Alan Slater is Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology at the University of Exeter. He is the co-editor of The Blackwell Reader in Developmental Psychology (Blackwell, 1999), Theories of Infant Development (Blackwell Publishing, 2004) and An Introduction to Developmental Psychology (Wiley, 2017) as well as the the 5-volume reference work Infancy (SAGE, 2013).

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VOLUME ONE: THE BEGINNINGS OF LIFE: FOETAL DEVELOPMENT, ATYPICAL DEVELOPMENT AND BASIC SENSORY ABILITIES Prenatal Development, Risk Factors and Atypical Development Part One: Embryonic Period to Foetal Period (Normal Developing) Developmental Change in Fetal Response to Repeated Low-Intensity Sound - Seiichi Morokuma et al. Evidence of Transnatal Auditory Learning - Christine Moon and William Fifer Newborn Infants Prefer the Maternal Low-Pass Filtered Voice, but Not the Maternal Whispered Voice - Melanie Spence and Mark Freeman Part Two: Effects of Risk Factors on the Foetus (Teratogens) Fetal Alchohol Syndrome and the Developing Socio-Emotional Brain - Alison Nichols The Factors Contributing to the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - E. Athanasakis S. Karavasiliadou and I. Styliadis Prenatal Antecedents of Newborn Neurological Maturation - Janet DiPietro et al. Cognitive Outcomes of Preschool Children with Prenatal Cocaine Exposure - Lynn Singer et al. Part Three: Atypical Development - Down Syndrome, Sensorially Impaired, Multiple Impairments, Origins of Autism in Infancy Period The Development of Joint Attention in Blind Infants - Ann Bigelow Autism during Infancy: A Retrospective Video Analysis of Sensori-Motor and Social Behaviors at 9-12 Months of Age - Grace Baranek Atypical Perceptual Narrowing in Prematurely Born Infants Is Associated with Compromised Language Acquisition at 2 Years of Age - Eira Jansson-Verkasalo et al. Atypical Object Exploration at 12 Months of Age Is Associated with Autism in a Prospective Sample - Sally Ozonoff et al. Contingency Learning in 9-Month-Old Infants with Down Syndrome - P.S. Ohr and J.W. Fagen Perceptual and Motor Development Part Four: Basic Visual and Auditory Abilities Development of Human Visual Function - Oliver Braddick and Janette Atkinson Development of Visual Perception - Scott Johnson Where Infants Look Determines How They See: Eye Movements and Object Perception Performance in 3-Month-Olds - Scott Johnson, Jonathan Slemmer and Dima Asmo The Development of a Human Auditory Localization Response: A U-Shaped Function - Darwin Muir, Rachel Clifton and Marsha Clarkson One-Year-Old Infants Follow Others' Voice Direction - Federico Rossano, Malinda Carpenter and Michael Tomasello VOLUME TWO: MEMORY DEVELOPMENT AND OBJECT PERCEPTION Part One: Object Perception, Including Perceptual Constancies and Memory Development Size Constancy at Birth: Newborn Infants' Responses to Retinal and Real Size - Alan Slater, Anne Mattock and Elizabeth Brown What Do Infants Remember When They Forget? Location and Identity in 6-Month-Olds' Memory for Objects - Melissa Kibbe and Alan Leslie Dissociations in Infancy Memory: Rethinking the Development of Implicit and Explicit Memory - Carolyn Rovee-Collier The Ontogeny of Long-Term Retention during the Second Year of Life - Jane Herbert and Harlene Hayne Part Two: Perceptual Categories, Causality, Perception of Animate Action Basic Level and Superordinate-Like Categorical Representations in Early Infancy - Gundeep Behl-Chadha The Nature and Structure of Infant Form Categories - Paul Bomba and Einar Siqueland The Acquisition of Expertise as a Model for the Growth of Cognitive Structure - Paul Quinn Global-before-Basic Object Categorization in Connectionist Networks and 2-Month-Old Infants - Paul Quinn and Mark Johnson Precursors of Infants' Perception of the Causality of a Simple Event - Leslie Cohen and Geoffrey Amsel Do Six-Month-Old Infants Perceive Causality? - Alan Leslie and Stephanie Keeble One-Year-Old Infants Use Teleological Representations of Actions Productively - Gergely Csibra Infants' Ability to Distinguish between Purposeful and Non-Purposeful Behaviors - Amanda Woodward Part Three: Perception across Occlusion: Perceptual Precursors of Permanence Newborn Infants' Perception of Partly Occluded Objects - Alan Slater et al. Infants' Perception of Object Trajectories - Scott Johnson et al. Infants' Evolving Representations of Object Motion during Occlusion: A Longitudinal Study of 6- to 12-Month-Old Infants - Gustaf Gredebaeck and Claes von Hofsten Development of Object Concepts in Infancy: Evidence for Early Learning in an Eye-Tracking Paradigm - Scott Johnson, Dima Amso and Jonathan Slemmer Illusory Contour Figures Are