David Coghlan is a Professor Emeritus and Fellow Emeritus at the Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is author of over 250 articles and book chapters. Recent books include: Collaborative Inquiry in Organization Development and Change (with A.B. Shani, Edward Elgar, 2021), Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization (5th ed. Sage 2019); Conducting Action Research for Business and Management Students (with A.B. Shani, Sage 2018), Inside Organizations (Sage, 2016) and he is co-editor of The Sage Encyclopedia of Action Research (2014) and the 4 volume set, Action Research in Business and Management (A.B. Shani, Sage, 2016). He serves on the editorial advisory boards of several journals. Abraham B. (Rami) Shani is Professor of Management at the Orfalea College of Business, California Polytechnic University and Visiting International Professor at the School of Management, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. His research interests include organizational change and development, collaborative research methodologies, learning in and by organizations, sustainability and sustainable effectiveness. Rami is author, co-author or co-editor of 33 books and over 160 articles and chapters. He is co-editor of The Handbook of Collaborative Management Research (SAGE, 2008) and of the annual series, Research in Organization Change and Development, volumes 17-26 (Emerald, 2008-2018). He and David Coghlan have co-edited The Fundamentals of Organization Development, (4 volumes, SAGE, 2010) and Action Research in Business and Management (4 volumes, SAGE, 2014). He serves on the editorial board of five journals.

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VOLUME ONE: FOUNDATIONS OF ACTION RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Introduction - David Coghlan and Abraham B. (Rami) Shani Part One: Foundations and Early Development of Action Research The Solution of a Chronic Problem in Industry - Kurt Lewin Changing a Stereotype in Industry - A.J. Marrow and J.R.P. French Kurt Lewin, Action Research and Planned Change - Ronald Lippitt An Action Research Program for Organization Improvement - H. Shepard and R.A. Katzell Action Research in the Workplace: The Socio-Technical Perspective - W.A. Pasmore Part Two: Philosophies in Action Research An Assessment of the Scientific Merits of Action Research - G.L. Susman, G.I. and R.D. Evered Action Research: Explaining the Diversity - Catherine Cassell and Phil Johnson Action Research: Exploring Perspectives on a Philosophy of Practical Knowing - David Coghlan Ideology and Political Economy in Inquiry: Action Research and Participative Research - L. David Brown and Rajesh Tandon Action Research: Its Nature and Validity - Peter Checkland and Sue Holwell Part Three:Methodological Issues Organization Inquiry: Towards a New Model of the Action Research Process - A.B. Shani and W.A. Pasmore Clinical Inquiry/Research - Edgar H. Schein Double-Loop Learning, Teaching, and Research - Chris Argyris Toward a More Rigorous, Reflective, and Relevant Science of Collaborative Management Research - William A. Pasmore, Richard W. Woodman and Aneika L. Simmons Part Four: Practice Applications Action Research for Management Research - Colin Eden and Chris Huxham Visionary Action Research: A Consultation Process Perspective - Rami Shani and Gervase Bushe VOLUME TWO: BUSINESS DISCIPLINES Introduction: The Facets of Action Modalities in Business Disciplines - Abraham B. (Rami) Shani and David Coghlan Part One:Accounting A Critical Review of Interventionist Research - Vicki Baard Part Two: E-Commerce Action Research in Turbulent Environments: An Example in E-Commerce Prioritisation - Elizabeth Daniel and Hugh Wilson Part Three: Finance Global Finance as an Action Research Domain: Testing the Boundaries - Steve Waddell Part Four: Customer Service Action Research Reviewed: A Market-Oriented Approach - David Ballantyne Part Five: Manufacturing An Action Research Program for Increasing Employee Involvement in Problem Solving - W.A. Pasmore, and F. Friedlander Defining the Path to Value Innovation - Paul Coughlan and Mary Ann Fergus Part Six: IS/IT Innovation Information Systems Education I: Accelerated Systems Analysis and Design with Appreciative Inquiry - An Action Learning Approach - Michel Avital Power-based Arbitrary Decisional Actions in the Resolution of MIS Project Issues: A Project Manager's Action Research Perspective - K. Gregory Jin Part Seven: Lean Management Exploring the Development of Competence in Lean Management through Action Learning Groups: A Study of the Introduction of Lean to a Facilities Management Function - Paul Wyton and Robin Payne Part Eight: Operation Management (POM) and Supply Chain Management Action Research in Supply Chain Management - A Framework for Relevant and Rigorous Research - Dag Naeslund, Rahul Kale and Anthony Paulraj Part Nine: Management Strategic Management in Action - J.E. Olsen and T. Haslett Part Ten: Management and Consulting Collaboration and the Production of Management Knowledge in Research, Consulting, and Management Practice - Andreas Werr and Larry Greiner Part Eleven: Marketing and e-Marketing Towards Rigour in Action Research: A Case Study in Marketing Planning - Hugh Wilson Part Twelve: R&D and Innovation The Next Generation of National R&D Programmes in Norway: Consequences for Action Research and Regional Development - Jarle Moss Hildrun, Henrik Dons Finsrud and Pal Klethagen Part