The SAGE Handbook of International Corporate and Public Affairs


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Edited by Phil Harris, Craig S. Fleisher
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Professor Phil Harris is Professor Emeritus at the University of Chester and was previously Executive Director of the Business Research Institute and held the Westminster (Grosvenor) Chair in Marketing and Public Affairs. He is a past Chairman of the Marketing Council (UK) PLC, Board member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Professor of Marketing at the University of Otago, New Zealand and Founding Director of the Centre for Corporate and Public Affairs at Manchester Metropolitan University. Prior to becoming an academic he held positions in the international chemical, and foods industries with ICI and RHM and has chaired or been a board member of the American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing, and the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. He has advised government on Medium Sized Businesses and Small Business and helped found the Educate North Awards in 2015 and University Enterprise Challenge in 2016 and is very focused on developing high quality entrepreneurs regionally and internationally both in the not for profit, private and public sectors.

Introduction: The Continuing Development of International Corporate and Public Affairs - Phil Harris & Craig S. Fleisher SECTION ONE - ESSENTIAL FOUNDATIONS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Introduction to Section One - John Mahon Chapter 1: Corporate Public Affairs: Revisiting the Development of a Field - Craig S. Fleisher Chapter 2: Theoretical Lenses and Conceptual Models for Understanding Public Affairs - Duane Windsor Chapter 3: Examining the Public Affairs Scholarship: What We've Learned (& still don't know) from the Empirical Studies of Public Affairs - Richard McGowan Chapter 4: Achieving the Strategic Potential of Public Affairs - Fruzsina M. Harsanyi & Geoff D. Allen Chapter 5: The Status of Instruction in Public Affairs: Peace in the Eye of the Hurricane? - Shannon Blair Creighton & Martin Meznar SECTION TWO - EXPANDING THE BOUNDARIES: PUBLIC AFFAIRS & ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER KEY DISCIPLINES Introduction to Section Two - Phil Harris Chapter 6: Public Affairs and Marketing - Howard Viney, Paul Baines & Laura Stegen Chapter 7: International Relations and Public Affairs - Ian N. Richardson Chapter 8: Public Affairs and Political Philosophy - Alberto Bitonti Chapter 9: Public Affairs and Information Science/Systems - Amy D. Meli and Edward A. Grefe Chapter 10: Public Affairs and Ecology - Simon Bryceson and Simon Levitt Chapter 11: Political Marketing and Public Affairs - Bruce I. Newman, Wojciech Cwalina and Andrzej Falkowski Chapter 12: The Practice of Public Affairs in Public Administration - Mordecai Lee SECTION THREE - KEY ISSUES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Introduction to Section Three - John Holcomb Chapter 13: Public Affairs, Digital Media, and Tech Trends - Catie Snow Bailard Chapter 14: Corporate Political Activity and Public Policy Outcomes: New Realities and Increasing Challenges - Michael Hadani Chapter 15: Business, Human Rights, and Sustainable Development - Laura Bernal-Bermudez & Tricia D. Olsen Chapter 16: The Regulation of Lobbying Activity - Justin Greenwood Chapter 17: Values, Ethics and Professionalism in Public Affairs - Shannon A. Bowen Chapter 18: Globalization and Multinational Corporations - Jeffrey A. Hart SECTION FOUR - REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT & LOCALIZED APPROACHES TO PUBLIC AFFAIRS Introduction to Section Four - Carla Millar Chapter 19: Public Affairs in the Uncommon European Union - Rinus van Schendelen Chapter 20: Public Affairs in Europe - Alberto Bitonti and Phil Harris Chapter 21: Public Affairs in North America - John Mahon Chapter 22: Public Affairs in Latin America - Andrea Cristina Oliveira Gozetto and Clive S. Thomas Chapter 23: Public Affairs in South Africa - Ronel Rensburg and Olebogeng Selebi Chapter 24: Public Affairs in Australia and Oceania - Geoff Allen Chapter 25: Public Affairs in East and Southeast Asia - Andrew Hughes SECTION FIVE - TACTICAL APPROACHES TO EXECUTING PUBLIC AFFAIRS Introduction to Section Five - Craig S. Fleisher Chapter 26: Lobbying Resources and Strategies - William D. Oberman Chapter 27: Managing Regulatory Affairs and Intelligence: The Often-Hidden Domain of PA Practice - Craig S. Fleisher Chapter 28: Influencing the Legal and Judicial Process - John M. Holcomb Chapter 29: Corporate Issues Management - John Mahon Chapter 30: CSR, Public Affairs and Corporate Community Involvement: Torn between Instrumentalism and Deliberation - Irina Lock & Peter Seele Chapter 31: Making and Managing Lobbying Coalitions - Arco Timmermans SECTION SIX - CASE STUDIES OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS IN ACTION Introduction to Section Six - Danny Moss Chapter 32: Three Case Studies from Latin America: A Living Museum of Government Affairs - Clive Thomas & Kristina Klimovich Chapter 33: The Kenya Chamber of Mines: A Case Study in Public Sector Advocacy - David Irwin & Kariuki Waweru Chapter 34: Lessons in Lobbying Regulation from the UK and Ireland - Conor McGrath Chapter 35: Public Affairs and National Level Lobbying in Japan: Winners and Losers in the Continuing Issue of the American Bases on Okinawa - Koji Haraguchi & Ronald J. Hrebenar Chapter 36: Public-Private Dialogue And Policy Reforms: Lessons From Tanzania - Goodluck Charles Chapter 37: Beppe Grillo: a man, a plan, a van: The tsunami campaign and the national elections february 2013 - Gianluca Vinicio Aguggini

