Patricia H. Werhane is a Fulbright special at the All Hallows College in Dublin Ireland.
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VOLUME ONE: THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF LEADERSHIP ETHICS What Is Leadership? - Joanne Ciulla PART ONE: FOUNDATIONAL QUESTIONS ABOUT ETHICS AND THE MEANING OF LEADERSHIP Leadership Ethics - Joanne Ciulla Mapping the Territory The Romance of Leadership - James Meindl, Sanford Ehrlich and Janet Dukerich What, After All, Is Leadership? 'Leadership' and Plural Action - Eva Kort Justice and the Leader - Plato PART TWO: NORMATIVE MODELS OF LEADERSHIP Selections from Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness - Robert Greenleaf The Structure of Moral Leadership - James MacGregor Burns Ethical Leadership - Michael Brown, Linda Trevino and David Harrison A Social Learning Perspective for Construct Development and Testing Authentic Leadership - William Gardner et al A Review of the Literature and Research Agenda Responsible Leadership - Thomas Maak and Niccola Pless Pathways to the Future PART THREE: ETHICS AND EFFECTIVENESS AND THE PROBLEM OF DIRTY HANDS Ethics and Effectiveness - Joanne Ciulla The Nature of Good Leadership The Moral Aspect of Leadership - John Gardner Selections from The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli Political Action - Michael Walzer The Problem of Dirty Hands PART FOUR: ETHICAL FAILURE AND THE USE AND ABUSE OF POWER The First Sermon and The Synopsis of Truth - Buddha The Bathsheba Syndrome - Dean Ludwig and Clinton Longenecker The Ethical Failure of Successful Leaders Abuse, Privilege and the Conditions of Responsibility for Leaders - Terry Price Leadership and the Problem of Bogus Empowerment - Joanne Ciulla Book III, Chapter 4 and Book V, Chapter 9 of Politics - Aristotle PART FIVE: SELF-INTEREST AND ALTRUISM IN LEADERSHIP Why Rulers Rule - Arnold Ludwig Of the Natural Condition of Mankind - Thomas Hobbes Ethical Dimensions in Leadership Motivation - Rabindra Nath Kanungo and Manuel Mendonca The Reverent Leader - Paul Woodruff PART SIX: THE ROLE OF TRUST, CARE, VIRTUE AND DUTY The Instruction of Ptah-Hotep and the Instruction of Ke'Gemni - Ptah-Hotep The Oldest Books in the World Being There - Joanne Ciulla Why Leaders Should Not 'Fiddle' While Rome Burns The Moral Capital of Leaders - Alejo Jose Sison A Kantian Theory of Leadership - Norman Bowie VOLUME TWO: BEHAVIOURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF LEADERSHIP ETHICS Introduction to Volume Two - Mary Uhl-Bien PART ONE: ETHICS AND THE LEADER ROLE The Basis of Authority - Mary Parker Follett The Pure Types of Legitimate Authority - Max Weber Performances - Erving Goffman Taylor, Schmidt and Scientific Management - Frederick Taylor Kant's Advice for Leaders - Terry Price 'No, You Aren't Special' Managing Toxic Leaders - Marco Tavanti Dysfunctional Patterns in Organizational Leadership and How to Deal with Them Narcissism and Leadership - Manfred Kets de Vries and Danny Miller An Object-Relations Perspective PART TWO: RELATIONSHIPS The Reciprocal Nature of Influence between Leader and Subordinate - Charles Greene The Bases of Social Power - John French and Bertram Raven The Ethics of Charismatic Leadership - Jane Howell and Bruce Avolio Submission or Liberation? Ethical Challenges in the Leader-Follower Relationship - Edwin Hollander PART THREE: FOLLOWERSHIP Some Conditions of Obedience and Disobedience to Authority - Stanley Milgram Within Ourselves - Jean Lipman-Blumen Psychological Needs That Make Us Seek Leaders Being Ethical When the Boss Is Not - Mary Uhl-Bien and Melissa Carsten Why Leaders Not Always Disapprove of Unethical Follower Behavior - Niek Hoogervorst, David De Cremer and Marius van Dijke It Depends on Leader's Self-Interest and Accountability Leadership, Followership and Evolution - Mark Van Vugt, Robert Hogan and Robert Kaiser Some Lessons from the Past PART FOUR: PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT Moral Stags and Moralization - Lawrence Kohlberg The Cognitive-Developmental Approach In a Different Voice - Carol Gilligan Women's Conceptions of Self and of Morality A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach - James Rest et al The DIT and Schema Theory Ethical Breakdowns - Max Bazerman and Ann Tenbrunsel Moral Disengagement in the Perpetration of Inhumanities - Albert Bandura Is Management Theory too 'Self-ish?' - Robert Folger and Rommel Salvador VOLUME THREE: LEADERSHIP ETHICS, CONTEXTS AND NARRATIVES Introduction - Patricia Werhane PART ONE: LEADERSHIP ETHICS IN THE CONTEXT OF GENDER, ETHNICITY AND RACE Women Leaders in a Globalized World - Patricia Werhane Women and the Labyrinth of Leadership - Alice Eagly and Linda Carli Weaving Color Lines - Sonia Ospina and Celina Su Race, Ethnicity and the Work of Leadership in Social Change Organizations Of the Meaning of Progress - William Edward Burhardt Du Bois PART TWO: THE ETHICS OF LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS IN GROUPS Groupthink - Irving Janis Group Think - Hempell Anthony An Introduction to Janis' Theory of Concurrence-Seeking Tendencies in Group Work Eichmann in Jerusalem - Hannah Arendt Satyagraha - Mahatma Gandhi Bystander Intervention in Emergencies - John Darley and Bibb Latane Diffusion of Responsibility Followers' Judgment of Leader Integrity as Situated Social Cognition - Tony Kong PART THREE: THE ETHICS OF LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS IN SYSTEMS Ethics in Network Organizations - Robert Phillips Complexity Leadership Theory - Mary Uhl-Bien, Russ Marion and Bill McKelvey Shifting Leadership from the Industrial Age to the Knowledge Era Systemic Leadership - Jane Collier and Rafael Esteban Ethical and Effective The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas - Ursula Le Guin Shooting an Elephant - George Orwell PART FOUR: LEADERSHIP ETHICS AND CULTURE Bridging Leadership and Culture - Dong Jung, Bernard Bass and John Sosik A Theoretical Consideration of Transformational Leadership and Collectivistic Cultures The Paradigm of Ethical Development for Civilized Leadership in Africa - Abiodun Salawu The Socrates of Africa and His Student - Max du Preez A Case Study of Pre-Colonial African Leadership Leadership and Local Structures in the Amazon Region - Ruth Capriles Servant Leadership in the Bedouin-Arab Culture - Yasin Khalaf Sarayrah The Races at Tsikuvi - Courlander Harold Why the Payupki People Departed