Introduction - Eugene McLaughlin and Tim Newburn PART ONE: CONTEMPORARY CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY Genetics and Crime - Laura A Baker, Catherine Tuvblad and Adrian Raine Individual Differences and Offending - Darrick Jolliffe and David P Farrington Social Learning Theory - Ronald L Akers and Gary F Jensen Process and Structure in Criminal and Deviant Behavior Street Collectives and Group Delinquency - Simon Hallsworth and Tara Young Social Disorganization, Subcultures and beyond Strain Theories - Robert Agnew and Timothy Brezina Control Theories - Ray Paternoster and Ronet Bachman Labelling, Social Reaction and Social Constructionism - John Muncie Critical Criminology - Eugene McLaughlin Integrative Criminology - Gregg Barak Realist Criminology Revisited - Roger Matthews Routine Activities - Sharon Chamard Feminist Perspectives in Criminology: A Review with Gen Y in Mind - Kathleen Daly PART TWO: NEW DIRECTIONS Life-Course and Developmental Theories in Criminology - David P Farrington Crime Science - Ronald V Clarke Psychosocial Criminology - Tony Jefferson Cultural Criminology - Jeff Ferrell The Loose Can[n]on Governmental Criminology - Pat O'Malley New Institutionalism in Criminology - Susanne Karstedt Approaches, Theories and Themes Defiance, Compliance and Consilience - Lawrence W Sherman A General Theory of Criminology A Vision of Race, Crime and Justice through the Lens of Critical Race Theory - Lee E Ross A Green Criminology Perspective - Rob White Global Criminology - Katja Franko Aas Penology - Michael Cavadino Approaches to Victims and Victimization - Paul Rock News Media Criminology - Chris Greer