Edith Drieskens is Associate Professor of International Relations at Leuven International and European Studies (KU Leuven). She has a keen interest in the regional dimension of global governance, notably in the EU's functioning in multilateral organizations. Her research has appeared in a variety of journals, including Public Administration, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of European Integration, and Journal of Common Market Studies. She is co-editor of The EU and Effective Multilateralism: Internal and External Reform Practices (Routledge, 2014) and The Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy (Sage, 2015).
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Part I: Research Traditions Introduction: Research Traditions - Knud Erik Jorgensen Chapter 2: The Study of European Foreign Policy: Trends and Advances - Knud Erik Jorgensen Chapter 3: The Analysis of Foreign Policy in its Historical Context - Walter Carlsnaes Chapter 4: The Geopolitics of European External Relations - Virginie Mamadouh Part II: Theoretical Perspectives Introduction: Theorizing European Foreign Policy - Knud Erik Jorgensen Chapter 6: Liberal International Relations Theory and European Union Foreign Policy - Derek Beach Chapter 7: Realism and European Foreign Policy: Promises and Shortcomings - Alexander Reichwein Chapter 8: Critical Approaches to European Foreign Policy - Asne Kalland Aarstad Chapter 9: Social Constructivist and Discursive Approaches to European Foreign Policy - Senem Aydin-Duezgit Chapter 10: Bureaucratic Politics, New Institutionalism and Principal-Agent Models - Tom Delreux Chapter 11: Theories of European Integration - Julian Bergmann and Arne Niemann Chapter 12: Europeanization - Ben Tonra Chapter 13: Normative Theory: An Untapped Resource in the Study of European Foreign Policy - Helene Sjursen Part III: European Union Actors Introduction: European Union Actors - Edith Drieskens Chapter 15: Presidencies: The Tale of Two and a Half Presidencies - Simon Duke Chapter 16: The European External Action Service - Ana E. Juncos and Karolina Pomorska Chapter 17: The Governance of European Defence - Per M. Norheim Martinsen Chapter 18: European Security Intelligence - Anthony Glees Chapter 19: Directorate-General for Trade of the European Commission - Dirk De Bievre Chapter 20: The European Parliament and European Foreign Policy - Steven Van Hecke and Wouter Wolfs Chapter 21: The Legal Dimension of European Foreign Policy - Ramses A. Wessel Part IV: State Actors Introduction: State Actors - Edith Drieskens Chapter 23: Ministries of Foreign Affairs - Brian Hocking Chapter 24: European Council - Peter Debaere and Tim Haesebrouck Chapter 25: National Parliaments - Wolfgang Wagner Chapter 26: Line Ministries - Mads Dagnis Jensen and Peter Nedergaard Part V: Societal Actors Introduction: Societal Actors in European Foreign Policy - Asne Kalland Aarstad Chapter 28: Public Opinion - Pierangelo Isernia and Francesco Olmastroni Chapter 29: News Media as Actors in European Foreign Policy Making - Paul Gillespie Chapter 30: Political Parties and Interest Groups - Bart Kerremans and Yf Reykers Chapter 31: Think Tanks and European Foreign Policy: Transnational Politics of Expertise - Johan Eriksson Chapter 32: Europe's Public Intellectuals - Cornelia Navari Part VI: The Politics of European Foreign Policy Introduction: The Politics of European Foreign Policy - Asne Kalland Aarstad Chapter 34: Policy Paradigms - Theofanis Exadaktylos Chapter 35: Liberal Internationalism - Knud Erik Jorgensen Chapter 36: Commercial Internationalism - Otto Holman Chapter 37: The Counter Forces of European Integration: Populism, Nationalism and EU Foreign Policy - Bertjan Verbeek and Andrej Zaslove Chapter 38: The Politics of Coercion: Assessing the EU's Use of Military and Economic Instruments - Clara Portela and Chiara Ruffa Part VII: Bilateral Relations Introduction: The EU's Bilateral Relations - Katie Laatikainen Chapter 40: The European Union and the United States - Michael H. Smith Chapter 41: EU-Japan Relations - Ken Masujima Chapter 42: European Foreign Policy towards Russia: Challenges, Lessons and Future Avenues for Research - Anke Schmidt Felzmann Chapter 43: The EU's Bilateral Relations with China - Sebastian Bersick Chapter 44: EU-India Relations: Debates and Dynamics - Shazia Aziz Wuelbers Chapter 45: EU-Brazil Relations as a Developing Field of Study: State of the Art and Perspectives on Future Research - Laura Cristina Ferreira-Pereira