Shaun Breslin is Professor of Politics and International studies at the University of Warwick in the UK. He is also co-editor of The Pacific Review, Senior Research Fellow at The Wong MNC Center in San Francisco and Associate Research Fellow at the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) in Milan. His research focuses on China's changing domestic political economy, and the impact of China's rise on the nature of the global order. He also has a side interest in comparative studies of regional integration processes. His latest book, China Risen? Studying Chinese Global Power will be published by Bristol University Press in March 2022.

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VOLUME ONE: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES China and the US: Comparable Cases of 'Peaceful Rise'? - Barry Buzan and Michael Cox The Development of International Relations Theory in China - Qin Yaqing The Tragedy of Offensive Realism: Classical Realism and the Rise of China - Jonathan Kirshner Will China's Rise Lead to War? - Charles Glaser The Rise of Chinese Exceptionalism in International Relations - Feng Zhang Invocations of Chinese Traditions in International Relations - Gilbert Rozman Is China Becoming More Aggressive? A Neoclassical Realist Analysis - Camilla Sorensen China in the North Korean Nuclear Crises: 'Interest' and 'Identity' in Foreign Behaviour - Hochul Lee Extract from The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State - Zhang Weiwei The Power Strategy of Chinese Foreign Policy: Bringing Theoretical and Comparative Studies Together - Chen Zhimin and Chang Lulu The Rise of China in Chinese Eyes - Yan Xuetong International Relations Studies in China: History, Trends, and Prospects - David Shambaugh China's Search for a Grand Strategy: A Rising Great Power Finds Its Way - Wang Jisi VOLUME TWO: MAKING FOREIGN POLICY China's Global Activism: Strategy, Drivers, and Tools - Phillip Saunders Personality, Ideology and Decisionmaking - Michael Hunt The Operational Code of Mao Zedong: Defensive or Offensive Realist? - Huiyun Feng China's Foreign- and Security-Policy Decision-Making Processes under Hu Jintao - Jean-Pierre Cabestan The Central Leadership, Supraministry Coordinating Bodies, State Council ministries, and Party Departments - Lu Ning China's "Quiet Diplomacy": The International Department of the Chinese Communist Party - David Shambaugh China's Assertive Behaviour - Part Three: The Role of the Military in Foreign Policy - Michael Swaine Beyond Spy vs Spy: The Analytic Challenge of Understanding Chinese Intelligence Services - Peter Mattis Domestic Institutional Constraints on China's Leadership in East Asian Economic Cooperation Mechanisms - Margaret Pearson Redefining Foreign Policy Impulses toward Africa: The Roles of the MFA, the MOFCOM and China Exim Bank - Lucy Corkin China's Foreign and Security Policy for Its Territorial Periphery - Carla Freeman and Drew Thompson Changing Media, Changing Foreign Policy in China - Susan Shirk China's New Think Tanks: Where Officials, Entrepreneurs, and Scholars Interact - Cheng Li Foreign Policy Implications of Chinese Nationalism Revisited: The Strident Turn - Suisheng Zhao VOLUME THREE: CHINA AND "TRADITIONAL" PARTNERS - THE DEVELOPED WORLD AND (SOUTH)EAST ASIA The Rise of China and the Future of the West: Can the Liberal System Survive? - G. John Ikenberry The Gathering Storm: China's Challenge to US Power in Asia - John Mearscheimer China-Japan Relations in the Post-Koizumi Era: A Brightening Half-Decade? - Chien-Peng Chung China's 'Two Koreas' Policy: Achievements and Contradictions - David Hundt Understanding China's Regional Rise: Interpretations, Identities and Implications - Shaun Breslin The Sino- Russia Strategic Partnership. How Close? Where To? - Gilbert Rozman Politics of Accommodation of the Rise of China: The case of Australia - Baogang He The Shifting Triangle: Sino-Japanese-American Relations in Stressful Times - June Teufel Dreyer Multipolarity, Multilateralism and Beyond...? EU - China Understandings the International System - David A. Scott A Power Audit of EU China Relations: Executive Summary - John Fox and Francoise Godement G2 in G20: China, the United States and the World after the Global Financial Crisis - Geoffrey Garrett Patriotism, Nationalism and China's US Policy: Structures and Consequences of Chinese National Identity - Peter Hays Gries, Qingmin Zhang, H. Michael Crowson and Huajian Cai Who's Socializing Whom? Complex Engagement in Sino-ASEAN Relations - Alice D. Ba VOLUME FOUR: CHINA AND THE DEVELOPING WORLD (INCLUDING DEVELOPING ASIA) China and the Developing World - Lowell Dittmer Waltzing with Goliath: Philippines-China Engagement in Uncharted Waters - Aileen San Pablo-Baviera Myanmar in Contemporary Chinese Foreign Policy - Robert Sutter Central Asia-China Relations and Their Relative Weight in Chinese Foreign Policy - Jean-Pierre Cabestan India in China's Foreign Policy - G. Venkat Raman Exploring the Neglected Constraints on Chindia: Analysing the Online Chinese Perception of India and Its Interaction with China's Indian Policy - Simon Shen Is China Playing a Dual Game in Iran? - John Garver From the Arab Spring to the Chinese Winter: The Institutional Sources of Authoritarian Vulnerability and Resilience in Egypt, Tunisia, and China - Steve Hess