This global handbook covers the whole international scene in public affairs and communication in policy matters. It is the first Public Affairs book to cover all the major continents and give in-depth insights and guidance on business, government policy and international trade communication. The breadth of authors is of the highest quality and it will make a substantial contribution to the development of dialogue between nations and businesses worldwide. -- Xiaoying Zhang Harris and Fleisher have produced a substantial update to their groundbreaking Handbook of Public Affairs. No second look required to know upfront that this work will be seen soon on bookshelves in executive offices and on prominent scholar?s desks and certainly be a requirement in classrooms around the world. This fine work reflects the massive changes that have occurred in the political arena, the growing challenges for the corporate boardroom and consequently the public, just to mention the unparalleled impact of social media today and the extension of PA practice to China and other nations on the rise. -- Christian Scheucher In this increasingly important, but under-examined field, no other collection of material comes close to giving such a comprehensive view of the development of public affairs research, teaching and practice. Drawing on the leading researchers and practitioners around the world this volume brings the reader up to date on the multifaceted and increasingly integrated world of global public affairs, including a detailed analysis of its conceptual evolution, current functioning, and projected developments, by country and region. It is the bible for practitioners, researchers and observers of the field of an organisation's relationship with its social and political publics. -- Geoff Allen Since the 1980s public affairs has evolved from being perceived as a subject that is little more than a policy oriented sub-field of public relations to a body of knowledge that is essential for understanding the public policy process and the various influences on policy and corporate discourse. Contemporary globalisation processes and changes in the understanding of governance in public, private and hybrid organisations go hand-in-hand with recognition of the essential nature of public affairs management. As the editors suggest, most businesses, government agencies, media, and NGOs have a stake, especially in democracies and emerging democracies, in cultivating a dialogue that is informed, fact driven, timely, responsive and progressive. The Sage Handbook of International Corporate and Public Affairs is an essential companion to such a dialogue, offering a rich account of the development of the field as well as its applications, and will be welcomed by students of the subject for years to come. -- C. Michael Hall This handbook is great! As our profession continues to evolve it is critical that lobbyists and public affairs professionals have all the information and tools at their disposal. This handbook is another one of those resources all professionals should have sitting on their desk - I know I do." -- Paul A. Miller The decade since the SAGE Handbook was first published has seen the greatest revolution in communications in human history. Yet the task of the public affairs professional remains the same: getting the right message, to the right audience, in the right way at the right time. The new Handbook provides essential reading and analysis for practitioners, potential clients and academics. It will also help politicians, public officials and the media to better understand that corporate and public affairs are not black arts; but prudent tools of good governance for those determining or being affected by the decisions of government at every level. This, together with examining the impact of both new technologies and greater transparency on the delivery of client services makes the new edition very much a practitioners " Bible" for hands both old and new -- Lord Tom McNally This is an incredibly timely book that explores the global phenomena of public affairs in a way that answers the naive superficiality of the anti-lobbying narrative. It provides both theoretical and practical examples to illustrate both the impact of new technologies, such as that of social media, as well as the long-standing imperatives of managing the boundaries between government and business. The volume itself exploits the often overly-policed zones that purport to protect individual disciplinary perspective and, by doing so, provides student, scholar and practitioners alike with valuable insights into the world of public affairs management. -- Neil Collins This is the book and guide on international Public Affairs that every businessman, politician and practitioner must have. It gives comprehensive coverage of this critical world skill and includes many of the leading figures worldwide. The text not only covers America and Europe, which the earlier Handbook did, but includes quality coverage of Asia, Africa and Latin America. This is the book for the international public affairs practitioner or trade negotiator -- Henry Sun Phil Harris and Craig Fleisher provide a combination of academic and practitioner "smarts" that drive this remarkable book which is an essential read for a wide range of audiences. They have gathered together in this edited volume of scope and substance, a cadre of authors with impeccable credentials as thought leaders to inform the new realities of public affairs. The balance of theory and practice within and across chapters promotes the development of new knowledge, more critical thinking by practitioners, and direct applicability of the information. The field of public affairs has grown immensely in