PART ONE: YOUNG PEOPLE IN SOCIETY Policy, Practice and Research in Work with Young People - Jason Wood and Jean Hine Youth as a Social Construction - Mary Jane Kehily Trouble and Tribes: Young People and Community - Jeremy Brent Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood: Implications for Policy and Practice - Aniela Wenham What Does the 'Teen Brain' Research Say, and What Does it Mean for Practitioners? - Howard Sercombe and Tomas Paus Youth Work in a Cold Climate - Tom Wylie PART TWO: THE NATURE OF WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE Defining Good Youth Work - Gina Ingram and Jean Harris Every Day is Different - Jean Spence and Carol Devanney Helping: Definitions and Purposes - Hazel L. Reid and Alison J. Fielding Informal Learning in Youth Work: Times, People and Places - Janet Batsleer Thinking Ethically - Howard Sercombe A Social Theory of Learning - Etienne Wenger PART THREE: THE PRACTICES OF WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE Crossing the Boundaries? Working Informally in Formal Settings - Sheila Curran and Tyrrell Golding Enhancing Young People's Participation - Kate Sapin Developing Generative Themes for Community Action - Dave Beck and Rod Purcell Working with Groups of Young People - Jane Westergaard Youth Work in a Digital Age - Jane Melvin Faith-based Youth Work - Lessons from the Christian Sector - Naomi Stanton Supervision as a Youth Work Tool - Liesl Conradie

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