I have previously taught at the Universities of Leicester, Essex and Strathclyde and my research interests are fairly eclectic. I continue to engage in research related to the history of marketing, with a specific focus on the influence of the Cold War on marketing and advertising theory. An on-going stream of research deals with racism and eugenics in marketing theory, thought and practice. Suffice to say, these are just a sample of what is presently occupying my attention.
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VOLUME ONE: PERFORMING MARKETING PART ONE: OVERVIEWS Another Discipline for the Market Economy: Marketing as a Performative Knowledge and Know-How for Capitalism - Franck Cochoy Toward a History of Critical Marketing Studies - Mark Tadajewski PART TWO: PERFOMATIVITY OF MARKETS AND MARKETING Shaping Exchanges, Performing Markets: The Study of Market-ing Practices - Luis Araujo & Hans Kjellberg 'Theatre of the Proof' - Elena Simakova Product Launch and Technology Demonstration as Corporate Practices Calculation, Qualculation, Calqulation: Shopping Cart Arithmetic, Equipped Cognition and the Clustered Consumer - Franck Cochoy PART THREE: SERVICE DOMINANT LOGIC, CO-CREATION AND MOBILISING CONSUMER PRACTICE Service-Dominant Logic - Stephen Vargo and Robert Lusch What It Is, What It Is Not, What It Might Be Service-Dominant Logic as a Foundation for Building a General Theory - Robert Lusch and Stephen Vargo Value Co-Creation in Service Logic - Christian Groenroos How Brand Community Practices Create Value - Hope Jensen Schau, Albert Muniz Jr. and Eric Arnould Working Consumers - Bernard Cova and Daniele Dalli The Next Step in Marketing Theory? Contextualizing and Critiquing the Fantastic Prosumer - Edward Comor Power, Alienation and Hegemony PART FOUR: MARKET RESEARCH PRACTICES Convoking the Consumer in Person - Catherine Grandclement and Gerald Gaglio The Focus Group Effect Consumer Segmentation in Practice - Patricia Sunderland and Rita Denny An Ethnographic Account of Slippage Ethnographic Stories for Market Learning - Julien Cayla & Eric Arnould VOLUME TWO: MANAGING MARKETPLACE RELATIONS PART ONE: RELATIONAL AND CONTEMPORARY MARKETING PRACTICES Death of a Metaphor - Lisa O'Malley, Maurice Patterson and Helen Kelly-Holmes Reviewing the 'Marketing as Relationships' Frame Towards a Contingent, Empirically Validated and Power Cognisant Relationship Marketing - Edward Kasabov Towards a New Model of 'Customer Compliance' Service Provision - Edward Kasabov and Alex Warlow Marketing Identities - Nick Ellis and Sierk Ybema Shifting Circles of Identification in Inter-Organizational Relationships PART TWO: CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS MARKETING PRACTICES IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT Constructing Identities in Indian Networks - Nick Ellis et al Discourses of Marketing Management in Inter-Organizational Relationships Business-to-Business Marketing Practices in West Africa, Argentina and the United States - Kofi Dadzie, Wesley Johnston and Jaqueline Pels Institutions and Business Networks - Hans Jansson, Martin Johanson and Joachim Ramstrom A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese, Russian and Western European Markets Building Trust in U.S.