Sino-Turkish Strategic Partnership: Prudent Hedging or Irreversible Shift? - Atul Kumar Chinese Development Aid in Africa: What, Where, Why, and How Much? - Deborah Brautigam Harmony and Discord in China's Africa Strategy: Some Implications for Foreign Policy - Chris Alden and Christopher Hughes China Matters: China's Economic Impact in Latin America - Kevin Gallagher and Roberto Porzecanski China, United States and Hegemonic Challenge in Latin America: An Overview and Some Lessons from Previous Instances of Hegemonic Challenge in the Region - Gonzalo Sebastian Paz VOLUME FIVE: NATIONAL SECURITY AND TERRITORIAL ISSUES Between Core National Interest and a Harmonious World: Reconciling Self-Role Conceptions in Chinese Foreign Policy - C. Shih and Yin Jiwu Sino-Tibetan Dialogue: Much Misunderstanding, Little Room for Compromise - Michael Ramos-Lynch Islam in China: Accommodation or Separatism? - Dru Gladney Rapprochement between Taiwan and the Chinese Mainland: Implications for American Foreign Policy - Dennis Hickey Navigating the Grey Area - Hong Kong's External Relations under Tsang Administration - Simon Shen Identity, Sovereignty, and Economic Penetration: Beijing's Responses to Offshore Chinese Democracies - Wu Guoguang Explaining Chinese Solutions to Territorial Disputes with Neighbour States - Nie Hongyi Regime Insecurity and International Cooperation: Explaining China's Compromises in Territorial Disputes - M. Taylor Fravel Neighborly Relations: The Tumen Development Project and China's Security Strategy - Carla Freeman China's Approach to International Law - Junwu Pan Sino-Japanese Dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: The Pending Controversy from the Chinese Perspective - Zhongqi Pan Inside China's War on Terrorism - Martin Wayne VOLUME SIX: CHINA AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY The Fact and Fiction of Sino-African Energy Relations - Erica Downs Chinese MNCs as China's New Long March: A Review and Critique of the Western Literature - Jean-Marc Blanchard Sino-Capitalism: China's Reemergence and the International Political Economy - Christopher McNally Re-Engagement with the Global Economy - Shaun Breslin Economic Statecraft in China's New Overseas Special Economic Zones: Soft Power, Business or Resource Security? - Deborah Braeutigam and Tang Xiaoyang Coping with China's Financial Power - Ken Miller China Trade Policy Review: A Political Economy Approach - Changyuan Luo and Jun Zhang Facts about and Impacts of FDI on China and the World Economy - Yuqing Xing The Emperor's New Clothes: Intellectual Property Protections in China - Patricia Campbell and Michael Pecht Going Out: An Overview of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment - Nargiza Salidjanova China's Sovereign Wealth Funds: Origins, Development, and Future Roles - Stephen Thomas and Ji Chen China's Pursuit of Free Trade Agreements: Is China Exceptional? - Yang Jiang China's New Leftists and the China Model Debate after the Financial Crisis - Charles W. Freeman III and Wen Jin Yuan VOLUME SEVEN: GLOBAL GOVERNANCE China and Global Governance - Hongying Wang and James Rosenau China and the Processes of Cooperation in UN Security Council Deliberations - Joel Wuthnow China's Shifting Attitude towards United Nations Peacekeeping Operations - Stefan Staehle China and the Future of International Adjudication - Julian Ku Extract from China's New Engagement in the International System - Nina Hachigian with Winny Chen and Christopher Beddor Between Confrontation and Assimilation: China and the Fragmentation of Global Financial Governance - Injoo Sohn China and the IMF: From Mimicry towards Pragmatic International Institutional Pluralism - Peter Ferdinand and Jue Wang Emerging World Order? From Multipolarity to Multilateralism in the G20, the World Bank, and the IMF - Robert Wade China and Climate Justice: Moving beyond Statism - Paul G. Harris, Alice Chow and Rasmus Karlsson China, Natural Resources, Sovereignty and International Law - Ben Saul China at the Global Summit Table: Rule-Taker, Deal-Wrecker or Bridge-Builder? - Jenny Clegg China Engages Global Health Governance: Processes and Dilemmas - Lai-Ha Chan, Pak K. Lee and Gerald Chan Rethinking global governance: a China model in the making? - Lai-Ha Chan, Pak K. Lee and Gerald Chan VOLUME EIGHT: CHINA CHALLENGES AND GLOBAL ISSUES Global Challenges and China's Complexity - Shi Yinhong China and the Global Jihad Network - Degang Sun China in Cyberspace - Nigel Inkster China's Arctic Aspirations - Linda Jakobson and Jingchao Peng China and Global Energy Markets - Peter Cornelius and Jonathan Story Extract from A Balancing Act: China's Role in Climate Change - Karl Hallding, Guoyi Han and Marie Olsson China and International 'Human Rights Diplomacy' - Yuchao Zhu Global Economic Crisis and China's Challenge to Global Hegemony: A Neo-Gramscian Approach - Sheila Ruckie Chinatowns and Borderlands Inter-Asian Encounters in the Diaspora - Evelyn Hu-DeHart Immigrant China - Frank Pieke Will China's Water Shortage Shake the World's Food Security? - Jia Shaofeng et al. China's Distant Water Fishing Industry: Evolving Policies and Implications - Tabitha Mallory Asian Leadership in Outer Space in the 21st Century: From Science and Technology to Space Law - Yun Zhao China's Illiberal Challenge - Nazneen Barma and Ely Ratner