Claire Cameron is Reader in Education at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, UK. She has carried out research on children and young people, children's services and the children's workforce for over 20 years, with a particular interest in young people in institutional and marginalised circumstances and in care and education, and the interface between the two. She has a long-standing interest in European comparative research and was coordinator of the Young People from a Public Care Background: Pathways to Education in Europe (YiPPEE) study, funded by the European Commission's Framework Programme 7. Her interests also span the European professional of social pedagogy and what this may have to offer to professional practice with children and young people in the United Kingdom.

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International Perspectives: Themes And Issues - Linda Miller and Claire Cameron PART ONE: CARE, EDUCATION AND NOTIONS OF INTERVENTION Seeing Early Childhood Issues Through A European Lens - Pamela Oberhuemer The Relationship Between Early Childhood And Primary Education - Yoshie Kaga How to Construct a Curriculum in an Italian Nido - Tullia Musatti, Donatella Giovannini, Susanna Mayer, Group Nido LagoMago The French Approach To Family Intervention With Families With Young Children - Anne-Marie Doucet-Dahlgren The Roma Early Childhood Inclusion (RECI) Research Project - John Bennett PART TWO: CHILDREN'S SPACES Space And Place As A Source Of Belonging And Participation In Early Years Services In Chiapas, Mexico - Margaret Kernan and Kathia Loyzaga Place-based Learning in Early Years Services: Approaches and Examples from Norway and Scotland - Bronwen Cohen and Wenche Ronning Perceptions of Using the Outdoors in Early Childhood Education and Care Centres in England, Hungary and Denmark: Some Questions About the Recruitment of Male Workers - Claire Cameron Agency and Children's Well-being - Roger Hancock, Ann Cameron and Ayshe Talay-Ongan International Perspectives: Using The Lens Of 'Other' To Consider What We Learn - Claire Cameron and Linda Miller
'This informative and wide-ranging book argues persuasively for the value of multiple perspectives, both international and disciplinary, in the study and practice of early childhood education, because they feed our imaginations and provoke us to think. And while illustrating the many differences that exist between countries, it highlights the shared issues confronting us, wherever we live.' -- Emeritus Professor Peter Moss I would recommend International Perspectives in the Early Years to those studying and working in this area. The writers' passion for the welfare of children is obvious and the book goes beyond that which would be provided by an introductory textbook. The book is thought provoking and would be particularly useful to those looking for research ideas of their own. -- Graham Jones, University of Wolverhampton Stemming from original research in the field, this book features a range of expert contributors who, between them, explore the key issues, themes and debates, surrounding international perspectives on early childhood education and care. From Norway to Mexico, and from France to Hungary, and via many other countries, a wide variety of topics are covered, demonstrating the shared issues confronting us, despite the many differences. -- Martine Horvath The book is enjoyable to read and provides interesting insights into early childhood. Each chapter concludes with a summary of the chapter and prompts to enable the reader to reflect on the topic in their own contexts. I also liked each chapter having a list of recommended readings, categorised to suit students across all levels of study. The language used through the book was simple but profound and would appeal to students and early childhood practitioners. The diversity of examples and experiences that the book offers to the reader is enriching and provides opportunities for further reflection and research. -- Pearl D'Silva, New Zealand Tertiary College