VOLUME ONE: ASSESSING INTELLECTUAL GIFTEDNESS AND ACADEMIC TALENT The Discovery and Encouragement of Exceptional Talent - Lewis Terman The Legacy of Leta Hollingworth - Linda Kreger Silverman The Case of "B"-A Gifted Negro Girl - Paul Witty and Martin Jenkins Identifying and Nurturing the Intellectually Gifted - Julian Stanley The Enrichment Triad Model: A Guide for Developing Defensible Programs for the Gifted and Talented - Joseph Renzulli Part One: Identification An Investigation of the Reliability and Factor Structure of Four New Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students - Joseph Renzulli et al. The Talent Search Model of Gifted Identification - Susan Assouline and Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik Lies We Live By: Misapplication of Tests in Identifying the Gifted - Robert Sternberg Giftedness and Talent: Reexamining a Reexamination of the Definitions - Francoys Gagne Using Performance Tasks in the Identification of Economically Disadvantaged and Minority Gifted Learners: Findings from Project STAR - Joyce VanTassel-Baska, Dana Johnson and Linda Avery The Predictive Accuracy of Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal Reasoning Tests: Consequences for Talent Identification and Program Diversity - Joni Lakin and David Lohman Identifying Gifted Students Using Teacher Rating Scales: A Review of Existing Instruments - Tania Jarosewich, Stven Pfeiffer and Jacqueline Morris Spatial Ability and STEM: A Sleeping Giant for Talent Identification and Development - David Lubinski Identifying Academically Gifted English Language Learners Using Nonverbal Tests: A Comparison of the Raven, NNAT, and CogAT - David Lohman, Katrina Korb and Joni Lakin Giftedness and Intelligence Assessment in a Third World Country: Constraints and Alternatives - Patrick Sibaya, Mandla Hlongwane and Nomahlubi Makunga Recent Developments in Research and Education of Supernormal Children in Mainland China - Jian-Nong Shi VOLUME TWO: EDUCATING GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS Part Two: Curriculum Models Ten Commandments for Academic Talent Development - Francoys Gagne Synthesis of Research on Effects of Accelerated Instruction - James Kulik and Chen-Lin Kulik Predictors of Success in Accelerated and Enrichment Summer Mathematics Courses for Academically Talented Adolescents - Adena Young, Frank Worrell and Nina Gabelko Grouping Gifted Students: Issues and Concerns - John Feldhusen and Sidney Moon Cooperation or Exploitation? The Argument against Cooperative Learning for Talented Students - Ann Robinson Grouping the Gifted and Talented: Questions and Answers - Karen Rogers Research Related to the Schoolwide Enrichment Triad Model1 - Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis Deferential Differentiation: What Types of Differentiation Do Students Want? - Lannie Kanevsky Changing General Education Classroom Practices to Adapt for Gifted Students - Susan Johnsen et al. The Integrated Curriculum Model - Joyce VanTassel-Baska and S. Wood A Study of Curriculum Effectiveness in Social Studies - Catherine Little Guidelines for Developing an Academic Acceleration Policy. National Work Group on Acceleration - Nicholas Colangelo et al. The Effects of Grouping Practices and Curricular Adjustments on Achievement - Carol Tieso Improving Performance for Gifted Students in a Cluster Grouping Model - D. Brulles, S. Cohn and R. Saunders Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth after 35 Years: Uncovering Antecedents for the Development of Math-Science Expertise - David Lubinski and Camilla Persson Benbow The Effects of Acceleration on High-Ability Learners: A Meta-Analysis - Saiying Steenbergen-Hu and SidneyMoon Lessons Learned about Educating the Gifted and Talented a Synthesis of the Research on Educational Practice - Karen Rogers Trends in Education Excellence Gaps: A 12-Year International Perspective via the Multilevel Model for Change - David Rutkowski, Leslie Rutkowski and Jonathan Plucker What Predicts Teachers' Attitudes toward the Gifted? - D. Betsy McCoach and Del Siegle Towards Best Practice: An Analysis of the Efficacy of Curriculum Models in Gifted Education - Joyce VanTassel-Baska and Elissa Brown Teaching the Gifted and Talented Teacher: A Training Model - Dorothy Sisk High-Ability Students' Participation in Specialized Instructional Delivery Models: Variations by Aptitude, Grade, Gender, and Content Area - Susan Assouline et al. Gifted Education in the 21st Century - James Gallagher Rethinking Giftedness and Gifted Education a Proposed Direction Forward Based on Psychological Science - Rena Subotnik, Paula Olszewski-Kubilius and Frank Worrell Gifted Education Research 1994-2003: A Disconnect between Priorities and Practice - Jennifer Jolly and Todd Kettler State of Research on Giftedness and Gifted Education: A Survey of Empirical Studies Published during 1998-2010 (April) - David Yun Dai, Joan Ann Swanson and Hongyu Cheng VOLUME THREE: CREATIVITY A Longitudinal Examination of the Fourth Grade Slump in Creativity - E. Paul Torrance Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Perspective - Howard Gardner Can Only Intelligent People Be Creative? A Meta-Analysis - Kyung Hee Kim Can We Trust Creativity Tests? A Review of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) - Kyung Hee Kim Development and Psychometric Integrity of a Measure of Ideational Behavior - Mark Runco, Jonathan Plucker and Woong Lim A Report on the 40-Year Follow-Up of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking: Alive and Well in the New Millennium - Bonnie Cramond et al. Creativity and Giftedness: Published Instrument Uses and Abuses - Scott Hunsaker and Carolyn Callahan A Meta-Analysis of Personality in Scientific and Artistic Creativity - Gregory Feist Multiple Creativities? Investigating Domain-Specificity of Creativity in Young Children - Ki-Soon Han and Christine Marvin Why Isn't Creativity More Important to Educational Psychologists? Potential, Pitfalls, and Future Directions in Creativity Research - Jonathan Plucker, Ronald Beghetto and Gayle Dow Is the Proof in the Pudding? Reanalyses of Torrance's (1958 to Present) Longitudinal Study Data - Jonathan Plucker Creative Giftedness: A Multivariate Investment Approach - Robert Sternberg and Todd Lubart Intellectual Estuaries: Connecting Learning and Creativity in Programs of Advanced Academics - Ronald Beghetto and James Kaufman Contrasting Intellectual Patterns Predict Creativity in the Arts and Sciences: Tracking Intellectually Precocious Youth over 25 Years - Gregory Park, David Lubinski and Camilla Benbow Creative Thinking and Creative Performance in Adolescents as Predictors of Creative Attainments in Adults: A Follow-Up Study after 18 Years - Roberta Milgram and Eunsook Hong The Effect Size of Variables Associated With Creativity: A Meta-Analysis - Hsen-Hsing Ma Searching for Tomorrow's Innovators: Profiling Creative Adolescents - Barbara Kerr and Robyn McKay Teaching for Creativity - E. Paul Torrance Creative Problem Solving: The History, Development, and Implications for Gifted Education and Talent Development - Donald Treffinger and Scott Isaksen The effectiveness of Creativity Training: A Quantitative Review - Ginamarie Scott, Lyle Leritz and Michael Mumford Changing the Rules: Education for Creative Thinking - Robert Strom and Paris Strom Reversing Underachievement: Creative Productivity as a Systematic Intervention - Susan Baum, Joseph Renzulli and Thomas Hebert Hong Kong Chinese People's View of Creativity - Elisabeth Rudowicz and Anna Hui Creative Teaching: Collaborative Discussion as Disciplined Improvisation - R. Keith Sawyer Can Innovation Save Gifted Education? 2010 NAGC Presidential Address - Ann Robinson VOLUME FOUR: GUIDING GIFTED AND CREATIVE STUDENTS Talent Development - Benjamin Bloom and Lauren Sosniak Serving the Gifted: A National Survey of School Psychologists. - Stephanie Robertson, Steven Pfeiffer and Nicki Taylor The Socioaffective Impact of Acceleration and Ability Grouping Recommendations for Best Practice - Maureen Neihart A Narrow Escape Gifted Students' Perceptions of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs - Holly Hertberg-Davis and Carolyn Callahan A Summary of Research Regarding Early Entrance to College - Paula Olszewski-Kubilius An Investigation of the College and Career Counseling Needs of Economically Disadvantaged, Minority Gifted Students - Paula Olszewski-Kubilius and Joy Scott Social Coping among Academically Gifted Adolescents in a Residential Setting: A Longitudinal Study - Tracy Cross and Mary Ann Swiatek Social Coping and Psychological Distress among Chinese Gifted Students in Hong Kong - David Chan The Underachievement of Gifted Students: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go? - Sally Reis and D. Betsy McCoach An Empirical Typology of Perfectionism in Gifted Adolescents - Felicia Dixon, Daniel Lapsley and Timothy Hanchon McQueen Examining the Relationship between the Overexcitabilities and Self-Concepts of Gifted Adolescents via Multivariate Cluster Analysis - Anne Rinn et al. Empirical Investigation of Twice-Exceptionality: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? - Megan Foley Nicpon et al. Career Assessment with Intellectually Gifted Students - Barbara Kerr and Sandro Sodano Encouraging Talented Girls in Math and Science: Effects of a Guidance Intervention - Barbara Kerr and Sharon Robinson Kurpius

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