I have previously taught at the Universities of Leicester, Essex and Strathclyde and my research interests are fairly eclectic. I continue to engage in research related to the history of marketing, with a specific focus on the influence of the Cold War on marketing and advertising theory. An on-going stream of research deals with racism and eugenics in marketing theory, thought and practice. Suffice to say, these are just a sample of what is presently occupying my attention.
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VOLUME ONE: CRITICAL MARKETING AND CRITIQUES OF MARKETING PART ONE: HISTORY AND CRITICAL MARKETING Toward a History of Critical Marketing Studies - Mark Tadajewski Finanzkapital and Consumers - Nikhilesh Dholakia How Financialization Shaped 20th Century Marketing The Consumer as 'Voter', 'Judge', and 'Jury' - Stefan Schwarzkopf Historical Origins and Political Consequences of a Marketing Myth Reading 'the Marketing Revolution' through the Prism of the FBI - Mark Tadajewski PART TWO: THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL PERSPECTIVES ON CRITICAL MARKETING Being Critical in Marketing Studies - Nikhilesh Dholakia The Imperative of Macro-Perspectives Critical Marketing Studies - MarkTadajewski Logical Empiricism, 'Critical Performativity' and Marketing Practice Mapping Consumer Power - Janice Denegri-Knott, Detlev Zwick and Jonathan Schroeder An Integrative Framework for Marketing and Consumer Research PART THREE: CRITIQUES OF MARKETING AND CRITICAL MARKETING Atmospheres of Seduction - Brigitte Biehl-Missal and Michael Saren A Critique of Aesthetic Marketing Practices Getting to Yes - Kalman Applbaum Corporate Power and the Creation of a Psychopharmaceutical Blockbuster Culture Shadow Science - Kalman Applbaum Zyprexa, Eli Lilly and the Globalization of Pharmaceutical Damage Control Hidden Mountain - Edd De Coverly et al The Social Avoidance of Waste Praxis or Performance - Pauline Maclaran et al Does Critical Marketing Have a Gender Blind-Spot? PART FOUR: 'CRITICAL' SOCIAL MARKETING AND CRITIQUES OF SOCIAL MARKETING Critical Social Marketing, Definition, Application and Domain - Ross Gordon Critical Social Marketing - Tom Farrell and Ross Gordon Investigating Alcohol Marketing in the Developing World 'Every Time I Do It I Absolutely Annihilate Myself' - Christine Griffin Loss of (Self-) Consciousness and Loss of Memory in Young People's Drinking Narratives The Political Role of Government-Sponsored Social Marketing Campaigns - Effi Raftopoulou and Margaret Hogg Women's Bodies as Sites of Control - Lauren Gurrieri, Josephine Previte and Jan Brace-Govan Inadvertent Stigma and Exclusion in Social Marketing VOLUME TWO: CONCEPTUAL AND ETHICAL CRITIQUES PART ONE: CONCEPTUALIZING CONSUMPTION AND THE CONSUMER Consumption - David Graeber From Commodity Fetishism to Commodity Narcissism - Robert Cluley and Stephen Dunne The Epistemic Consumption Object and Post-Social Consumption - Detlev Zwick and Nikhilesh Dholakia Expanding Consumer-Object Theory in Consumer Research PART TWO: CO-CREATION, GOVERNMENTALITY AND THE LABOUR PROCESS Working Consumers - Bernard Cova and Daniele Dalli The Next Step in Marketing Theory Putting Consumers to Work - Detlev Zwick, Samuel Bonsu and Aron Darmody 'Co-Creation' and New Marketing Governmentality The Work of the New Economy - Robert Foster Consumers, Brands and Value Creation User Production Reconsidered - James Hamilton and Kristen Heflin From Convergence to Autonomia and Cultural Materialism Mystification of the Labour Process in Contemporary Consumer Culture - Kurt Borchard and David Dickens PART THREE: SERVICE WORK(ERS), EXPERIENCE PRODUCTION AND CUSTOMER MANIPULATION The Point of Selling - Marek Korczynski Capitalism, Consumption and Contradictions Service Marketing and Subjectivity - Per Skalen The Shaping of Customer-Oriented Employees A New Labour Aristocracy? Aesthetic Labour and Routine Interactive Service - Chris Warhurst and Dennis Nickson 'Who's Got the Look?' Emotional, Aesthetic and Sexualized Labour in Interactive Services - Chris Warhurst and Dennis Nickson Sales Work under Marketization - Marek Korczynski and Ursula Ott The Social Relations of the Cash Nexus? Toxicity and the Unconscious Experience of the Body at the