborator, Shelley Taylor. After her doctorate in social psychology, she worked at Carnegie-Mellon and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, before moving to Princeton in 2000. She investigates social cognition, especially cognitive stereotypes and emotional prejudices, at cultural, interpersonal, and neural levels. Author of about 400 articles and chapters, she is most known for work on social cognition, theories and research on how people think about each other: the continuum model of impression formation, the power-as-control theory, the ambivalent sexism theory, and the stereotype content model (SCM). Her current SCM work focuses on the two fundamental dimensions of social cognition, perceived warmth (friendly, trustworthy) and perceived competence (capable, assertive). Upstream, perceived social structure predicts these stereotypes (cooperation-competition predicts warmth; status predicts competence). Downstream, specific emotions follow each warmth-x-competence quadrant (pride, disgust, envy, pity) and predict specific behaviors (active and passive help or harm). Using representative sample surveys, lab experiments, and neuro-imaging, Fiske lab has focused on varieties of dehumanization predicted by the SCM: dehumanizing allegedly disgusting homeless people, Schadenfreude toward the enviable rich, as well as paternalistic pity and prescriptive prejudices toward older people, disabled people, and women in traditional roles. Current work uses natural language analyses to explore spontaneous descriptions of others. Adversarial collaborations on research and adversarial alignments on theory are current projects to advance her science. The U.S. Supreme Court cited her gender-bias testimony, and she testified before President Clinton's Race Initiative Advisory Board. These influenced her edited volume, Beyond Common Sense: Psychological Science in the Courtroom. Currently an editor of the Annual Review of Psychology, PNAS, Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences, and Handbook of Social Psychology, she has written the upper-level texts Social Beings: Core Motives in Social Psychology (4/e) and Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture 6/e). She also co-wrote The Human Brand: How We Relate to People, Products, and Companies, which applies her models to how people perceive corporations. Her general-interest book, funded by a Guggenheim and the Russell Sage Foundation, is Envy Up and Scorn Down: How Status Divides Us. She has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. In 2020, she and Shelley Taylor shared the, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Social Sciences, BBVA Foundation, Bilbao, Spain, for the 1984 publication of Social Cognition, all editions citation total 19,000. She has served as President of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), President of the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, as well as its FABBS Foundation, and President of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. She has won Distinguished Scientific Contribution Awards from APA, SPSP, and SESP. Because it takes a village, her many graduate students and lab alumni conspired for her to win Princeton's Graduate Mentoring Award. She is grateful to be the only person so far to have won the three APS Awards: James (basic science), Cattell (applied science), and Mentoring.
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VOLUME ONE PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Forming Impressions of Personality - S.E. Asch The Weirdest People in the World? - Joseph Henrich, Steven Heine and Ara Norenzayan The Emergence of Social Cognitive Neuroscience - Kevin Ochsner and Matthew Lieberman The Sovereignty of Social Cognition - Thomas Ostrom PART TWO: DUAL MODES IN SOCIAL COGNITION Habits as Knowledge Structures - Henk Aarts and Ap Dijksterhuis Automaticity in Goal-Directed Behavior Automaticity of Social Behavior - John Bargh, Mark Chen and Lara Burrows Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action On Cognitive Busyness - David Gilbert, Brett Pelham and Douglas Krull When Person Perceivers Meet Persons Perceived Paradoxical Effects of Thought Suppression - Daniel Wegner et al PART THREE: ATTENTION AND ENCODING The Perceptual Determinants of Person Construal - Jasmin Cloutier, Malia Mason and C.Neil Macrae Re-Opening the Social-Cognitive Toolbox Attention and Weight in Person Perception - Susan Fiske The Impact of Negative and Extreme Behavior Category Accessibility and Impression Formation - E.Tory Higgins, William Rholes and Carl Jones First Impressions - Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov Making up Your Mind after a 100-Ms Exposure to a Face PART FOUR: REPRESENTATION IN MEMORY Social Cognition - C. Neil Macrae and Galen Bodenhausen Thinking Categorically about Others Associative Storage and Retrieval Processes in Person Memory - Thomas Srull, Meryl Lichenstein and Myron Rothbart Experiencing Physical