Dr Carol Hall is a Registered Nurse and Emeritus Professor in Nursing Education at the University of Nottingham, where she continues to support nursing students and faculty. Carol has extensive experience in the design, delivery and quality assurance of nursing education, through national and international roles in curriculum development, validation and accreditation. She also participates in teaching enhancement internationally through leadership and evaluation of funded projects. Carol was Education Forum Chair for the Royal College of Nursing (2006 - 2015) and Vice President of the Federation of European Nurse Educators (2012 - 2018). She has chaired pilot panels for Nursing and Allied Health during the development of the UK Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF 2018, 2019) and co-chaired International Standards Organisation (ISO) panel 'Quality of learning environments for students in healthcare professions (IWA 35: 2020). Carol is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (Nursing and Midwifery) and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dawn Ritchie is a Lecturer in Nursing at the University of Nottingham. She has been involved in nurse education for a number of years, including pre-registration and learning beyond registration programmes, and has developed a keen interest in the practical application of nursing. Dawn's clinical background is in critical and acute care in children's nursing.

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Foreword About the Authors Contributors Acknowledgements Introduction Defining Contemporary UK Nursing Being a Student Nurse The Professional Nurse: Image and Values in Nursing Theory and Practice: Understanding the Nature of Nursing as a Caring Activity Doing Nursing Nursing as a Global Activity Becoming a Registered Nurse Exploring the World of Nursing by Those Working in It References Index
'A practical book that fully explains the role of the nurse. This book will give students an experience of being a nurse (as much as a book can) and help them decide if nursing is for them.' -- Ally Dunhill ...This is an easy to read textbook, in which the reader can read this from beginning to end or use as a tool. It is a book for British nurses written by lecturers from Nottingham University, both having both acute and paediatric nurse experience...This text book is written for the student nurse and moving towards registration, but this book will refresh any grade of nurse and put nursing and caring for the patient back into focus. -- Jane Brown,Patient Safety Advisor, Worcester Acute NHS Trust