Employee-Customer Interface - Mark Stein Experiencing the Shadow - Jerzy Kociatkiewicz and Monika Kostera Organizational Exclusion and Denial within Experience Economy PART FOUR: MARKETING ETHICS AND MORALITY Levinas - John Desmond Beyond Egotism in Marketing and Management Embracing Ethical Fields - Deirdre Shaw and Kathleen Riach Constructing Consumption in the Margins 'Heterotopian Space and the Utopics of Ethical and Green Consumption - Andreas Chatzidakis, Pauline Maclaran and Alan Bradshaw Consumer Rights - Gretchen Larsen and Rob Lawson An Assessment of Justice VOLUME THREE: POWER, RESISTANCE AND MARKETPLACE BOUNDARIES PART ONE: RESISTANCE AND ANTI-CONSUMPTION Anti-Consumption as Tactical Resistance - Laura Portwood-Stacer Anarchists, Subculture and Activist Strategy Nationalism and Ideology in Anti-Consumption Movement - Rohit Varman and Russell Belk Materialist Theology and Anti-Capitalist Resistance, or, 'What Would Jesus Buy? - Anna-Maria Murtola PART TWO: RACISM, DISCRIMINATION AND WHITENESS Character Analysis and Racism in Marketing Theory and Practice - Mark Tadajewski 'Buy for the Sake of the Slave' - Lawrence Glickman Abolitionism and the Origins of American Consumer Activism Race and Ideology - Julia Bristor, Renee Gravois Lee and Michelle Hunt African-American Images in Television Advertising Communicative Behavior and Conflict between African-American Customers and Korean Immigrant Retailers in Los Angeles - Benjamin Bailey 'Blacks and Bubbas' - Christine Mallinson and Zachary Brewster Stereotypes, Ideology and Categorization Processes in Restaurant Servers' Discourse 'Reading' Whiteness in Consumer Research - Dawn Burton PART THREE: MARKETPLACE INCLUSION AND STIGMATIZED CONSUMERS The Philosophy and Methods of Deliberative Democracy - Julie Ozanne, Canan Corus and Bige Saatcioglu Implications for Public Policy and Marketing A Critical Spatial Approach to Marketplace Exclusion and Inclusion - Bige Saatcioglu and Julie Ozanne The Low-Literate Consumer - Natalie Ross Adkins and Julie Ozanne Low-Income Families and Coping through Brands - Kathy Hamilton Inclusion or Stigma? Consumer Normalcy - Stacey Menzel Baker Understanding the Value of Shopping through Narratives of Consumers with Visual Impairments PART FOUR: VIRTUAL CONSUMER PRACTICE AND CONSUMER SUBJECTIVITY Consumers Behaving Badly - Janice Denegri-Knott Deviation or Innovation? Power Struggles on the Web Whose Identity Is It Anyway? Consumer Representation in the Age of Database Marketing - Detlev Zwick and Nikhilesh Dholakia Manufacturing Customers - Detlev Zwick and Janice Denegri-Knott The Database as New Means of Production VOLUME FOUR: THE STRUCTURING OF MARKETING AND CONSUMER PRACTICE PART ONE: POLITICAL ECONOMY Supply Chains and the Human Condition - Anna Tsing Flowers, Diamonds and Gold - Martin Donohoe The Destructive Public Health, Human Rights and Environmental Consequences of Symbols of Love Regimes of Ethical Value? Landscape, Race and Representation in the Canadian Diamond Industry - Kolson Schlosser The Marketization of Poverty - Anke Schwittay Ethical Objections to Fairtrade - Peter Griffiths Delicious Peace Coffee - Nancy Neiman Auerbach Marketing Community in Uganda PART TWO: STUDIES OF RELIGION AND RELIGIOSITY Islamic Marketing - Aliakbar Jafari Insights from a Critical Perspective Marketing a New African God - Samuel Bonsu and Russell Belk Pentecostalism and Material Salvation in Ghana Infidel Brands - Elif Izberk-Bilgin Unveiling Alternative Meanings of Global Brands at the Nexus of Globalization, Consumer Culture and Islamism PART THREE: GENDER, SEXUALITY AND THE CONSUMPTION OF PEOPLE AND ORGANS The Construction of Gender and Creativity in Advertising Creative Department - Kasey Windels and Wei-Na Lee Empowerment/Sexism - Rosalind Gill Figuring Female Sexual Agency in Contemporary Advertising Post-Feminist Advertising Laid Bare - Helen Malson et al Young Women's Talk about the Sexually Agentic Woman of 'Midriff' Advertising The Dream of a Perfect Body Come True - Maria Martinez Lirola and Jan Chovanec Multimodality in Cosmetic Surgery Advertising 'Living Cadavers' in Bangladesh - Monir Moniruzzaman Bioviolence in the Human Organ Bazaar The Cross-National Market in Human Beings - Julia Pennington et al