-Japanese Business Relationships - Ritu Lohtia, Daniel Bello and Constance Elise Porter Mediating Role of Cultural Sensitivity PART THREE: SERVICE PROVISION, EMOTIONAL LABOUR AND MISBEHAVIOUR Sales Force Trajectories - Amy Hanser Distinction and Service in Post-Socialist China The Gendered Rice Bowl - Amy Hanser The Sexual Politics of Service Work in Urban China Compassion at the Counter - Stephanie Donohoe and Darach Turley Service Providers and Bereaved Consumers Dysfunctional Customer Behavior Severity - Kate Reynolds and Lloyd Harris An Empirical Examination Deviant Customer Behaviour - Lloyd Harris and Kate Daunt A Study of Techniques of Neutralization Customer Abuse to Service Workers: An Analysis of Social Creation within the Service Economy' - M. Korczynski and C. Evans Downloading Deviance: Symbolic Interactionism and Unauthorised File-Sharing - Robert Cluley VOLUME THREE: THE BOUNDARIES OF MARKETING AND CONSUMER PRACTICE PART ONE: CONTEXTUAL AND STRUCTURAL TURNS IN UNDERSTANDING PRACTICES Towards an Epistemology of Consumer Culture Theory - Soren Askegaard and Jeppe Trolle Linnet Phenomenology and the Context of Context Intersectionality 101 - A. Gopaldas Uncertainty and the Problem of Value - Amy Hanser Consumers, Culture and Inequality in Urban China Free to Those Who Can Afford It - Noah McClain and Ashley Mears The Everyday Affordance of Privilege Frustrated Fatshionistas - Daiane Scaraboto and Eileen Fischer An Institutional Theory Perspective on Consumer Quests for Greater Choice in Mainstream Markets An Analysis of Material Consumption Culture in the Muslim World - Aliakbar Jafari and Ahmet Suerdem The Use of Western Brands in Asserting Chinese National Identity - Lily Dong and Kelly Tian PART TWO: FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DE-AMERICANIZATION OF MARKETING THEORY, THOUGHT AND PRACTICE Globalization, Consumer Tensions and the Shaping of Consumer Culture in India - Giana Eckhardt and Humaira Mahi Indian Consumer Kaun Hai? The Class-Based Grammar of Indian Advertising - Julien Cayla and Mark Elson Consuming Post-Colonial Shopping Malls - Rohit Varman and Russell Belk Making Theory and Practice in Subsistence Markets - Benet DeBerry-Spence An Analytic Auto-Ethnography of MASAZI in Accra, Ghana Modern Retailers in Transition Economies - Masayoshi Maruyama and Le Viet Trung The Case of Vietnam PART THREE: GLOBAL BRANDING, GLOCAL IDENTITIES AND IMAGINED COMMUNITIES A Cultural Approach to Branding in the Global Marketplace - Julien Cayla and Eric Arnould The Glocalization of Youth Culture: The Global Youth Segment as Structures of Common Difference - D. Kjeldgaard and S. Askegaard Underdeveloped Other in Country-of-Origin Theory and Practices - Rohit Varman and Janeen Arnold Costa VOLUME FOUR: TRANSFORMING MARKETING, CONSUMER AND SOCIETY DYNAMICS PART ONE: EMBODIMENT Borderlines - Maurice Patterson and Jonathan Schroeder Skin, Tattoos and Consumer Culture Theory Embodied Ethnicity - Delphine Dion, Lionel Sitz and Eric Remy The Ethnic Affiliation Grounded in the Body The Dismal Trade as Culture Industry - George Sanders Do Not Go Cheaply into That Good Night - Samuel Bonsu and Russell Belk Death Ritual Consumption in Asante, Ghana PART TWO: MARKETING, DEMATERIALISATION AND CONSUMER CROWDS Extended Self in a Digital World - R.W Belk The Ethical Economy of Customer Coproduction - A. Arvidsson PART THREE: RETHINKING MARKETING, CONSUMPTION AND SOCIETY: LIGHT AND DARK MARKETING Dark Marketing: Ghost in the Machine or Skeleton in the Cupboard? - S. Brown, P. McDonagh and C.J. Shultz II Street-Level Drug Market Activity in Sydney's Primary Heroin Markets: Organization, Adulteration Practices, Pricing, Marketing and Violence - R. Coomber and L. Maher Escaping the Gift Economy - J.S. Marcoux Marketing Means and Ends for a Sustainable Society - Richard Varey A Welfare Agenda for Transformative Change Sharing - R. Belk Enterprise and Inequality - Linda Scott et al A Study of Avon in South Africa Shampoo, Saris and SIM Cards - Catherine Dolan, Mary Johnstone-Louis and Linda Scott Seeking Entrepreneurial Futures at the Bottom of the Pyramid