rigour, depth of knowledge, and breadth of application. In particular, its use by government policy makers has changed the focus of nation "soft marketing", and corporate public affairs has transformed and professionalized its approach to issues management. The book is extremely timely and comprehensive in terms of international perspectives and topic coverage. Specifically, the integration of the field with others, such as marketing, information sciences, politics, and the hard sciences is novel and insightful. This approach will promote the needed cross-discipline fertilization so critical to next-stage development of the field and effective strategies for practitioners. -- Louise Heslop This Handbook aims at readers who practice or train for Public Affairs (PA) or Public Affairs Management (PAM). Phil Harris and Craig Fleisher, as editors, bring together thirty expert essays that demonstrate remarkable applications of this field over recent years. They also include six specific case studies situated in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. These show why it is impossible to define the outer limits of this discipline: the complex interactions of business, governments, and societies never stand still. A pragmatic discipline must remain open-ended because there is no predicting what strategic adaptations may work best. This handbook is educational in the best sense. -- John G Blair Serious academic reflection on the international practice of public affairs management should be a necessary and integral part of business and management school study, urge Phil Harris and Craig Fleisher in their latest volume on the discipline. Bringing together international case studies and theoretical analyses, while linking public affairs to other disciplines and practice, and identifying new trends, the authors have assembled a wide range of international contributors to provide a comprehensive overview of public affairs management which will become a valuable text-book for teaching purposes at undergraduate and taught postgraduate levels. -- Leighton Andrews From the definition and concept of global public affairs, through to campaign design, implementation and measurement this handbook adds weight and value to current debate and future thinking. It's essential not just for those who study what public affairs is, but those who put the theory into practice at the frontline every day. A must-read publication for every globally-minded government relations and corporate affairs professional whether they're operating in London, Washington DC, Kenya or Korea. -- Craig Hoy Many organizations who never dreamed of having to pay attention to the public policy arena not just in the United States, but across the globe. If they don't engage, they must resign themselves to letting lawmakers and regulators make decisions for them on market growth, employee relations and even their organizational culture. The Handbook of International Corporate Andy Public Affairs by Craig Fleisher and Phil Harris can help these organizations, as well as veteran public policy practitioners. Read this book and you will understand the forces that are impacting your organization and how to engage in the process in a thoughtful, results-oriented way. -- Amy Showalter Public Affairs practitioners the world over continue to benefit from Craig Fleisher's tenacity. Undeterred by a field that stubbornly defies description and measurement, Fleisher presses ahead on his three-decade journey of discovery to understand the practice that sits at the nexus of business government relations. His observations and insights are fresh and will resonate equally with new entrants to the field as with those of us who have followed his work over the years. -- Randall Pearce The Sage Handbook of International Corporate and Public Affairs was a remarkable initiative and this new edition builds on that achievement. It is comprehensive in scope, lucid in execution: it covers everything from ethics and philosophy to politics and lobbying and ecology. Yet it never neglects also the issues of application and operation, particularly grounded via numerous case studies. Across its thirty-seven chapters it establishes unique credentials to fit on the bookshelf of anyone with a serious interest in the area either as scholar or practitioner. A truly monumental achievement, the Handbook speaks equally to theoretician and pragmatist. This compendium is a stimulating work but also a cosmopolitan one, international in focus and inter-disciplinary in range, and yet also exhibiting an urgent sense as to how and why the field is evolving, not least via the digital revolution. A splendid and necessary book. -- Nicholas O'Shaughnessy From the history of the "discipline" to fascinating case studies across continents...Harris and Fleisher make a solid call for PA to be taught at business schools across the globe. They are right, and they should make the call louder as research from the United States indicates how vulnerable many corporations are to reputational risk and yet spend so little on finding out the cause before it is a crisis and then pay a small fortune in trying to mop it up. Often, the mopping up is just a waste of a crisis and an expensive one... If the "Art" of Public Affairs had a manifesto, indeed had cheer leaders and a run for office, then Harris and Fleisher would be in the vanguard as they have been for a huge number of years. -- Rob McLoughlin OBE Without question the SAGE Handbook of Corporate and Public affairs is the most comprehensive work ever produced about public affairs management and is richly rewarding for both practitioners and academics in the field. -- Geoff Allen

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