Chapter 46: EU-Israel Relations: Expanding the Research Agenda - Bruno Oliveira Martins Chapter 47: EU External Perceptions: From Innovation to an Established Field of Study - Natalia Chaban and Martin Holland Part VIII: Relations with Multilateral Institutions and Regions Introduction: Relations with Multilateral Institutions and Regions - Katie Laatikainen Chapter 49: The EU and the United Nations - Katie Laatikainen Chapter 50: The European Union's Relations with Multilateral Institutions (WTO, ILO, OECD, IMF, WB) - Jan Orbie, Bregt Saenen,Joren Verschaeve and Ferdi De Ville Chapter 51: The European Union's Relationship with NATO and the OSCE - Niels van Willigen and Joachim Koops Chapter 52: Interregionalism - Philippe De Lombaerde, Fredrik Soederbaum and Jens-Uwe Wunderlich Chapter 53: EU Foreign Policy and the Middle East - Paola Rivetti and Francesco Cavatorta Chapter 54: Europe-Africa Relations over Time: History, Geo-Poltics and New Political Challenges - Mary Farrell Part IX: Policies Introduction: Policies - Ben Tonra Chapter 56: Security Issues in Foreign Policy - Benjamin Kienzle, Bruno Oliveira Martins and Antonie Vandemoortele Chapter 57: The European Union and Human Rights Promotion - Robert Kissack Chapter 58: Trade - Alasdair Young and John Peterson Chapter 59: Enlargement - Elisabeth Johansson-Nogues Chapter 60: The European Neighbourhood: Between European Integration and International Relations - Federica Bicchi and Sandra Lavenex Chapter 61: European Foreign Policy on the Environment and Climate Change - Lisanne Groen Chapter 62: Development and Foreign Aid - Maurizio Carbone Chapter 63: European External Energy Policy: Governance, Diplomacy and Sustainability - Anna Herranz-Surralles Chapter 64: The European Union Defence Debate: What Kind of Power Is It? - Stephanie B. Anderson Part X: Transnational Challenges Introduction: Transnational Challenges - Ben Tonra Chapter 66: Dynamics of the European Union Non-Proliferation Discourse in Global Context - Egle Murauskaite Chapter 67: The Balance of Power - Dirk Peters Chapter 68: Terrorism, Civil Wars and Uprisings - Elise M. Feron Chapter 69: Global Markets - Jonathon W. Moses Chapter 70: Environmental Challenges - Conor Little and Diarmuid Torney Chapter 71: The Multilateral System - Edith Drieskens and Laura Van Dievel
An ambitious and comprehensive tour de table of the essential topics in EU foreign policy by leading European scholars. The Handbook reflects the importance of understanding the full range of EU foreign policy at a time of uncertainty in the direction of European political integration. It is destined to take a prominent place on the bookshelves of libraries, research institutes, and academic departments across the world. -- Roy H. Ginsberg The Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy provides a comprehensive overview of the literature on the development and practice of European Union foreign policy, with contributions from the leading scholars in the field. It takes an impressively wide scope, encompassing topics that have been extensively debated in the literature as well as newer areas of research including the role of national parliaments, the news media, and think tanks in European foreign policy making. It also gives readers a good understanding of the external challenges the EU now faces, from dealing with 'rising powers' to confronting terrorism. An indispensable resource for students and scholars of European foreign policy. -- Karen E. Smith If you are looking for the layouts of the research front of this amorphous theme, this is it. -- Iver Neumann Handbooks are supposed to provide comprehensive and authoritative overviews of a particular subject matter. This one is the most wide-ranging and most competent treatment of all conceivable aspects of European Foreign Policy yet to be published. By transcending traditional (sub-) disciplinary dividing lines and by systematically rearranging the material via different cuts it both broadens and deepens our knowledge of what is still a historical experiment. -- Gunther Hellman Thorough and thoughtful, comprehensive and detailed, wide-ranging and scholarly. This remarkable collection takes stock and provides a most valuable overview of the study of EU foreign policy. Its analytic breadth and scope will establish this Handbook as an essential reference and the basis for further research for students and scholars in the field for years to come. A superb editorial achievement. -- Ulrich Krotz