Perceived as Occluding Surfaces by Four-Month-Old Infants - J. Gavin Bremner et al. VOLUME THREE: MOTOR DEVELOPMENT, SPATIAL AWARENESS AND MULTISENSORY PERCEPTION Part One: Motor Development and Relations between Perception and Action Development of Reaching in Infancy - Neil Berthier and Rachel Keen A Pick-Me-Up for Infants' Exploratory Skills: Early Simulated Experiences Reaching for Objects Using 'Sticky Mittens' Enhances Young Infants' Object Exploration Skills - Amy Needham, Tracy Barrett and Karen Peterman How Do You Learn to Walk? Thousands of Steps and Dozens of Falls per Day - Karen Adolph et al. Newborn Stepping: An Explanation of a 'Disappearing' Reflex - Esther Thelen and Donna Fisher Effect of Self-Produced Locomotion on Infant Postural Compensation to Optic Flow - Carol Higgins, Joseph Campos and Rosanne Kermoian Specificity of Learning: Why Infants Fall over a Veritable Cliff - Karen Adolph Part Two: Spatial Orientation The Role of Self-Produced Movement and Visual Tracking in Infant Spatial Orientation - Linda Acredolo, Anne Adams and Susan Goodwyn Egocentric versus Allocentric Coding in Nine-Month-Old Infants: Factors Influencing the Choice of Code - J. Gavin Bremner Travel Broadens the Mind - JosephCampos et al. The Development of Relational Landmark Use in Six- to Twelve-Month-Old Infants in a Spatial Orientation Task - A. Lew, J. Bremner and L. Lefkovitch Spatial Updating and Training Effects in the First Year of Human Infancy - D. Tyler and B.E. McKenzie The Contribution of Visual and Vestibular Information to Spatial Orientation by 6- to 14-Month-Old Infants and Adults - J. Gavin Bremner et al Part Two: Multisensory Perception, Including Synaesthesia Intermodal Perception at Birth: Intersensory Redundancy Guides Newborn Infants' Learning of Arbitrary Auditory-Visual Pairings - Alan Slater et al. Crossmodal Learning in Newborn Infants: Inferences about Properties of Auditory-Visual Events - Barbara Morrongiello, Kimberley Fenwick and Graham Chance Preverbal Infants' Sensitivity to Synaesthetic Cross-Modal Correspondences - Peter Walker et al. Sound Symbolism during Infancy? Evidence for Sound-Shape Cross-Modal Correspondences in 4-Month-Olds - Ozge Ozturk, Madelaine Krehm and Athena Vouloumanos The Effects of Auditory Information on 4-Month-Old Infants' Perception of Trajectory Continuity - J. Gavin Bremner et al. Intersensory Redundancy Guides the Development of Selective Attention, Perception and Cognition in Infancy - Lorraine Bahrick, Robert Lickliter and Ross Flom The Development of Intersensory Temporal Perception: An Epigenetic Systems/Limitations View - David Lewkowicz VOLUME FOUR: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT: FROM PIAGET TO THE DEVELOPING THEORY OF MIND Part One: Piaget's Constructivist Theory and More Recent Work on Object Permanence The First Year of Life of the Child - Jean Piaget Spatio-Temporal Identity in Infancy: Perceptual Competence or Conceptual Deficit - George Butterworth, Nicholas Jarrett and Linda Hicks Abilities and Neural Mechanisms Underlying AB Performance - Adele Diamond Rethinking Infant Knowledge: Toward an Adaptive Process Account of Successes and Failures in Object Permanence Tasks - Yuko Munakata et al. Infants' Perseverative Search Errors Are Induced by Pragmatic Misinterpretation - Jozsef Topal et al. Part Two: Nativist Approaches and VoE Techniques Core Knowledge - Elizabeth Spelke and Katherine Kinzler Infants' Physical World - Renee Baillargeon Addition and Subtraction by Human Infants - K. Wynn Infant Brains Detect Arithmetic Errors - Andrea Berger, Gabriel Tzur and Michael Posner Do You Believe in Magic? Infants' Social Looking during Violations of Expectations - Tedra Walden et al. Reconceptualizing the Origins of Number Knowledge: A "Non-Numerical" Account - Tony Simon Part Three: Origins of a Theory of Mind Developmental parallels in understanding minds and bodies - Alan Leslie Do 15-Month-Old Infants Understand False Beliefs? - Kristine Onishi and Renee Baillargeon Infants' Insight into the Mind: How Deep? - Josef Perner and Ted Ruffman Attribution of Beliefs by 13-Month-Olds Infants - Luca Surian, Stefania Caldi and Dan Sperber Eighteen-Month-Old Infants Show False Belief Understanding in an Active Helping Paradigm - David Buttelmann, Malinda Carpenter and Michael Tomasello VOLUME FIVE: THE DEVELOPING AWARENESS OF THE SOCIAL WORLD: FROM IMITATION TO TALKING Part One: Early imitation, Development of Self-Recognition, Knowledge of the Self and Others Imitation of Facial and Manual Gestures by Human Neonates - Andrew Meltzoff and M. Moore "Like Me": A Foundation for Social Cognition - Andrew Meltzoff Rational Imitation in Preverbal Infants - G. Gergely, H. Bekkering