The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Sociology


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Edited by David Inglis, Anna-Mari Almila
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David Inglis is Professor of Sociology at the University of Exeter. Anna-Mari Almila is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Sociology of Fashion at London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London.

Introduction - David Inglis PART 1: SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT Marxist Cultural Sociology - Paul Jones Max Weber's Presences: On the Cultural Sociology of the Long-Term - David Inglis The Cultural Sociology of Alfred Weber and Karl Mannheim - Colin Loader Durkheimian and Neo-Durkheimian Cultural Sociologies - David Inglis A Qualitative Theory of Culture: Georg Simmel and Cultural Sociology - Eduardo de la Fuente Bourdieu's Sociology of Culture: On the Economy of Symbolic Goods - Gisele Sapiro Symbolic Interactionism's Contribution to the Study of Culture - Norman Denzin Cognition and Cultural Sociology: The Inside and Outside of Thought - Karen A. Cerulo Actor Network Theory and Its Cultural Uses - Anna-Mari Almila Neoinstitutionalist Sociology - Pertti Alasuutari The Cultural Worth of 'Economies of Worth': French Pragmatic Sociology from a Cultural Sociological Perspective - Ilana F. Silber Systems Theory and Culture: Drawing Lessons from Parsons and Luhmann - Rudi Laermans The 'Production of Culture Perspective' in Perspective - Marco Santoro Cultural Historical Sociology - Chandra Mukerji PART 2: METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES Quantitative Analysis in Cultural Sociology: Why It Should be Done, How It Can Be Done - Dick Houtman & Peter Achterberg Qualitative Cultural Sociology - Thomas S. Eberle Multiple Correspondence Analysis - Julien Duval Hermeneutics and Cultural Sociology - Jonathan Roberge Social Network Analysis - Nick Crossley Ethnography and the Sociology of Culture - John Hughson PART 3: DISCIPLINARITY & INTERDISCIPLINARITY Sociology and Cultural Studies: A Close and Fraught Relationship - David Inglis Visual Culture Studies and Cultural Sociology: Extractive Seeing - Janet Stewart Queering Gender, Art and Culture in the Age of Media Convergence - Mary Kosut PART 4: CULTURE & SOCIETY Symbolic Boundaries - Bethany Bryson Cultural Sociology of Religion and Beliefs - Laura Edles Everyday Life: The Making of a Sociological Topic, Then Making it 'Cultural Sociology' - Rachel Hurdley 'Turn Turn Turn!' Musicalizing Cultural Sociology with the 'in Action' Perspective - Tia DeNora PART 5: CULTURE & POLITICS Cultural Citizenship - Nick Stevenson Dimensions of Culture in Social Movement Research - Hank Johnston Cultural Nationalism - Eric Taylor Woods Cultural Sociology of News Media - Ron Jacobs Cultural Memory - Brad West PART 6: ARTS & AESTHETICS (Cultural) Sociologies of Architecture? - Paul Jones For a Sociology of the Cinema - Tatiana Signorelli Heise & Andrew Tudor Witnessing Culture: Museums, Exhibitions and the Artistic Encounter - Nail Farkhatdinov & Sophia Krzys Acord Cultural Sociology of Fashion: On the Sartorial, Symbolic and Social - Anna-Mari Almila Popular Music and Cultural Sociology - Andy Bennett Iconicity - Dominic Bartmanski The Cultural Sociology of Markets - Fred Wherry PART 7: CULTURE & CONSUMPTION Cultural Consumption and Cultural Omnivorousness - David Wright Cultural Sociology: Brands - Sonia Bookman Cultural Sociology of Ethical Consumption - Matthias Varul

The Sage Handbook of Cultural Sociology presents a broad, learned, and generous collection of essays discussing the prominent place of culture in society and in Sociology. The essays illuminate the ways sociologists have thought about the what, where, and how of such cultural phenomena as art, music, memory, media, religion, consumption, and nationalism. A great compendium for anyone wanting a foundational understanding of cultural sociology. -- Robin Wagner-Pacifici With its comprehensive set of themes and excellent international team of contributors, this book offers an authoritative look at the field of cultural sociology. Ranging from Weber and Durkheim to Actor-Network and Neo-Institutionalism, and covering major topics on art, popular culture and consumption, as well as the intersection of culture with key social and political issues, the expertly conceived chapters in this volume assess the multi-layered magnitude of culture in sociological knowledge. A panoramic, state-of-the-art view of cultural sociology that provides a wealth of insights for future research, and sets itself as a standard reading in the field. -- Motti Regev This collection provides an excellent analysis on key cultural artefacts that cultural sociology focuses on. However, unlike other texts in this field, the essays in this volume seeks to unpack key debates on what the sub-discipline looks like now across national institutions and further what it could comprise of into the future. By unpacking these different perspectives in theoretical positions and methodological considerations in the area of cultural sociology, as well as exploring key areas of cultural analysis, the essays in this handbook from key thinkers provides an excellent reference point for the contemporary cultural sociologist and further a holistic and important resource for undergraduate or postgraduate teaching -- Nick Osbaldiston

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