Thirteen: Human Resource Design Principles for Competence Management Systems: A Synthesis of an Action Research Study - Rikard Lindgren, Ola Henfridsson and Ulrike Schultze VOLUME THREE: ACTION RESEARCH IN DIVERSE INDUSTRIES Introduction: The Facets of AR Modalities in Diverse Industries - Abraham B. (Rami) Shani and David Coghlan Part One: Agriculture (Food) The Role of Action Research (AR) in Environmental Research: Learning from a Local Organic Food and Farming Research Project - Hillevi Helmfrid, Andrew Haden and Magnus Ljung Part Two: Agriculture (Land Management) Action Research on Land Management in the Western Amazon, Peru - A Research Process, Its Outcomes and the Researcher's Role - Kristina Marquardt Arevalo and Magnus Ljung Part Three: Automotive Going Green from the Inside: Insider Action Research at the Volvo Car Corporation - Mats Williander and Alexander Styhre Part Four: Biopharma Insider Action Research: Facing the Challenges of New Capability Development within a Biopharma Company - Jonas Roth, Rami Shani and Myleen Leary Part Five: Business and Information (Tech Service) Cooperative Inquiry Revisited: Reflections of the Past and Guidelines for the Future of Intergenerational Co-Design - Mona Leigh Guha, Allison Druin and Jerry Alan Fails Part Six: Construction (Architecture) Participatory Action Research as a Tool in Solving Desert Vernacular Architecture Problems in the Western Desert of Egypt - Marwah Dabaieh Part Seven: Defense Clinical Inquiry and Reflective Design in a Secrecy-based Organization - Michael W. Stebbins and Rami Shani Part Eight: Electronics In Search of an Alternative Framework for the Creation of Actionable Knowledge: Table-Tennis Research at Ericsson - Niclas Adler and Rami Shani Part Nine: Energy (Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing) Managing Information and Supplies Inventory Operations in a Manufacturing Environment, Part 1: An Action Research Study - Tim Baker and Vaidyanathan Jayaraman Part Ten: Energy (Petrochemical) Human Reliability in Petrochemical Industry: An Action Research - Joao Alexandre Silva and Joao Alberto Camarotto Part Eleven: Fashion Design Intervention Research as Management Research in Practice: Learning from a Case in the Fashion Design Industry - Giovanni Radaelli, Marco Guerci, Stefano Cirella and Rami Shani Part Twelve: Food Industry Enhancing Organisational Innovation Capability through Systemic Action Research: A Case of a Swiss SME in the Food Industry - Pierre-Yves Kocher, Stephanie Kaudela-Baum and Patricia Wolf Part Thirteen: Health Care Using Appreciative Inquiry to Promote Evidence-based Practice in Nursing: The Glass Is More Than Half Full - Caroline Marchionni and Marie-Claire Richer Part Fourteen: Manufacturing and Global Manufacturing Action Research in a Virtual Setting: Cautions from a Failed Project - Darren B. Meister and Christopher M. Gronski Part Fifteen: Media Diffusion of Innovations in News Organizations: Action Research of Middle Managers in Danish Mass Media - Anker Brink Lund Part Sixteen: Merchant Shipping Research, Action and Participation: The Merchant Shipping Case - Richard E. Walton and Maichael E. Gaffney Part Seventeen: Mining How Control Groups Can Cause Loss of Control in Action Research: The Case of Rushton Coal Mine - Melvin Blumberg and Charles D. Pringle Part Eighteen: Pharmaceutical Using Action Research to Develop a Research Aware Community Pharmacy Team - Karebor Tuhaise Ngwerume and Markus Themessl-Huber VOLUME FOUR: CONTEMPORARY AND EMERGING ISSUES Introduction - David Coghlan & Abraham B. (Rami) Shani Part One: Developments Transforming Inquiry an Action: Interweaving 27 Flavors of Action Research - Dawn Chandler and Bill Torbert Seeking Common Ground in the Diversity and Diffusion of Action Research and Collaborative Management Research Action Modalities: Towards a General Empirical Method - David Coghlan Collaborating for Management Research: From Action Research to Intervention Research in Management - Armand Hatchuel and Albert David Action Research and the Problem of the Single Case - Bjorn Gustavsen Innovation Action Research: Creating New Management Theory and Practice - Robert S. Kaplan Developing an Effective Organization: Intervention Method, Empirical Evidence and Theory - Michael Beer Part Two: Insider Action Research Political Entrepreneurship in Action Research: Learning from Two Cases - Hans Bjoerkman and Mats Sundgren Insider Action Research: The Dynamics of Developing New Capabilities - David Coghlan and Rami Shani Part Three: Longitudinal Changing Leadership Dynamics at Agility Critical Interfaces: Action Research as a 25 Year Longitudinal Study - Gertjan Schuiling Part Four: Quality Academic Integrity in Action Research - Morten Levin Choice and Quality in Action Research Practice - Peter Reason Creating Action Research Quality in Organization Development: Rigorous, Reflective and Relevant - David Coghlan and Rami Shani Part Five: Ethics And They Shall Be Known by Their Deeds: Ethics and Politics in Action Research - Anne Inga Hilsen Covenantal Ethics and Action Research: Exploring a Common Foundation for Social Research - Mary Brydon-Miller Part Six: Sustainability Developing and Sustaining Change Capability via Learning Mechanisms: A Longitudinal Perspective on Transformation - Tobias Fredberg, Flemming Norrgren and Rami Shani Toward a Sustainable Healthcare System: Transformation through Participation - Svante Lifvergren, Peter Docherty and Rami Shani