and I. Kiraly Selective Imitation of In-Group over Out-Group Members in 14-Month-Old Infants - D. Buttelmann et al. The Social Side of Imitation - H. Over and M. Carpenter Part Two: Face Perception, Including Other Race Effect, Attractiveness Newborn Infants Prefer Attractive Faces - Alan Slater et al. Representation of the Gender of Human Faces by Infants: A Preference for Female - Paul Quinn et al. Is Face Processing Species-Specific during the First Year of Life? - Olivier Pascalis, Michelle de Haan and Charles Nelson Development of the Other-Race Effect in Infancy: Evidence towards Universality? - David Kelly et al. Newborn Infants' Preference for Attractive Faces: The Role of Internal and External Facial Features - Alan Slater et al. Developmental Origins of the Other-Race Effect - Gizelle Anzures et al. Part Three: Voice and Speech Perception, Including Infant-Directed Speech Infants' Detection of Sound Patterns of Words in Fluent Speech - Peter Jusczyk and Richard Aslin Statistical Learning by 8-Month-Old Infants - Jenny Saffran, Richard Aslin and Elissa Newport Infants Show a Facilitation Effect for Native Language Phonetic Perception between 6 and 12 Months - Patricia Kuhl et al. Becoming a Native Listener - Janet Werker Infant-Directed Speech Drives Social Preferences in 5-Month-Old Infants - Adena Schachner and Erin Hannon Infant-Directed Speech Facilitates Word Segmentation - Erik Thiessen, Emily Hill and Jenny Saffran The Developmental Course of Lexical Tone Perception in the First Year of Life - Karen Mattock et al. Statistical Learning and Language Acquisition - Alexa Romberg and Jenny Saffran Part Four: Communication and First Words Caregivers' Gestures Direct Infant Attention during Early Word Learning: The Importance of Dynamic Synchrony - Nancy de Villiers Rader and Patricia Zukow-Goldring The Role of Discourse Novelty in Early Word Learning - Nameera Akhtar, Malinda Carpenter and Michael Tomasello Precis of How Children Learn the Meanings of Words - Paul Bloom What Does Syntax Say about Space? 2-Year-Olds Use Sentence Structure to Learn New Preposition - Cynthia Fisher, Stacy Klingler and Hyun-Joo Song Meaning from Syntax: Evidence from 2-Year-Olds - Sudha Arunachalam and Sandra Waxman VOLUME SIX: SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: FORMING ATTACHMENTS AND BECOMING SELF-AWARE Part One: Attachment Theory, Strange Situation, Cross-Cultural Differences Attachment in Toddlers with Autism and Other Developmental Disorders - Fabienne Naber et al. Differences in Attachment Security between African-American and White Children: Ethnicity or Socio-Economic Status? - Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg et al. Security of Attachment as a Predictor of Symbolic and Mentalising Abilities: A Longitudinal Study - Elizabeth Meins, Charles Fernyhough, James Russell and David Clark-Carter Attachment Patterns and Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Second Year - Cristina Riva Crugnola et al. Part Two: Development of Self and Gender Spatial Determinants in the Perception of Self-Produced Leg Movements by 3-5 Month Old Infants - Philippe Rochat and Rachel Morgan Social Awareness and Early Self-Recognition - Philippe Rochat, Tanya Broesch and Katherine Jayne Infants' Preferences for Toys, Colors, and Shapes: Sex Differences and Similarities - Vasanti Jadva, Melissa Hines and Susan Golombok Male More than Female Infants Imitate Propulsive Motion - Joyce Benenson, Robert Tennyson and Richard Wrangham Developmental Change in Infants' and Toddlers' Attention to Gender Categories - Kristen Johnston et al. Part Three: Social Interaction and Early Prosocial Development, Peer Interaction and Cooperation Maternal Responsiveness to Very Young Children at Three Ages: Longitudinal Analysis of a Multidimensional Modular and Specific Parenting Construct - Marc Bornstein How Infants and Toddlers React to Antisocial Others - Kiley Hamlin et al. Origins of "Us" versus "Them": Prelinguistic Infants Prefer Similar Others - Neha Mahajan and Karen Wynn Altruistic Helping in Human Infants and Young Chimpanzees - Felix Warneken and Michael Tomasello Young Children Are Intrinsically Motivated to See Others Helped - Robert Hepach, Amrisha Vaish and Michael Tomasello Part Four: Using Social Information: Social Referencing The Role of Intersensory Redundancy in the Emergence of Social Referencing in 51/2-Month-Old Infants - Mariana Valiant-Molina and Lorraine Bahrick Uncertainty Matters: Impact of Stimulus Ambiguity on Infant Social Referencing - Geunyoung Kim and Keumjoo Kwak Mother Knows Best: Effects of Maternal Modelling on the Acquisition of Fear and Avoidance Behavior in Toddlers - Friederike Gerull and Ronald Rapee