Leadership, Creativity and Innovation


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Edited by Michael D Mumford
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VOLUME ONE: LEADING CREATIVE PEOPLE Part One: Creative Work Organization Strategy and Structural Differences for Radical versus Incremental Innovation - John Ettlie, William Bridges and Robert O'Keefe Organizational Innovation and Performance: The Problem of 'Organizational Lag' - Fariborz Damanpour and William Evan Technology Brokering and Innovation in a Product Development Firm - Andrew Hargadon and Robert Sutton Toward a Theory of Organizational Creativity - Richard Woodman, John Sawyer and Ricky Griffin Managing Strategic Contradictions: A Top Management Model for Managing Innovation - Wendy Smith and Michael Tushman Part Two: Creative People The Role of Intellectual Factors in Problem Solving - P. Merrifield et al. Creativity Syndrome: Integration, Application, and Innovation - Michael Mumford and Sigrid Gustafson A Meta-Analysis of Personality in Scientific and Artistic Creativity - Gregory Feist Hedonic Tone and Activation Level in the Mood-Creativity Link: Toward a Dual Pathway to Creativity Model - Carsten De Dreu, Matthijs Baas and Bernard Nijstad Creative Self-Efficacy Development and Creative Performance over Time - Pamela Tierney and Steven Farmer Part Three: Creative Leaders Leading Creative People: Orchestrating Expertise and Relationships - Michael Mumford et al. Divergent Thinking, Intelligence, and Expertise: A Test of Alternative Models - Andrea Vincent, Brian Decker and Michael Mumford Planning and Uncertainty in New Product Development - Cristoph Stockstrom and Cornelius Herstatt Multilevel Theorizing about Creativity in Organizations: A Sensemaking Perspective - Robert Drazin, Mary Ann Glynn and Robert Kazanjian Bridging the Boundary: External Activity and Performance in Organizational Teams - Deborah Ancona and David Caldwell Models in Action: How Management Models Are Interpreted in New Product Development - Mats Engwall, Ragnar Kling and Andreas Werr VOLUME TWO: LEADING CREATIVE EFFORTS Part One: Performance Interactions Influence Styles of Project Managers: Some Project Performance Correlates - Hans Thamhain and Gary Gemmill Transformational Leadership, Initiating Structure, and Substitutes for Leadership: A Longitudinal Study of Research and Development Project Team Performance - Robert Keller Success Factors of Product Innovation: An Updated Meta-Analysis - Heiner Evanschitzky et al. Applying Adaptive Leadership to Successful Change Initiatives in Academia - Linda Randall and Lori Coakley Part Two: Follower Interactions Linking Empowering Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Influence of Psychological Empowerment, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creative Process Engagement - Xiaomeng Zhang and Kathryn Bartol An Examination of Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Relevance of Traits and Relationships - Pamela Tierney, Steven Farmer and George Graen Teamwork for Innovation - The 'Troika' of Promoters - Juergen Hauschildt and Edgar Kirchmann Explaining the Heterogeneity of the Leadership-Innovation Relationship: Ambidextrous Leadership - Kathrin Rosing, Michael Frese and Andreas Bausch Charismatic, Ideological, and Pragmatic Leaders' Influence on Subordinate Creative Performance across the Creative Process - Jeffrey Lovelace and Samuel Hunter Part Three: Organizational Interactions The Human Side of Radical Innovation - Gina O'Conner and Christopher McDermott Champions of Technological Innovation: The Influence of Contextual Knowledge, Role Orientation, Idea Generation, and Idea Promotion on Champion Emergence - Jane Howell and Kathleen Boies The Effect of Team Leader Characteristics on Learning, Knowledge Application, and Performance of Cross-Functional New Product Development Teams - Shikhar Sarin and Christopher McDermott VOLUME ONE: CONTEXTUAL INFLUENCES ON CREATIVE LEADERSHIP Part One: The Profession The Interplay between Exploration and Exploitation - Anil Gupta, Ken Smith and Christina Shalley New Products: What Separates Winners from Losers? - R. Cooper and E. Kleinschmidt The Geographic Sources of Innovation: Technological Infrastructure and Product Innovation in the United States - Maryann Feldman and Richard Florida Part Two: The Firm Economic Determinants of Organizational Innovation - Martin Rosner Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation - Wesley Cohen and Daniel Levinthal Interfirm Collaboration Networks: The Impact of Large-Scale Network Structure on Firm Innovation - Melissa Schilling and Corey Phelps The Performance of Incumbent Firms in the Face of Radical Technological Innovation - Charles Hill and Frank Rothaermel Responding to Rivals and Complements: How Market Concentration Shapes Generational Product Innovation Strategy - Scott Turner, Will Mitchell and Richard Bettis More Similar than Different: A Study of Cooperative Product Innovation with Multiple External Stakeholders - Tania Von der Heidt and Don Scott Leadership and Innovation in Organizations: A Systematic Review of Factors That Mediate or Moderate the Relationship - Leif Denti and Sven Hemlin The Joint Behavior of Perceived Influence and Supervisor Supportiveness on Employee Innovative Behavior - Onne Janssen Incremental Effects of Reward on Experienced Performance Pressure: Positive Outcomes for Intrinsic Interest and Creativity - Robert Eisenberger and Justin Aselage Part Three: The Project Variations in Critical Success Factors over the Stages in the Project Life Cycle - Jeffrey Pinto and John Prescott Team-Level Predictors of Innovation at Work: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Spanning Three Decades of Research - Ute Huelsheger, Neil Anderson and Jesus Salgado Understanding Team Innovation: The Role of Team Processes and Structures - Anat Drach-Zahavy and Anit Somech Project Management Characteristics and New Product Survival - R. Jeffrey Thieme, Michael Song and Geon-Cheol Shin Climate for Creativity: A Quantitative Review - Samuel Hunter, Katrina Bedell and Michael Mumford Technological Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Use of Organizational Control in Managing Research and Development - Laura Cardinal The Dynamics of the Adoption of Product and Process Innovations in Organizations - Fariborz Damanpour and Shanthi Gopalakrishnan

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