Dr Keming Yang is currently an Associate Professor of Sociology at University of Durham in the UK. He was born and grew up in the city of Tianjin, People's Republic of China. He studied sociology at Nankai University and worked there for three years before going to study for a PhD at Columbia University in the US. His first job after receiving the PhD was at National University of Singapore. He then took a position at University of Reading in the UK and moved to the current position at Durham. His first research area is the political and economic sociology of entrepreneurship in China, in which he published two books, Entrepreneurship in China and Capitalists in Communist China, and some articles. Since working at University of Durham, he has been working on the issue of loneliness from a sociological perspective. He is the author of Loneliness: A Social Problem and many articles on this topic. He also has research interest in research methods in the social sciences, and he is the author of Making Sense of Statistics in Social Research and the editor of Categorical Data Analysis.

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VOLUME ONE: BASIC CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES Introduction Part One: Overview of Categorical Data Analysis Statistical Magic and/or Statistical Serendipity: An Age of Progress in the Analysis of Categorical Data - Leo Goodman Categorical Data Analysis - Thomas Wickens Part Two: Statistical Methods and Graphs for One Categorical Variable On the Theory of Scales of Measurement - S. Stevens Statistical Analysis of Qualitative Variation - Alan Agresti and Barbara Agresti No Humble Pie: The Origins and Usage of a Statistical Chart - Ian Spence Bah! Bar Charts - Allan Reese Revising the Pareto Chart - Leland Wilkinson Part Three: The Chi-Square Test Karl Pearson and the Chi-Squared Test - R. Plackett The Use of Chi-Squared Statistics for Categorical Data Problems - Stephen Fienberg Sample Size Restraints Commonly Imposed on the Use of the Chi-Square Statistic - John Roscoe and Jackson Byars What Is the Continuity Correction? - Nathan Mantel and Samuel Greenhouse Some Reasons for Not Using the Yates Continuity Correction on 2 x2 Contingency Tables: Comment and a Suggestion - Nathan Mantel Part Four: Exact Inference for Contingency Tables On the Interpretation of ?2 from Contingency Tables, and the Calculation of P - R. Fisher Fisher's Exact Test - Graham Upton A Survey of Exact Inference for Contingency Tables - Alan Agesti Part Five: Measuring the Relationship between Two Ordinal Variables On the Association of Attributes in Statistics: With Illustrations from the Material of the Childhood Society, &c - G. Udny Yule A New Measure of Rank Correlation - M. Kendall The Treatment of Ties in Ranking Problems - M. Kendall A New Asymmetric Measure of Association for Ordinal Variables - Robert Somers VOLUME TWO: STATISTICAL METHODS FOR ANALYSING ASSOCIATIONS Part One: Simpson's Paradox Simpson's Paradox in Real Life - Clifford Wagner Minority Contributions to the SAT Score Turnaround: An Example of Simpson's Paradox - Howard Wainer Confounding and Collapsibility in Causal Inference - Sander Greenland, James Robins and Judea Pearl Part Two: Mobility Tables Status, Autonomy, and Training in Occupational Mobility - Michael Hout A New Index of Structure for the Analysis of Models for Mobility Tables and Other Cross-Classifications - Clifford Clogg, Tamas Rudas and Liwen Xi Part Three: Statistical Tests for High Dimensional Tables Preliminary Graphical Analysis and Quasi-Independence for a Two-Way Contingency Table - Stephen Fienberg The Analysis of Multidimensional Contingency Tables - Stephen Fienberg The Analysis of Incomplete Multi-Way Contingency Tables - Stephen Fienberg Partitioning of Chi-Square, Analysis of Marginal Contingency Tables, and Estimation of Expected Frequencies in Multidimensional Contingency Tables - Leo Goodman Part Four: Association Models Simple Models for the Analysis of Association in Cross-Classifications Having Ordered Categories - Leo Goodman Analysis of Sets of Two-Way Contingency Tables Using Association Models - Mark Becker and Clifford Clogg A Survey of Strategies for Modeling Cross-Classifications Having Ordinal Variables - Alan Agresti Part Five: Dealing with Sparseness Methods for the Analysis of Contingency Tables with Large and Small Cell Counts - Jenny Baglivo, Donald Oliver and Marcello Pagano Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Loglinear Models in Sparse Contingency Tables - Kenneth Koehler VOLUME THREE: LOG-LINEAR AND LOGISTIC REGRESSION MODELS Part One: Generalized Linear Models Generalized Linear Models - J. Nelder and R. Wedderburn Part Two: Log-Linear Models An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis - Douglas Sloane and S. Phillip Morgan Some Common Problems in Log-Linear Analysis - Clifford Clogg and Scott Eliason Part Three: Logistic Regression Models The Regression Analysis of Binary Sequences - D. Cox A Logistic Model for Paired Comparisons with Ordered Categorical Data - P. McCullagh Graphical Methods for Assessing Logistic Regression Models - James Landwehr, Daryl Pregibon and Anne Shoemaker Evaluating Logistic Models for Large Contingency Tables - Edward Fowlkes, Anne Freeny and James Landwehr A Graphical Method for Assessing the Fit of a Logistic Regression Model - Iain Pardoe and R. Dennis Cook Part Four: Multilevel Statistical Models for Categorical Response Variables The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient: Distribution-Free Definition and Test - Daniel Commenges and Helene Jacqmin Modeling Clustered Ordered Categorical Data - Alan Agresti and Ranjini Natarajan Religious Attendance in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 60 Countries - Stijn Ruiter and Frank van Tubergen Part Five: Longitudinal Analysis for Categorical Response Variables Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Generalized Linear Models - King-Yee Liang and Scott Zeger A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Categorical Longitudinal Data from a Social Survey of Immigrants - A. Pettitt et al. VOLUME FOUR: ADVANCED AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICAL METHODS Part One: Correspondence Analysis Simple Correspondence Analysis: A Bibliographic Review - Eric Beh Some Useful Extensions of the Usual Correspondence Analysis Approach and the Usual Log-Linear Models Approach in the Analysis of Contingency Tables - Leo Goodman Part Two: Factor Analysis for Categorical Variables Multiway Contingency Analysis with a Scaled Response or Factor - Otis Duncan and James McRae, Jr Factor Analysis for Categorical Data - D.J. Bartholomew Part Three: Latent Class Models Exploratory Latent Structure Analysis Using Both Identifiable and Unidentifiable Models - Leo Goodman Categorical Causal Modelling: Latent Class Analysis and Directed Log-Linear Models with Latent Variables - Jacques Hagenaars On the Assignment of Individuals to Latent Classes - Leo Goodman Part Four: Missing Values in Categorical Data Loglinear Models with Missing Data: A Latent Class Approach - Christopher Winship and Robert Mare Multiple Imputation of Incomplete Categorical Data Using Latent Class Analysis - Jeroen Vermunt et al. Part Five: Graphical Methods Conceptual and Visual Models for Categorical Data - Michael Friendly Mosaic Displays for Multi-Way Contingency Tables - Michael Friendly Extending Mosaic Displays: Marginal, Conditional, and Partial Views of Categorical Data - Michael Friendly Multigraph Representations of Hierarchical Loglinear Models - Terry McKee and Harry Khamis Latent Class Factor and Cluster Models, Bi-Plots, and Related Graphical Displays - Jay Magidson and Jeroen Vermunt