Human Security


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Edited by Taylor Owen
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Taylor Owen is the Research Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at the the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He is the founding Editor of the Canadian International Council's international affairs platform, and the Research Director of the Munk Debates. His Doctorate is from the University of Oxford where he was Trudeau Scholar. He was previously a Banting Post Doctoral Fellow at the Liu Institute for Global Issues at UBC, lecturer at the UBC Graduate School of Journalism, Fellow in the Genocide Studies Program at Yale University, Research Fellow at the Center for Global Governance at the LSE, Researcher at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo and an Action Canada Fellow.

VOLUME ONE: CONCEPT AND CRITIQUE What Is Security? - Emma Rothschild Redefining Security - Jessica Tuchman Mathews Human Security - Sadako Ogata and Johan Cels Protecting and Empowering the People Conceptual Framework for Human Security - Sabina Alkire Global Insights - Lloyd Axworthy Human Security and Global Governance: Putting People First Security Studies and the End of the Cold War - David Baldwin Deepening the Human Security Debate - Pauline Ewan Beyond the Politics of Conceptual Clarification Securing Humanity - Des Gasper Situating 'Human Security' as Concept and Discourse The Security Puzzle - Helga Haftendorn Theory-Building and Discipline-Building in International Security Human Security - Dan Henk Relevance and Implications Human Security - Yuen Foong Khong A Shotgun Approach to Alleviating Human Misery? Human Security - Gerd Oberlietner A Challenge to International Law? Editors' Note - J. Peter Burgess and Taylor Owen A Political Worldview - Ramesh Thakur A New Scientific Field and Policy Lens - Lloyd Axworthy A Concept in Need of a Global Policy Response - Fen Osler Hampson An Idea That Works in Practice - Don Hubert A Field of Overlaps and Interactions - Peter Uvin A Bridge between the Interconnected Challenges Confronting the World - Caroline Thomas Psychosocial Well-Being over Time - Jennifer Leaning An Holistic Paradigm - Amitav Acharya A Challenge to the Power over Knowledge of Traditional Security Studies - Kyle Grayson A Normatively Attractive but Analytically Weak Concept - Edward Newman A Vital Core That Must Be Treated with the Same Gravitas as Traditional Security Threats - Sabina Alkire An Expression of Threats versus Capabilities across Time and Space - Kanti Bajpai A Broad Concept That Encourages Interdisciplinary Thinking - Donna Winslow and Thomas Hylland Eriksen A Concept in Search of Relevance - P.H. Liotta A Concept Still on the Margins, but Evolving from Its Asian Roots - Paul Evans A Stalled Initiative - Astri Suhrke A Signifier of Shared Values - Andrew Mack The Key to a Powerful Agenda, if Properly Delimited - Keith Krause A Useful Concept That Risks Losing Its Political Salience - S. Neil Macfarlane A Reductionist, Idealistic Notion That Adds Little Analytical Value - Barry Buzan Still an Inscrutable Concept - Roland Paris Human Security - Taylor Owen Conflict, Critique and Consensus: Colloquium Remarks and a Proposal for a Threshold-Based Definition Global Inequality and Human Security - Amartya Sen Global Governance, Development and Human Security - Caroline Thomas Exploring the Links The Idea of Human Security - Des Gasper Human Security - Roland Paris Paradigm Shift or Hot Air? New Dimensions of Human Security - Human Development Report (United Nations Development Program) Human Security and the United Nations - Neil MacFarlane and Yuen Foong Khong Human Security - Mary Kaldor and Mary Martin Sabine Selchow A New Strategic Narrative for Europe Human Security - Amitav Acharya East versus West VOLUME TWO: AS CRITICAL THEORY Critical Voices and Human Security - Ryerson Christie To Endure, to Engage or to Critique? Human Security - Annick Wibben Toward an Opening The Tyranny of Benevolence - William Bain National Security, Human Security and the Practice of Statecraft Girl Soldiers - Mary-Jane Fox Human Security and Gendered Insecurity The Human and the Social - Des Gasper A Comparison of the Discourses of Human