VOLUME ONE: HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL STUDIES Mr ATOD's Wild Ride - David Courtwright What Do Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Have in Common? Opium, Cocaine and Marijuana in American History - David Musto Morality and Medical Science - Virginia Berridge Concepts of Narcotic Addiction in Britain, 1820-1926 The Discovery of Addiction - Harry Levine Changing Conceptions of Habitual Drunkenness in America Stable Force in a Storm - Douglas Kinder and William Walker III Harry J. Aslinger and United States Narcotic Policy, 1930-1962 Alcohol and the State in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 - Hermann Fahrenkrug Coercion and Its Unintended Consequences - Alfred McCoy A Study of Heroin Trafficking in South-East and South-West Asia Intoxication and Bad Behaviour - Robin Room Understanding Cultural Differences in the Link Slavery from within - Mariana Valverde The Invention of Alcoholism and the Question of Free Will Narcotic Use in South-East Asia and afterward - Lee Robins, John Helzer and Darlene Davis An Interview Study of 898 Vietnam Returnees New Perspectives on the 'Prohibition Experiment' of the 1920s - J. Burnham Opium Smoking in Late Imperial China - R. Newman A Reconsideration Between Culture and Nature - Pekka Sulkunen Intoxication in Cultural Studies of Alcohol and Drug Use VOLUME TWO: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Excerpt from Drug, Set and Setting: The Basis for Controlled Intoxicant Use - N. Zinberg Sociocultural Anthropology and Alcohol and Drug Research - Geoffrey Hunt and Judith Barker Towards a Unified Theory Addiction Is a Brain Disease and It Matters - Alan Leshner Drug Dependence - A. Thomas McLellan et al A Chronic Mental Illness Alcohol Dependence - Griffith Edwards and Milton Gross Provisional Description of a Clinical Syndrome Illicit Drugs and the Rise of Epidemiology during the 1960s - Alex Mold A Conceptual Framework for Explaining Drug Addiction - Nick Heather Addiction as an Excessive Appetite - Jim Orford Becoming a Marijuana User - Howard Becker The 'Risk Environment' - Tim Rhodes A Framework for Understanding and Reducing Drug-Related Harm The Social Basis of Drug Dependency - J. Young The Legacy of 'Normalization' - Fiona Measham and Michael Shiner ' The Role of Classical and Contemporary Criminological Theory in Understanding Young People's Drug Use Taking Care of Business - Edward Preble and John Casey The Heroin User's Life on the Street The Concept of Alcoholism as a Bad Habit - R. Reinert Illegal Lemons - P. Reuter and J. Caulkins Price Dispersion in Cocaine and Heroin Markets VOLUME THREE: METHODS AND MEASUREMENTS Evaluation of Heroin Maintenance in a Controlled Trial - Richard Hartnoll et al Cost-Benefit Analysis of Drug Treatment Services - William Cartwright Review of the Literature The National Treatment Outcome Research Study (NTORS) - Michael Gossop et al Four to Five-Year Follow-up Results Scientific and Political Challenges in North America's First Randomized Controlled Trial of Heroin-Assisted Treatment for Severe Heroin Addiction - Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes et al Rationale and Design of the NAOMI Study Co-Morbidity of Mental Disorders with Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse - Darrel A. Regier et al Results from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) Study Alcohol Consumption and Injury in Western Australia - Richard Midford et al A Spatial Correlation Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems Development of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) - J. Saunders et al WHO Collaborative Project on Early Detection of Persons with Harmful Alcohol Consumption Unravelling the Preventive Paradox for Acute Alcohol Problems - Tim Stockwell et al Assessing Alcohol Consumption - Lee Strunin Developments from Qualitative Research Methods Measuring Alcohol-Related Consequences in School Surveys - Gerhard Gmel et al Alcohol Attributable Consequences or Consequences with Students' Alcohol Attribution Rapid Assessment and Response Studies of Injecting Drug Use - Gerry Stimson et al Knowledge Gain, Capacity-Building and Intervention Development in a Multisite Study The Application of Ethnography with Reference to Harm Reduction in Sverdiovsk Russia - Robert Power Putting It in Context - Nicholas Jenkins et al The Use of Vignettes in Qualitative Interviewing Development of a Rational Scale to Assess the Harms of Drugs of Potential Misuse - David Nutt et al The Clinical Utility of Brain SPECT Imaging in Process Addictions - Daniel Amen, Kristen Willeumier and Robert Johnson VOLUME FOUR: POLICY APPROACHES Preface - Robert MacCoun and Peter Reuter The Varieties of Drug Control at the Dawn of the 21st Century Comparative Analysis of Alcohol Control Policies in 30 Countries - Donald Brand et al A Comparative Study of 38 European Countries Limited Rationality and the Limits of Supply Reduction - Jonathan Caulkins and Robert MacCoun The Limited Relevance of Drug Policy - Craig Reinerman, Peter Cohen and Hendrien Kaal Cannabis in Amsterdam and San Francisco AIDS and Injecting Drug Use in the United Kingdom, 1987-1993 - Gerry Stimson The Policy Response and the Prevention of the Epidemic Treatment of What? Class, Gender and Work Ethics within the Compulsory Institutional Care of Alcohol Abusers in Sweden during the 20th Century - Johan Edman From Margin to Mainstream - Dagmar Hedrich, Alessandro Pirona and Lucas Wiessing The Evolution of Harm Reduction Responses to Problem Drug Use in Europe What