Warmth Promotes Interpersonal Warmth - Lawrence Williams and John Bargh VOLUME TWO PART FIVE: SELF IN SOCIAL COGNITION What the Social Brain Sciences Can Tell us about the Self - Todd Heatherton, C. Neil Macrae and William Kelley Culture and the Self - Hazel Rose Markus and Shinobu Kitayama Implications for Cognition, Emotion and Motivation Agreeable Fancy or Disagreeable Truth? Reconciling Self-Enhancement and Self-Verification - William Swann, Jr., Brett Pelham and Douglas Krull Illusion and Well-Being - Shelley Taylor and Jonathon Brown A Social Psychological Perspective on Mental Health PART SIX: ATTRIBUTION PROCESSES Attributions on the Brain - Lasana Harris, Alexander Todorov and Susan Fiske Neuro-Imaging Dispositional Inferences, beyond Theory of Mind The Actor-Observer Asymmetry in Attribution - Bertram Malle A (Surprising) Meta-Analysis The How and What of Why - Leslie Ann McArthur Some Determinants and Consequences of Causal Attribution PART SEVEN: HEURISTICS AND SHORTCUTS: EFFICIENCY IN INFERENCE AND DECISION-MAKING Perspective-Taking as Egocentric Anchoring and Adjustment - Nicholas Epley et al What Constitutes Torture? Psychological Impediments to an Objective Evaluation of Enhanced Interrogation Tactics - Loran Nordgren et al Objectivity in the Eye of the Beholder - Emily Pronin, Thomas Gilovich and Lee Ross Divergent Perceptions of Bias in Self versus Others Judgment under Uncertainty - Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman Heuristics and Biases PART EIGHT: ACCURACY AND EFFICIENCY IN SOCIAL INFERENCE The Use of Statistical Heuristics in Everyday Inductive Reasoning - Richard Nisbett et al Perseverance in Self-Perception and Social Perception - Lee Ross, Mark Lepper and Michael Hubbard Biased Attributional Processes in the Debriefing Paradigm Quest for Accuracy in Person Perception - William Swann A Matter of Pragmatics VOLUME THREE PART NINE: COGNITIVE STRUCTURES OF ATTITUDES Attitude Representation - Frederica Conrey and Eliot Smith Attitudes as Patterns in a Distributed, Connectionist Representational System Attitude Research in the 21st Century - Alice Eagly and Shelly Chaiken The Current State of Knowledge Attitude Strength - Jon Krosnick et al One Construct or Many Related Constructs? PART TEN: COGNITIVE PROCESSING OF ATTITUDES Heuristic versus Systematic Information-Processing and the Use of Source versus Message Cues in Persuasion - Shelly Chaiken Implicit Measures in Social Cognition Research - Russell Fazio and Michael Olson Their meaning and Use Issue Involvement Can Increase or Decrease Persuasion by Enhancing Message-Relevant Cognitive Response - Richard Petty and John Cacioppo PART ELEVEN: STEREOTYPING: COGNITION AND BIAS A Model of (Often Mixed) Stereotype Content - Susan Fiske et al Competence and Warmth Respectively Follow from Perceived Status and Competition Reducing Intergroup Bias - Samuel Gaertner et al The Benefits of Re-Categorization Intergroup Bias - Miles Hewstone, Mark Rubin and Hazel Willis Stereotypes as Energy-Saving Devices - C.Neil Macrae, Alan Milne and Galen Bodenhausen A Peek inside the Cognitive Toolbox PART TWELVE: PREJUDICE: INTERPLAY OF COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE BIASES Social Categorization and Stereotyping in Vivo - Galen Bodenhausen and Destiny Peery The VUCA Challenge Sexual Prejudice - G.M. Herek and K. McLemore An Inconvenienced Youth - Michael North and Susan Fiske Ageism and Its Potential Intergenerational Roots When Prejudice Does Not Pay - Jennifer Richeson and J. Nicole Shelton Effects of Interracial Contact on Executive Function Prescriptive Gender Stereotypes and Backlash toward Agentic Women - Laurie Rudman and Peter Glick VOLUME FOUR PART THIRTEEN: FROM SOCIAL COGNITION TO AFFECT The Relational Self - Susan Andersen and Serena Chen An Interpersonal Social-Cognitive Theory The Experience of Emotion - Lisa Feldman Barrett et al Inhibiting and Facilitating Conditions of the Human Smile - Fritz Strack, Leonard Martin and Sabine Stepper A Non-Obtrusive Test of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis PART FOURTEEN: FROM AFFECT TO SOCIAL COGNITION Discrete Emotions and Persuasion - David DeSteno et al The Role of Emotion-Induced Expectancies Fear, Anger and Risk - Jennifer Lerner and Dacher Keltner Embodiment in Attitudes, Social Perception and Emotion - Paula Niedenthal et al Feeling and Thinking - R.B. Zajonc Preferences Need no Inferences A Cognitive Loop? PART FIFTEEN: BEHAVIOR AND COGNITION Implementation Intentions and Efficient Action Initiation - Veronika Brandstaetter, Angelika Lengfelder and Peter Gollwitzer The Chameleon Effect - Tanya Chartrand and John Bargh The Perception-Behavior Link and Social Interaction Telling More Than We Can Know - Richard Nisbett and Timothy DeCamp Wilson Verbal Reports on Mental Processes A Look at Motivated Strategies The Non-Verbal Mediation of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Interracial Interaction - Carl Word, Mark Zanna and Joel Cooper