Development, Human Security and Social Quality Gender, Resistance and Human Security - Gunhild Hoogensen and Kirsti Stuvoy Human Security as Global Security - Ralph Pettman Reconceptualizing Strategic Studies Human Security as Power/Knowledge - Kyle Grayson The Bio-Politics of a Definitional Debate 'Doing' Security as though Humans Matter - Heidi Hudson A Feminist Perspective on Gender and the Politics of Human Security Critical Human Security Studies - Edward Newman Human Security and the Governmentality of Neo-liberal Mobility - Thanh-Dam Truong A Feminist Perspective Human Security, Neo-Liberalism and Corporate Social Responsibility - Kyle Grayson Sovereign Power and the Bio-Politics of Human Security - Miguel De Larrinaga and Marc Doucet The Civilized Self and the Barbaric Other - Ikechi Mgbeoji Imperial Delusions of Order and the Challenges of Human Security Individual and Societal Dimensions of Security - Pinar Bilgin Critical Theory and Security Studies - Keith Krause The Research Programme of 'Critical Security Studies' Globalization and Human Security - Earl Conteh-Morgan A Neo-Gramscian Perspective Human Security and Constructivism - Edward Newman Paradigms in Conflict - Mohammad Nuruzzaman The Contested Claims of Human Security Critical Theory and Feminism Review Essay - David Chandler Human Security: The Dog That Didn't Bark The Critique That Doesn't Bite - Taylor Owen A Response to David Chandler's Human Security: The Dog That Didn't Bark Power and Agency in the Human Security Framework - Tara McCormack VOLUME THREE: POLICY AND ADVOCACY Human Security's Future in Regional Co-Operation and Governance? - Melissa Curley Securing Humans in a Dangerous World - M. Duffield and N. Waddell Japan's Foreign Policy and Human Security - Bert Edstroem Pulpit Diplomacy - Fen Osler Hampson and Dean Oliver A Critical Assessment of the Axworthy Doctrine Human Security - Richard Jolly and Deepayan Basu Ray National Perspectives and Global Agendas: Insights from National Human Development Reports The Utility of the Human Security Agenda for Policy Makers - Pauline Kerr, Williem Tow and Marianne Hanson Instituting and Projecting Human Security - George MacLean A Canadian Perspective Much Ado about Little - Janne Haaland Matlary The European Union and Human Security The Second Generation of Human Security - Mary Martin and Taylor Owen Lessons from the United Nations and European Union Experience The Utility of Human Security - Nicholas Thomas and William Tow Sovereignty and Humanitarian Intervention Humanitarianism and Human Security in a Post-9/11 World - Jide Martyns Okeke Collaborative Human Security? The United Nations and Other Actors in Cambodia - Sorpong Peou Human Security and the Interests of States - Astrid Suhrke Boomerang Effect - P.H. Liotta The Convergence of National and Human Security Human Security in Practice - David Bosold and Sascha Werthes Canadian and Japanese Experiences Human Security from Paradigm Shift to Operationalization - Marlies Glasius Job Description for a Human Security Worker VOLUME FOUR: METHODOLOGIES AND TOOLS The Idea of Human Security - Kanti Bajpai Notes on Developing a Human Security/Insecurity Index - Peter Brecke True Measures of Human Security - Paz Buttedahl Human Security during Complex Humanitarian Emergencies - Lincoln Chen and Aafje Rietveld Rapid Assessment and Institutional Capabilities Toward Modeling Regionally Specific Human Security Using GIS - Taylor Owen and O. Slaymaker Case Study Cambodia Human Development Index - Amartya Sen and Sudhir Anand Methodology and Measurement Human Security - Jennifer Leaning and Sam Arie A Framework for Analysis in Settings of Crisis and Transition Rethinking Human Security - Gary King and Christopher Murray The Index of Human Insecurity - Steve Lonergan Proposal for the Creation of a Human Security Report - Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research Data Issues in the Study of Conflict - Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler Architecture for Early Warning at the United Nations Based on Human Security Indicators - Sundara Vadlamudi Measuring Human Security - Taylor Owen Methodological Challenges and the Importance of Geographically Referenced Determinants

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