Can We Learn from the Portuguese Decriminalization of Illicit Drugs? - Caitlin Elizabeth Hughes and Alex Stevens Effects of Alcohol Tax and Price Policies on Morbidity and Mortality - Alexander Wagenaar et al A Systematic Review Alcohol Industry Influences on U.K. Alcohol Policy - Benjamin Hawkins et al A New Research Agenda for Public Health Counting the Costs of the War on Drugs - Steve Rolles et al Executive Summary The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Global Overview 2012 - Patrick Gallahue et al Towards Revision of the U.N. Drug Control Conventions - David Bewley-Taylor Harnessing Like-Mindedness VOLUME FIVE: INTERVENTIONS Natural Recovery from Alcohol Problems - Harald Klingemann School-Based Programmes to Prevent Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use - Gilbert Botvin and Kenneth Griffin Community Prevention of Alcohol Problems - Harold Holder Can Screening and Brief Intervention Lead to Population-Level Reductions in Alcohol-Related Harm? - Nick Heather Sharpening the Focus of Alcohol Policy from Aggregate Consumption to Harm and Risk Reduction - Tim Stockwell et al A Review of the Efficacy and Effectiveness of Harm Reduction Strategies for Alcohol, Tobacco and Illicit Drugs - Alison Ritter and Jacqui Cameron 10 Years of Experience with Needle and Syringe Exchange Programmes in European Prisons - Heino Stover and Joachim Nelles Motivational Interviewing - William Miller Research, Practice and Puzzles Controlled Drinking after 25 Years - Mark Sobell and Linda Sobell How Important Was the Great Debate? Matching Alcoholism Treatment to Client Heterogeneity - Project MATCH Research Group Project MATCH Post-Treatment Drinking Outcomes How Can Cognitive Therapy Help? - Aaron Beck et al A Medical Treatment for Diacetylmorphine (Heroin) Addiction - Vincent Dole and Marie Nyswander A Clinical Trial with Methadone Hydrochloride Is Treatment for Substance Abuse Effective? - A. Thomas McLellan et al From Morphine Clinics to Buprenorphine - Jerome Jaffe and Charles O'Keeffe Regulating Opioid Agonist Treatment of Addiction in the United States Heroin-Assisted Treatment (HAT) a Decade Later - Benedikt Fischer et al A Brief Update on Science and Politics VOLUME SIX: CURRENT TRENDS, CONTINUING ISSUES AND NEW CHALLENGES Toward a Global View of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis and Cocaine Use - Louisa Degenhardt et al Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys Global Burden of Disease and Injury and Economic Cost Attributable to Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Use Disorders - Juergen Rehm et al Cannabis Supply and Demand Reduction - Thoroddur Bjarnason, Andreea Steriu and Anna Kokkevi Evidence from the ESPAD Study of Adolescents in 31 European Countries Gender and Alcohol Consumption: Patterns from the Multinational Genacis Project - Richard Wilsnack et al. Drugs and Development - Merrill Singer The Global Impact of Drug Use and Trafficking on Social and Economic Development 'Idle and Disorderly' Khat Users in Western Uganda - Susan Beckerleg Harm Reduction - Axel Klein The Right Policy Approach for Africa? Alcohol Use and Its Consequences in South India - K. Mohindra et al Views from a Marginalized Tribal Population Not Good Enough to Be Pregnant - Sheigla Murphy and Marsha Rosenbaum Is Cannabis a Contributory Cause of Psychosis? - Louisa Degenhardt and Wayne Hall Key Findings in A Report on Global Illicit Drug Markets, 1998-2007 - Peter Reuter and Franz Trautmann Medicine and the Epidemic of Incarceration in the United States - Josiah Rich, Sarah Wakeman and Samuel Dickman Waking up to Sleepiness - Simon Williams et al Modafinil, the Media and the Pharmaceuticalization of Everyday/Night Life The Promotion and Marketing of OxyContin - Art Van Zee Commercial Triumph, Public Health Tragedy Is Deep Brain Stimulation a Prospective 'Cure' for Addiction? - Wayne Hall and Adrian Carter 'Executive Summary and Recommendations' and 'Introduction' in Our Invisible Addicts: First Report of the Older Persons' Substance Misuse Working Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists - Royal College of Psychiatrists

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"Betsy Thom and Susanne MacGregor have done the sterling service of compiling an excellent selection of the classic papers in the addiction field for the illumination of its students and practitioners. These volumes deserve to be in the library of any university or organisation that is active in the addictions field. They should also be read by any social scientist or humanities scholar with than interest in the field of drug studies and addiction." -- Professor Wayne Hall "This collection of addiction science articles is launched at the right time. It will be an obligatory companion for students in the increasing number of addiction science master or doctoral programs in the European universities. The volumes give a panorama of the state of art of addiction science knowledge. The texts are inspiring by showing the multitude of questions and perspectives, the number of still unsolved questions, and the intellectual fantasy and transgressions of disciplinary boundaries needed for good addiction research. The article format stimulates the condensed and efficient presentation of ideas and findings, as already many of the titles show. It has an English language and culture bias. Still this will surely be a classical work, a document of the phase in addiction research, when it had reached a mature state, and before the global balance changed." -- Kerstin Stenius